
ATLANTIC VOICE. one pro15 reTHE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Life is made up of little things, and he who scorns them dispises his own interesi.
There is an old and true saying. Take care itor: JOS. THOMAS BOA 199 of the minutes and the hours will take care AR IX LIMON, October 9th. 1943 NO 394 of themselves. This may be rendered, ALLIED FORCES ON THE WAY TO ROME take care of the little things, and the more mighty matters will be likely to be well to Rome, and after crossing done. BARKER.
the river to have captured a number of important popula ted districts. THOUSAND AND MORE SOULS CAGED AT The tops of General Montgomery are CULTIVATION AND MANILA reported engaged in violent fighting The development and exploitation of the to the west of Termoli on the Adriatic coast and to Abaca Industry in the region of Monte Verde have reached a point about naturally opened the way for the influx of the 200 kilometers east of Ro.
large number of workers who, with their iame. General Clark posimilies, now inhabit that section of our Piotion is given as about 150 ki vince. It is understood that between the localometers southeast of the talian Capital; he has sin lities known, respectively, as Cultivation and Generaj MONTGOMERY ce been reported as of Manila there ar emore than one thousend iree miles off Capua, persons.
The Allied forces are pur of the mosct important cen We are told that these people are encounning their rapid movements ters of enemy resistance.
tering harships on account of the lack of pward the Eternal City. largenumber of ItaThe troops of the Fifth lians, have been per transportation facilities. In order for the arrested North American army are by order of Mussolini for General CLARK worker to maintain himself in proper working eported to have routed the having displayed their plea condition it is essential he has the facility of Hermans on the Volturno sure for his fall from pów procuring a ready and sufficient food supply.
ront, their first strategic li er.
ROME BEING This, it is claimed, is not available to the work se of defence along the way PLUNDERFE ers residing at Cultivation and Manila, who THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE CONTINUES have got to look to Siquirres for the fulfilinent BY NAZIS of their regular needs despite the fact that the Despite bad weather con ry, duels. The opportunity is train service with that township is limited to itions and intensified Nazi however, being taken by the Confidential esistance, the Russians are Soviet High Command to re advices Tuesday and Friday of each week. This also ceived in London by way of causes much bitter experience, we are assir said to be pursuing an inex organize their forces who prable advance toward the have fighting almost inceMadrid indicate that Rome ed, in cases of illness.
vestern region of Russia santly during the is being systematically plunpast Though cognizant of the fact that darFierce fighting is reported three months.
dered by the Germans. It is ing the initial stages of projects of great magn progress to the east of Late advices say the of said they are removing valuHinsk which, if taken nitude. the important matter of demand and by fensive has been renewed, able paintings confiscating he Soviets, would place in and the Dnieper erossed at antique manuscripts supply can only be made fully effective with serious danger the entire several points notwithstand other artistic and historic the passing of time, we think a sufficient peenemy forces operating in ing the furious counter atta treasures of great value. riod has elapsed in so far as the those workers White Russia.
cks of the enemy. are concerned and that their appeal for better Due to the unfavourable Important successes have As it is feared the Germans facilities is justifiable.
weather conditions the acti been registered in the regi may not respect the diploThe Limón Estrella omnibus is perform vities in the central battle on of Volchov also in the Ta matic sanctity of the Vatican front and along the Dnieper man peninsular where it is when the time shall have ing a magnificent service; the movement bethave also been reduced to said nazi trocios are com come for them to evacuate ween Monte Verde and Siquirre would, we solated contacts and artille pletely surrounded.
Rome, the diplomatic reprehave no doubt amply support a similar facility sentatives accredited before over that route. We ask it on behalf of the sufthe Vatican are INAUGURATION OF CITY X RAY destroying! fering workers.
their confidential documents.
EQUIPMENT nnection with the effors The Papal Secretary of State being exerted for the alle is also said to be destroying Men prefer and women admire the Hair Cut. When it is Under the direction of viation of human sufferings. all documents by which it done at Dixon Barber Shop West of tha City Market.
the Social Assistance Dep Our deepest gratitude goes may be possible to identify artment which functions in out to don Alfonso for his the parties who have been this city, our people will iniciative, as well as to our sending information to His shortly RED CROSSS AMBULANCE DAY be afforded the Municipal Fathers for hay Holiness the Pope from Gerbenefits obtainable from ing so magnificently stip many.
one of the most modern of ported the effort, We are indebted to Mr. our suffering peciple. Ray equipments which Alfredo Cañas, the Presi It is proposed, we learn, was procured, we learn, by ATTENTION!
dent of the Limon Auxiliary to hold a mass parade which our Municipal Council on ATTENTION!
Red Cross for the knowled will include the Volunteer the marked initiative of don HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA ge that, with the consent of Bomberos, the originators Alfonso Sole, the Chief of the city ruling authorities, of the magnificent scheme; the Department, and who, FRONT OF THE SEA. CITY OF LIMON Sunday the 31st of the the personnel of the Red also occupies the position of present month has been Cross and the Limon No. Vice President of the CounNEW NOVELTIES named Red Cross Ambu Brigade, as well as the St.
this Other than our Cool, Airy and Comfortable Rooms lance Day. On that day a Mark Scouts. While mammoth Drive will be ef is in process the general The inauguration of the EXCELLENT BAR SERVICE.
fected to collect funds to contributions will be solici.
equipment will, it is stated, there is now served in our Dining Room each Sunday augment the other volunt ted.
be effected next wednesday from to 12 ary contributions already No individual, whose sou)
the 13th, and will be attendDINNER ACCOMPANIED WITH DANCE made toward the amount is yet alive, will, we make ed by the Medicos here for the Medical required to purchase a Red bold to say, shrink from Congress FIRST CLASS ORCHESTRA of Cross Ambulance which donating something to such the previous day Ernest Cecil Lewis will be available for use in a penetrating humanitrian This measure is another Proprietor cases of accidents, illness or cause.
decided advancement in coother causes on behalf of and Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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