
both ofthe District of GERMANY YOUNG MANHOOD HARVESTwar the PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 9th. 1943 DORCAS SOCIETY OF SEVENTH DAY ADVEN JOINED IN WEDLOCK CAFE HOLNESS TISTS ACHIEVE GREAT SUCCESS During the afternoon hours of Monday of the week in coCorner 2nd Avenue ard 7th. Street If we were not familiar y able to furnish our esteem urse, in the stately office of directly in front the Football Ground.
with the characteristic spirited readers with a detailed cur very genial Governor, don of stick to tive ness among report of the performance of Abel Robles, the vows associaThis New Eating and Refreshing Sprt the Seventh Day Adventists, che immortal narrative, forted with a civil marriage were is now at the Public Service there would have been cause like those who did not heed propounded and accepted by for atarm and astonishment, Noah warning COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD and were the contracting porties Miss! AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREwhen on Tuesday afternoon, eventually left out the vessel Emelyn Evadny Do Costa and ME ON OUR BILLBOARD the sih. instant the city was when the flood took com Mr. Clifford Sheriff Williammvaded by men, women and mand, we, toe, were not even son, children, who arrived from able to gain entrance into Motina. In the early evening almost every conceivable Noah poultry coop on Tues hours of the same day the reED BY RUSSIA place on the main line the day night. Although having tigious Rite was impressively zent line and the Estrella purchased a ticket, it was performed by the Rev. For In the time of peace, the aggressive general, the Soviet.
Cahuita region. To employ a not possible to secure even de in the local Baptist Church, Russian farmers are general armies have since last July popular slogan The peop standing accommodation; se The sponsors were Mr. Low ly busy gathering their crops bled Germany pale of her le just came to town. It was veral persons were crowd rence James and Mrs. Clora around the last of Summer young manhood.
evident they came with a led out. The schoo hall was Jomes, the wife of Mr. Sime or early Autumn, in order to It is no surprise, therefore, Bidat desire to see the por wedged with human beings. on James, all of the same provide their supplies for that Hitler has ordered the trayal of the drama Noah However, we learn that the district Winter. When, therefore, the enlistment of men much Ark. prepared for them by entertaining features in all On the following night a Nazi aggression struck these over fifty years of age.
the Dorcas Society of their their phases were effectively very attractive reception was people it caused the large denomination That desire presented. Elder Sam Farrell celebrated in the residence of majority of the nation agri was however not only with was the silver tongued chair Mr. John Nelson and family.
culturists to abandon their the Adventists for scores of man, and is said to have As one well equipped in the plough sheers and pruning BRIEFS FROM HERE Nelson non adherants wended their remarkably flayoured the epicurean ort, Mr.
forks for the implements of way to the scene Held his own as host. The dufrom the proceedings with his comtheir places in AND THERE the early six o clock evening ments and remarks, ties of Master of Ceremony hour. We regret not being were ably corried out by Mr. fields being taken by women, awrence Jan es. The Rev. children and the cld men. Washington advice states Forde pronounced the Grace During the earlier days of that President Roosevelt has For a much better Hai Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber und, in addition, tendered the the enemy assault. there was requested the authority of Shop. West of the City Market.
newly weds his sincere congra fear and almost trembling the National Congress to pro tulotions. Other speakers were in many quarters, that the claim the legitimate indepen Mr. Jos. Thomas, Mrs. Jo nowing velocity of the Ger dence of the Philippine Isele MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS mes and Miss Florence Taylor man mechanized army might lands in as short a time as NEW HARLEM BAR AND, WORKSHOP OF QUALITY of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wi have crushed Soviet possible.
RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. Everyth lliam left by Wednesday re forces and heap a much hea the United dpinks prepared by Craw ing in machinery made orgular passenger train for their vier burden on ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to a Matina residence. The Atlan Nations. However, the Rus Vichy radio broadcast native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry antic Voice wishes them the grea sian militarists proved they announced that 174 persons stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs frest blessings of a wedlock had so well planned their perished as the result of a the most up to date. and other useful things at life.
work that they were able to collision of the Paris Lyon Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº 89 early convert the Union into express with a freight train prietors.
North Fifth Avenue.
one solid block to face the consisting of wagons loaded Thompson, Proprietor. CARLOFF CLUB TO invaders with the great Lea with gasoline.
THE ORIENTAL BARBER der, Josef Stalin, the domiSHOP ENTERTAIN nant figure Located in front former Disturbances are reported The scene has entirely in the cuartels of the GerMotive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDER: Speciali Avenue is the new parlour, TAKING SHOP.
Messrs. and Kelly, changed since then, and man troops stationed in Coof the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairing Wiliems and Scott, the Exer while others are again reap penhagen.
ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every other cutive Officers of the Carloffing the crops, the Red Armies harvesting a countless nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. Cof Social Club, which hinges on are beri with years of practice fins always stocked. See the motto Unity is Strength number of the fighting men large supply of flour, in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewhere have honoured us with an invi of the Axis combine. Unable sugar, condensed milk and violent offen medicines have reached NaCutting Art. trial will Prices moderate. 4th. Street, tation assigned to the special to stem the sive of the Soviet forces, the ples, from Allied sources, to convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumber puests list. We say Thanks.
LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY The setting is for tonight Germans have BECK been badly relieve the horrible situation in the Hall of the St. Mark beaten all along the exten caused by the destruction ef Proprietor FORD.
Parish. Boogie Woogie Dance sive battle fronts and are fected by the Germans prior is the bold type designation now threatened with what to their evacuation of the on the front of the invitation seems their final smash up. city.
EX CHAMPION FOOTBALL TEAM WALLOPS ilder. Knowing there al Commanded by seven able, ways much behind a name, we PRESENT CHAMPION CLUB are rather enthusiastic about Seeing the display and opine Seemingly, the number well established aggressivethat this some current of enthree is not favourable to the ress, attacks and counteratthusiasm is coursing through Gimnastica footballers, the veins of all invitees. The view of the fact that on SunWe wish them better lunch.
All high grade material for Construction Riverside Orchestra will oC day, 3rd instant, in third acof buildings etc. just received cupy the spot light tuel ratch of the tournament, Large quantities of groove and tongue they crumbled before the BarLA FRANCE LIBRE Laurel Flooring and Sidings telerians ex champion Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limón team, to the count of five Cedar Boards of all dimentions SOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA goals against. Single. The Revistas en Inglés y Español. Variedad de Novelas y match seasoned with PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED Libros de Enseñanza thrills, technique and sensa Cámaras Fotográficas, Peliculas, Joyas de Fantasia, tion. The passes and markings Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa GAMEZ LUMBER YARD of the Barcelonians were dePropietaria: ANITA DE NANNE 4th. Stueet toward Northen Machine Shops nonstrations of admiration.
COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS Gimnastica, our present cham On parle Francais English Spoken LIMON pion, did not present their FLASH. FLASH in tecks.
our was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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