
Saturday, October 9th, 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 50 Day we a KING VICTOR MANUEL DENOUNCES DON JOSE MARIA ZUÑIGA REACHES HIS Columbus sublimely JAMAICA TOWN SANITARY IMPROVEMENTS CONCLUDED LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI suffered greatly from the for the promulgation of It has been the general deadly poison. spread by the scheme as well as understanding that the sa these pests. We owe a debt those who have so effectiv Plar para el Sorten del 17 de Octubre de 1943 nitary project connected of eternal gratitude to all ely, accomplished the work. Emisión de 26, 000 billetes numerados del 1001 a 27, 000 with the general improve who have been responsible a razón de 15. 00 cada uno divididos en décimos, ement scheme of the Jamaiиннонасамплітіантністіnnошируппа мазнини апропониниолинираните a 50 el décimo.
ca Town Settlement was directly under the manag OCTOBER THE 24TH.
Valor en premios: 245. 740. 00 colones ement of the Chief of the premio mayor de 75. 000. 00 75. 000. 000 15. 000. 00 15. 000. 00 Inter. American Public Approximately four hund on commemorative day 10 000. 00 10. 000. 00 Health Service established red and fifty one years ago the Day of the Race. 10 500. 00 000. 00 in the Nation Health DeChristopher Columbus of We do not believe any 200. 00 10. 000. 00 partment at San Jose.
Genoa discovered the Baha direct decendent of the re 104 10, 490. 00 ma Islands and annexed nowned Discoverer is now 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anteBy an official release, we riores y posieriores) de 200. 00 cada una 000. 00 learn the splendid drainage them to Spain; on a subse alive either on this hemisp10 aproximaciones al 20 premio (5 anteriores quent voyage, about five here or elsewhere, but his and regrading work has y posteriores) de 100, 00 cada una. 000. 00 been concluded at a total years later, on the 12th, gift of civilization has ob09 aproximaciones a las tres primeras cifras del cost of 173. 910. 00 colones, day of the month of Octo tained for him a commemor primer premio de 30. 00 cada una. 370. 00 ber, he and his men landed ation and perpetuation of 999 Aproximaciones a las dos primeras cifras This work was commenced del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada una. 29. 970. 00 in the month of December on the Southern part of the his name on a status much American Continent. higher than any pervious or 25 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del last year and has produced this premio mayor de 100 cada una 500. 00 a marvellous improvement Though we have effectii later discoverer. On 234 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del with respect to the com vely raised the standard of commemorativa premio mayor de 50. 00 cada una. 11. 700. 00 divorce from our munity general health con culture accorded us by the cannot 2340 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio 70. 300. 00 ditions. It has also added Vice Royalty of New Spain recollection the great conmayor de 30. 00 cada una much to the locality sce by means of the great distribution extended by Queen nie beauty. Jamaica Town covery, we turn our atten Isabel of Castillo which was mosquito infestedſtion in grateful apprecia brought about the realizaarea where the inhabitants tion and fond tion of Christapher dream.
recollection At this time too when civiGERMANS lization is so seriously threatened, we the inheritors of In a speech delivered a suc week ago His Majesty King Italy merchant ships aro cessful realization of his Victor Manuel stated that once again traversing the HALF CENTURY wondrous dream are more the Italians are now fight seas and flying the country The fleetness of time bro showered with the hearty conscious of the debt weing against the Germans, flag.
ught on the 30th of the re good wishes of his superior eternally owe him.
with renewed enthusiasm H2 cently passed month the officers, his subordinates, He denounced them as inAccording to an advice half century life anniver friends and well wishers.
DISTINGUISHED human and the government from Geneva, accompanied ary of our highly regarded We sincerely hape that Don set up by Mussolini, under by Marshall Badoglio, Hin 2d widely esteemed citi José useful life career VISITORS their auspices, as illegal. Majesty the King and Prin zen, Don Jose Maria Zúñi will not fall short, at least, He further declared that ce Humberto are now ga, Chief of the Limon In of the final half to comple.
We joyfully welcome the Naples, vestigation Bureau. He was te ten full Decades.
presence of Mrs. Victor Sa FRESCARIA MAYO nabria, her baby and sister If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you 25 Miles. The Abaca Center to our city.
Fresh and pure Freseos of all did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City The distinguished visitors Market.
kinds prepared to meet are members of the family cold JOSE ACHION Ng.
or warm Season. Meals. Sand of our very much regarded wiches and other Eats cook Comerciante detallista PRIVATE SCHOOL SCHOOL FAIR IN and widely esteemed Colo ed with rich flavour. Here the nel Victor Sanabria, Direc housewives can buy fruits of Licores. Abarrotes, Cristalería, TEACHERS TO MEET CITY PARK tor of the Military Band. all sort also a large variety of Artículos de Ferretería y Eléo We bespeak for them a vegetables from Cartago tricos: todo se encuentra en The local Management of Commencing this afternoon WATSON este establecimiento.
HAPPY GOmost cordial the English Private School Tea and tomorrow table stay in this Zone.
WILL terminating ALWAYS SATISFY YOUR TASTE chers who are affiliated with night, a grand Fair will be the National Educator As presented in our city Park, sociation of San José, beg by under the management of the this medium to remind all Director of the General Tomas members of the urgent need Guardia School and his staff.
of their presence of the session Other than the merriment fixed to commence at seven usually associated with School o clock sharp on Tuesday ev Fairs, the cause of the present ening the 12th. instant in the cne geing for so worthy a purHall of the St. Mark Parish pcse, it should grip the attenPAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Kindly granted by the Vestry on and stir the co operative Committee.
spirit of our citizenry and all others within cosy reach.
TO MISS AZEL STONE As this will be the first efWe have been asked to men such lines, we hope he will be fort of our new Director, along ion that a letter addressed occorded a full demostration o a Miss Azel Stone, Cosof Limon chracteristic gooda Rica, America Central, Will toward all worthwhile pro. Box Nº 284, by her cousin ects. And should the little. Gordon of Orange Hill, rain drops keep away, the Auittle London, Jamaica, has umn moon will be very emballen in the possession of scing Ir. McKenzie, 75 varas na outh of the pulperia El Ba SALOMON CHIN io. San José.
REMEMBER If Miss Stone will call on strada LA IBERIA Ir. McKenzie, at the above WE PAY THE BEST PRICES idvess she will receive the Abarro es y Licores ter, Precios Económicos and comfor LUCKY Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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