
PERSONAL NOTICE Mrs. ROIG De Witt Pills quickly relieve PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 9th. 1943 LEFT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL SHORTS CAPITAL Mr. Alexander Van Horn Mr. Joseph Goulbourne Numbered among the of Almirante, a province of of Nine Miles, Livenpool, Aadress all your Eng the neighbouring Republie Para todos sus trabajos many who left us for the was a visitor to Limon last ineering Requirements to Capital on highly de Ingeniería dirijase a last Sunday of Panama, was a Sunday: He welcomed visitor to our city round trip by the Guapiles effected passenger train was Aubrey Gaston. She has a few days ago. He was the passenger train. Mr. Goulgone, we are told, more in guest of Mr. and Mrs. lbourne is one of the BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 well the interest of her impair Barrett and his son, Mr.
SAN JOSE known cultivators of the ed health than for recrea Hubert Van Horn.
Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos tion.
Liverpool District. We were The marked culture and TUT very pleased to have had Mrs. Gaston is an ardent outstanding conduck of him with us, though his stay huita with us for a few, on many occasions favou worker of our Catholic Pa. young Hubert must have was so short.
days. He is one of the agri ably commented on the pop rish. She hopes to regain reached the ear of his fathIt was also an outstand cultural lights of that very sibilities of a great futur her sound health prior to her as the result of his con ing pleasure to have had progressive region and has for that caostal town.
the ataging of the propostact with so many of our Mr. Hernan Skinner of Caed Rally under the auspi citizens of distinction, and IN METHODIST rrembers will take place. TH ces of the Legion of Mary. a certain amount of joy and friends of that and the surr Not having the required satisfaction must have en SOME RECENT CIRCLES unding districts are assured time at her disposal to have tered his breast for the good hearty welcome notified her friends and as tidings. We trust he left for DEATHS According to the informat The yearly Harvest Thon sociates, she does so by the his home with the fondest ion reccived, a special service giving Services will be celebr this medium recollections.
We have will be observed at the Met fed in the Church in this cil the report that in cmong those who died recenhodist Church at Estrada ton Sunday the 7th. Proxim It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit tly in the San Juan de Dios morrow, the 10th, during detailed announcement ea the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon Hospital, San José, were the which the reception of new :romised Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave. West of the City te icllowing who were associated Market. with our Zone ATTENTION! ATTENTION!
is Manuelo Alvarez Córdoba, 27 years of age, late of Siquis My wife OLGA DALEY having abandoned my home on TE ires and a daughter of José the 21st of September 1943, taking two of my children fe Maria Alvarez and Mario Cór without my knowledge or consent. hereby notly the public doba. She entered the institu in general that from and after that date. will not be restion on the 2n. September ponsible for any debt contracted by her and died on the 24th. den BENJAMIN DALEY to Alejandro Sáenz Rojas, who th formerly resided at 28 Miles.
Puerto Viejo. September 25th. 1943 He went into the hospital on!
Te the 27th August and died it on the 26th September. SIDELIGHTS OF THE OFF TO PESUME sta John Hood Hood, former resident in this city, who enWAR EMPLOYMENT Joint pains and backache tered the institution on the VE warn you that your kidneys are out of order. They are 23rd. May last and died on the In order to prevent the Ja After spending what we se getting sluggish and allow25th. September, at the age ing impurities and poisons of 64 years panese troops evacuating Ko, obviously an enjoyable po me to escape from the bloodJohn Hood was a native of the lombangara, one of the Sa riod of several weeks wit mo stream and lodge in the they actually tone up and strengthen lomon Islands group, or reher homestead and muscles and joints.
the kidneys. You get evidence of Island of St. Kitst and came Verin ceiving food supplies, Northrous friends, Miss These poisons (especially excess the direct action of De Witt many years ago to this counuric acid) may bring on painful Pills within 24 hours of taking the American forces destroyed Miller left for the Capita rheumatic swellings if they are not first dose. This gives positive proof try for employment with the hundred of last week end to resume he opf quickly cleared out of the system. that a wonderful internal antiseptic more than one United Fruit Company. Of o The way tackle the trouble is to is getting to work at the very root go at once to the root cause the their ships during the past employment on the nursin al of your trouble in the kidneys very amiable, and willing disp. staff of the San Juan inhealthy condition of your kidneys.
themselves De Witt Pills are specially preosition, he was generally liked month of September.
Once your kidneys are restored to Dios Hospital pared correct kidney disorders. healthy activity, those joint pains, Ly his fellow workers of our We wish her That why they have proved such continue an rheumatic twinges and depressing Haiphong, a port of Indo water front, where he was an effective treatment for Joint backaches vanish completely. And China, controlled by the success in her chosen ende ate Pains, Rheumatism and Backache.
usually employed because the cause of your trouble De Witt Pills not only clear away has been removed you can expect Japanese, was the object of avour as a ministering an out clogging impurities and poisons more than temporary relief.
English an intense bombardment by gel to the ailing and afflictare can still be had at North America Reasonable Prices at first days of the present JACK ORANE Sucs.
month. An Electric power YUGOESLAVIANS Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint THE PEOPLE HOUSE VICTORIOU Poised all farme of Kidncy Trouble. Of all chemists and storekeepers plant was destroyed as also Limon important port installations, Aided with food, store houses and deposits arm amunition and other wa Between twenty six and thir material by the Allied Pow ty six of the enemy planes ers, the LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY Yugoslavian pa which attempted to intercepttriots are pursuing their vid the raid were destroyed.
torious offensive against th Nazis. They have in variou FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS sectors of the Dalmatian coas secured control of the high LIMON SOAP FACTORY Placed by the Germans in ways and railroads essenti front of a hotel in Naples, a for the movement of enem time bomb exploded twenty troops. They are al repor PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD ed to have gained full contre minutes after General Clark of the Island of Lussin in th had passed that way. There Adriatic facing the coast (Fundada en 1910)
were no victims.
JOINT PAINS Or num se dlau ber Tweeds Sergs units of the 14th, air force of ed members of our huma red DeWitt Pills during the family.
KIDNEY BLADDER AND Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS By the explosion of ano The integrity of the Briti Commonwealth is a ther bomb placed in the Post sourcen Office building of Naples perpetual strength to only of legitimate pride at irtern over one hundred persons tional co operation for peace lost their lives. The edifice security and freedom. Au APARTADO 417 was destroyed.
tralian Minister for External Tirs.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón uzano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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