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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 9th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN AIR SEA BATTLE OFF NORWAY PACIFIC NATIVES FIGHT JAPANESE MARINES HAVE OWN SHIPS THE ORIGINS OF VICTORY NAZIS LOSE SAFETY ZONE the for geneai Anthony Eden and Chur For the first time since The reconnaissance aeropune chill are fighting against the Royal Marines were founded The victories in the Mediterra. As long as the Allied air is back and all is activity at the Japanese. They were recruited nearly 300 years ago and be. nean began to take shape in the fensive was launched almost air station. Flying crews are from brown and almost black came the forerunners of Brit dark days of 1940, when Winston Chursively from northern base poring over maps and estima skinned natives, and they have tein Commando troops, officers Churchill Taid the foundations Germany had a safety zone ting speeds and ranges. Ground adopted these names out of ad of the Corps are to be given for his offensive strategy by comfortable size to which crews refuel the line of Beau miration for the British learters. command of ships of the Royal sending Britain only fully. Swich part of its war idu forts, standing squatly at their Some of the units fighting here Navy.
equipped armoured division to try and population. It comes dispersal points, while armour escaped from Rabaul, New Brit Announcing this departure Egypt in July of that year in Hohemia, Moravia, Sava ers trundle out the long gleam in, where Japanese forced from naval tradition in Tleet the face of the fact that Britain and Austria, Now, howe: ing torpedoes and hoist hem them to fight for them, and Order, the Admiralty said that was in hourly danger of invanone of these regions can into position under the rachi they know every trick of the they will be employed in cer sion. The risk to Britain was considered safe any longer nes Drums of wicked looking enemy. They have enlisted ir tain types of landing craft ma great, but without taking it the fact, what was formerly cal cannon shells are going aboard the British forces because they ny of which will be manned ex risk to ultimate victory woulded Germany air raid she Beaufighters. Bombs are hoist hate the Japanese. They have clusively by Marines. The have been greater. If the Axister. southern Bavaria, Μοι ed into the open racks of Mud seen the enemy behead some of cision has been made because had been allowed to gain com via, and Austria, is particular sons, Blenheim fighters taxi their companions and rape their of the greatly increased com plete control of the Mediterra threatened now because 15 out to take off. a nest of four women. The uniform of these mitments of the Marines in nean, not only would there have bere that the northern and guns projecting underneath. nien is a red cloth covering phibious operations. The ofbeen no victory in Libya, Tuni southern bomber ranges ove Soon all the aircraft are in their loins and stretching near ficers concerned will go through sia and Sicily, but the Axis might. Munich Regensburg, Brn the air, heading North East Ily to the knees of their firely suitable courses in navigation well have broken through in Parid Vienna and all the pas Beauforts, Blenheims, Hurlsons muscled bodies. They are pro Smaller craft will be organised lestine, Iran and Iraq There around and in between must and Beaufighters. one of the ticient with infantry weapons, in flotillas and divisions under they would have obtained in pect now to be bombed alte most powerful striking forces particularly Bren guns, in which Royal Marine officers. Larger plenty the oil they need so sore ratingly from British ard Sic ever ent out by Coantal Com they delight. They can unerr. craft ranking as commissioned ly. Apart from the threat lian air fields.
to jazd Three hundred miles ingly shoot a parrot from a tree ships, will also be commanded our Indian base, essential for The Allies will be able to away the German cruiser which in a deep jungle, their natural by Marines officers.
future operations crease the number of raids; th to liberate The to their objective steams slowly element, and they are experts Marines Navy will China, loss of the Mediterranean reduced distances will requi south. Out on her beam four as trackers and valiant as fight and Army troops as well as and the Middle East would have less fuel and allow the carryir destroyers fuss around, their ers: Two of their number have their own forces. This com made such future operations incf a heavier bomb load. Byd crews scanning the darkening, already been decorated. These pletes the chain sky for hostile aircraft.
The natives frequently can hear and ment from the days when they diterranean is the highway of de erop finitely more difficult. The Me resting their blows against wie ly separated places, the AUI to know of the reconnaissance and distinguish Japanese planes were soldiers sent to fight at the East.
It would have will compel the Luftwaffe been expect attack. Already an and tong before an air alarm sounds sea to their modern role of seascatter its machines beyond tt useless to have saved the Burescort has arrived overhead and The natives everywhere in re going soldiers who fight on point where effective defen are working land. For 300 years the Royal the Mediterranean.
ma Road at the cost of losing numerous Messerschmitts Circle covered territory Assaults again is possible.
Hence the the five ships. Suddenly out of busily for the Allies, obviously Marines have fought in every occupation of Syria, Iraq plane factories, oil refineri the gloom of approaching night delighted that they are no Jornne of Britain major wars.
and and synthetic oil plants a dark shape hurtles towards ger subject to the Japanese. They have Iran were all parts of the same further whittle down the nur been landed on otherwise mal beaches in almost every part of Thanks to this plan the Axis in man air fleet. Even til well conceived strategic plan. ber and usefulness of the Go the convoy, barely skimining who beat or the waves. The Beaufort flashes treated them.
the world and were practising Europe is well between two of the destoyers, It is a surprising sight io see amphibious warfare and truly en Russians don poin in the lon there is a leap of spray as its Papuans with their hair stard ratione before Commandos were circled. besides being irrevoca range ties will hinder the Ge bly cut off from torpedo drops and it hanking straight up from their heads introduced to the Army.
the Axis in mans from profiting from t)
Asia; while the Allies have free eastern spaces They were always taken to steeply to escape. At that mo riding from road work in outside Briti jeep, their ment all the guns on the ships American first their battles by the Navy, of access to each other. It is indeed and American range.
a strategy that recognises that open up and the cruiser is hid boy his hair dyed red, driving which they form part but their den in smoke. Beaufort this is one war and One World.
Or to see others in an Ameri training has been that of sre solrow coming in from every di can heavy truck, flowers stuck diers, though a Marine is taught rection, dropping their fish in their hair and bamboo shoots a great deal of the seaman life and swinging out of range. The and flags on the truck side for as well.
Hudsons, too, have located the decoration target and the fountains of wa They are a happy and LAST TO LEAVE ter round the Prinz Eugen be sight now, whereas they were Now they will have their wn tray near missea. The flash and miserable under the Japanese, ships.
the short time ago Luis Lor In 1940 the Marines landed thunder of the guns is so great and they provide one of Faced with the prospect of o Ballesteros, reporting for that hits are concealed in the best physical arguments against at Andalsnes, in Norway, and Japanese propagan ia that Far formed a bridgehead. They later gigantic scandal in which he riba. filed ars article saying general turmoil of action.
himself would be implicated, was difficult to write from As and yet another Beaufort Eastern natives would be hap overed the embarkation Himmler decided to strike spy. many because censorship perm were the last to leave.
plunges to the attack five les pier under Hirohito aegis.
chiet Canaris first. To frame his ted nothing, except official co serchmitts dive to its tail. ht Marines also fought at Bow rival, the Gestapo chief uncarth logne, at Calais, in Crete, and muniques.
the same moment two Beati For the moment, ed an old story which to Lighters whip after them.
were used as shock troops haal reported. he must remain site For seize the Madagascar port long been filed away; that of an but eventually, when calm a moment there is a long proces official of Canaris had been established once more and 1 sion. the Beaufort, a bunch of Diego Suárez smuggling gold and Me 109s jockeying for position They fought too, at Rangoon abroad disappearance in diplomatic and the and marched 200 miles through pouches.
Beaufighters behind ne name of the official was Ru the picture as a whole, it frorts make it possible to rega them. One of the Beaufighters Doctors of the Yellow reach Fever the Burmese jungles to doll von Scheliha. His motive Research work opens up with its cannon and Institute at Entebbe, India when the raiding was to assist some Polish friends be possible to write the comple, machine guns. Messerschmitt Uganda, working in conjunction was done.
in getting their money out story of events as they took plac cr Deoisintegrates. the others swing with the Colonial Medical Germany Berlin correspondents on bo away and a new, dog fight hepartments, have helped to score gins. One of the Beaufighters is an important victory.
Canaris was chargs with hav Ya and Arriba keep repe Their Ing abetted the ofiense of husing that nobody deries that Ge bit in one engine and begins to campaign has been so successful lose height. Blenheim fighter that since the beginning of the threequarter millions of doses of subordinate. In consequence, the many is facing a crisis.
Africa chief of the General Staff, Gen It comes through very Jeai coars up, drives off the Messer war not one case of yellow fever vaccine to all schmitt and flies alongside the has been reported among Allied east of Nigeria. Equally impor eral Zeltzler (a friend of Him in these articles just how mu crippled British fighter. Its pi military personel in East Africa, tant has been the rigorous mos mler ordered that none of the Germany is suffering from and that thin lot waves and points to his mo One of the vital factors in the quito control of airfields, ports admiral courier mail could goed bombing, without are not going too well ABC tor. minute or two later he battle has been the free distri. and transport routes and, where through in the future pancakes on the water and he bution of more than one by Gestapo certly has been carrying pietur necessary, the mass vaccination previous inspection and of Allied troops and comman and his radio operator clamber of the people likely to be expos agents.
ed to infection. The entire popul This was too much for out. The Blenheim circles and the ers, instead of Axis ones, a drops a dinghy and sees them a burst of flame shows where ations of the 10 miles coastal proud Admiral Canaris. He re finally on newspaper pages whe lost the man the radio program Voice climb aboard. Meanwhile, the the shells have struck home. strip of Kenya, and of Bwamba signed. Germany Prinz Eugen has dropped out One by one. the Beaufighters, distriet in Uganda, for instance, who was probably its preatest Germany used to appear, the of line and is belching smoke. the Beauforts, the Blenheims have been vaccinated. There was expert in espionage, and once now are advertisements Darkness is falling fast the and the Hudsons make for one epidemic of yellow fever in more Himmler has scored a great result is that not an individu British machines either in Madrid, or in the nor are rurning home, bullet scarred, ammuni the Sudan during 1940. So suc triumph over a rival.
low in fuel and must turn for tion exhausted, bombs and tor cessful were vaccination and or south, is not absolutely co home. One Beaufighter takes a pedoes gone. Nine are missing other preventive measures that vicced that the Allies are goi: last run over a destroyer. It but five Huns have gone for the disease did not spread from to win the war. The ordira dives down to mast height and certain and hits have been seor the Nuba Mountain area. In the at the Institute have discovered man appears to look forward sprays the bridge with cannoned on the ships. Just one more course of their investigations on four other disease causing viru. it not only with equanimity. fire. Large chunks fly off it and job by Coastal Command. yellow fever, research workers ses with pleasure.
DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND SPANIARDS AWAN ALLIED VICTORY COMBATING YELLOW FEVER jewels mobility or parts of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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