
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE a ac, te The influences of little things are as real and as constantly about us as the air we breathe or the light by which Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 we see. These are the small, the cften invisible, the almost YEAR IX LIMON, October, 16th 1943 NO 395 unthought of strands which are inweaving and twisting by millions, to bind us to character, to good or evil, and to hea ITALY DECLARES WAR AGAINST GERMANY ven or hell hereafter. HOLLEBEECK Italy has completely sever ted from London that ed her relationship with though Italy is now actual. IRREGULARITY OF WATER SUPPLY CAUSES Germany. On Wednesday ly at war with the common COMPLAINTS last she issued a formal de enemy, she is still subjected claration of war, which to the terms of her armisti Quite a number of complaints have reached went into effect as of four ce with the United Nations. us from residents in several sections of our city o clock in the afternoon.
Her position has been descri with respect to the very irregular manner in which In his proclamation to bed as co belligerent, the Nation, Marshal Badowith whom the United Na they are being supplied with water. We are assuglio declared, inter al a, tions will continue relations red some reccive only an every other day supply, that in view of the savage in recognition of her govern while others experience on even wider span of offenses Germany had com mentis promise to submit shut offs. Aitention has also been directed to mitted against the disar: to the public, when the Ger the late hour at which the general supply usually med Italians at Calabria, Pu mans shall have been drireaches the city in the mornings.
glia and in the Salerno area, ven out the country the This method of distributing the vitally impor as also their feroeious Marshal BADOGLIO right of forming a new detions in Naples which pas said the Marshal, we will mocratic pvernment and tant liquid is certainly not in kneeping with the best sed the limit of human iniag henceforth march with our also that in no manner whainterests of the health of our citizenry, and will, it inations he was obligated friends from Great Britain, tever will the absolute liber pursued for any length of time, create unsavoury to seek the King permis the United States and all ty of the people to resolve conditions regular and liberal supply of water sion to issue the declaration. the other united nations. the matter be interfered is highly necessary during the carlier hours of each Shoulder to shoulder It has been off cially sta with.
day, if proper sanitary conditions are to be main tained.
THE WAR IN ITALY NAZIS ENCOUNTER FURTHER DISASTERS We are not cwcre of the reason for these The grand Allied offensi: frequent and lengthy shut off periods, but we ne IN RUSSIA ve against the enemy prin cipal lines of defence te vertheless suggest, if it be at all possible, the they After what is described from the Crimean region. the south of Rome, has ena be effected at a more advanced hour of the day, as terrible fighting, the So In the Gommel area in bled the Fifth Army to es viet forces crossed the Dnie White Russian, the Soviets tallsh positions on the tively prejudice our sanitation interests. It is our per at a point very near to are extending their positions northern side of the river sincere hope that on the matter being brought to Kiev from which they are along the river Zosh. Go Volturno, despite the stern the attention of our Municipal Authorities, who supposed to be only about mel is reported to be al resistance of the Nazis.
three kilometers. Numerou. most totally destroyed by General Kesselring is said are always ready and willing to do everything forces are said to be opera the fires set by the Germans to have concentrated seven possible for the betterment of our community, the ting to the north and south rive to evacuating the po divisions, the full amount at necessary relieſ will be effected solo of the Ukranian capital. sition.
his disposal, in the Volturno SUSOWO ODOVIESOS 10000 Enemy defence son the Kiev is reported complete area, for the purpose of stop FYRST ALLIAD CONTINGENT LAND IN DOT Zaporozhe front have been ly surrounded by the Rus ping the Allied offensive.
destroyed after days of in sians; the enemy continuing Fighting of a most violent statt BALKANS es donare cessant fighting. Violent at their opposition only to the character is in progress. By way of, Stockholm co The troops are supposed tacks along the river Molo south of the city.
In their advance toward mes the report that two re to have been trained and en chna enabled the Russians On the 13th. Pastant the the west the Eighth Army giments of Czechoslova quipped in the Near East to reach the center of Me Nazis lost 97 airplanes and have Waptured the district kian troops have landed in for the purpose of assisting litopol where fighting conti 96 tanks as the result of the of Riccia located eight mi the Balkans, somewhere the guerrilla warriors.
si nues. These successes have operations on all fronts. les northwest of San Croce, on the coast of Montenegro. practically closed, we Late advice state the ex The Germans are repor told, one of the two rail. terior defences of Kiev weſted to have initiated a move way, systems by which there being heavily assaulted. ment along the Adriatic, 10, 000 MILLION DOLLARS FOR WORLD BANK Nazis could have escaped where their parachute figh Washington relenses thu pal purgose of the instituters are desperately endea very interesting information tion will be the granting of Vw8090909009090000000000 vouring to check the march the a project in under con long period credits for res PORTUGAL CEDES NAVAL BASES TO ALLIEDS for the Eighth Army north sideration for the establish construction activities.
after The governments of the The ceding of aeronavalſ many will make any hostile ward by the coast. Notwithsment of a World Bank, bases on the Azore Islands move against Portugal in ſtanding this, the British the close of the war, with different nations will be to Great Britain by Portu order to permit the conti. troops continue to gain new a capital of ten thousand asked to give consideration yal has produced world wiſnuance of her valuable di. territory. The capture of million dollars. The princi to the plan.
de comment, in view of the plomatic and espionage cen dertain positions created for a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber valuable aid their occupaver in Lisboa.
such a menace against the Shop. West of fae City Market.
ion will afford the Allieds In his announcement of enemy positions along the their fight against a rene the concession, Premier Volturno that they were a ATTENTION! ATTENTION: wed submarine war.
Churchill declared the bandonel for others nearer Located 1, 400 miles soutcord does not in any man Rome.
HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA awest of England, eight, ner affect Portugal neutra Railwad communications aundred miles off the extre lity on the European Conti north of Rome were recenFRONT OF THE SEA CITY OF LIMON me south of Europe and nent and that the Britishtly attacked by air units.
NEW NOVELTIES 1, 400 from Halifax, they troops would be withdrawn will enable the United Na at the close of the war.
Other than our Cool, Airy and comfortable Rooms ions to effectively patrol Spain is said to have ra: also in the matter of war EXCELLENT BAR SERVICE.
all the routes from the Unised no objection to the ar material.
there is now served in our Dining Room cach Sunday ed States to Europe and rangement when informed Political circles in London from to 12 he Mediterranean. They by Portugal, prior to the entertain the hope that Tur SPECIAL DINNER will also serve to effect conclusion of same.
key, Ireland and other neureater protection to the It is understood that tral countries will follow GOOD MUSIC naritime movements with return for the concession the example of Portugal Ernest Cecil Lewis south America.
England will assist Portugal and concede military faciliProprietor It is not believed that Gernot only economically. but ties to the Allieds. are eesaar ac er Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca Costa Rica


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