
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 16th. 1943 a as: GUACIMO BAPTISTS TOOK FRONT LINE LAST SUNDAY MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS In submitting this bit of at the Guacimo civer when, marvellous eloquence and news from our good old several believers accepted good humour. Other praise NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALITY district of Guacimo, we are the Yoke of Him who was worthy items were the reci RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. Everythprompted by a feeling of baptized at Jordan. Among tations by the Misses Hor drinks prepared by Craw ing in, machinery made or ford and Grant, great joy and gladness those who were Daisy baptized ſtence Collins Genuine repaired, from a Pin to which permeated our in was Mr. Stephen Williams Dinah. Rita Etie Reid native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry an nermost souls as the con an outstanding personage of Shirley Chambers stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs Esthe most sequence of the spiritual de Pensharst and Limon City. mie. Mildred. Masters uptodate. and other useful things at 89 mostrations which were ef His good name had prece. Ranny. Amos and Lloyd. Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building NO prietors.
North Fifth Avenue.
fected in our Baptist Churchided his coming to Guacimo. The choir, under the musi.
on Sunday the 10th of the Ther services in the sacred talent of Mr. Stephen Thompson, Proprietor.
THE ORIENTAL BARBER present month. It was not edifice were soul stirring. Hunter, choirmaster, and SHOP merely the putting on the of Our own. St. Paul. in the Mrs. Ernest Watson, Located in front former Sunday clothes and attend person of the Reverend organist, added the flavou Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND with UNDER ing church, but rather the ve Wm. Forde, brought out his ring salt. Numbered Avenue is the new parlour TAKING SHOP. Speciali ry packed congregations religious message from intel those who remarkably at all the services that pro lectual and spiritual mines sisted the choir are Messrs. of the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairing other mulgated a thought that The Young People enter Leopold Sawyers, Natha ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every they had committed themsell taining programme was staniels Daniels nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. CofMrs.
See ves to the unique respect ged at three clock, when Collins and the Misses Dai ber with years of practiceſ fins always stocked.
in all classes of the for Christian ordinance. Mr. Stephen Williams elec. sy and Ethel Reid. We are Hair us before going elsewhere.
trial The worship had its atart trified his will Prices moderate. 4th. Street, listeners with convinced that those servi Cutting Art. ces made us forget our hus convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumber man weakness and sorrows, LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECKand released our Spirits Proprietor FORD INSTALLATION CEREMONY BY LIVERPOOL from the load of flesh.
LADIES UNION Local Correspondent Another very effective so the Installation ceremony the cial scene was witnessed in entertaining features affordthe Liverpool Liberty Hall on ed much mirth and joy. Among FOREIGN SHORTS Sunday evening, the 10th of the items was abrilliant adAll high grade material for Construction the present month, when tho ddress by Mr. Senior of of buildings etc. just received se under whose guidance the the district.
For the past two months destiny of the Ladies Union Miss. Brown, the im the inhabitants of Hamburg Large quantities of groove and tongue rests were impressively insta mediate Past President, and are said to be suffering from Laurel Flooring and Sidings lled into their respective posi those who were associated an epidemic of typhus.
Cedar Boards of all dimentions tions by Mr. Graham, with her very marked admiMaster of Ceremonies, assist: nistration, were profoundly In view of the OccupaPRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED ed ably by Mrs. Adora Brown congratulated for their tion of the Island of Corsi of the city as Conductress. complishment which has ca by the Allieds Germany GAMEZ LUMBER YARD The new Administrative undoubtedly created a high has dispatched twenty moPersonnel include the follo standard to be followed by re divisions of her troops to 4th. Sheet toward Northen Machine Shops wing President, Mrs. their successors. The social the south of France.
Bennett; Vice President, Mrs. and general improvement of LIMON Williams; Secretary, Miss Liverpool is due, greatly, to The port of Napies, is re Vie Bernard; Assistant Secre the existence of the Union ported once more in servi he is now regarded a Pri. Blue Division from the Rus tary, Miss Shaw.
May they go from strength to ce as the result of the outs: soner of the Gestapo. sian front, where they had After the termination of strength.
tanding efforts of the victo been fighting alongside the rious Allied forces.
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Madrid announces the Nazis since July 1941.
withdrawal of the Spanish; Moscow report states is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit that the Germans have roun the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon ded up Pierre Laval before 800B2Dooaemme 000 മരമലരമ Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave West of the City the Gestapo agents and that Market.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER We have been afforded hours the establishments u the information that the co: sually remain open during mmercial entployees and the Christmas Season.
the proprietors of the various establishments in San The agreement stipulates, Jose have subscribed to an we understand, that any oagreement which unifies ne who infringes the terms their working hours in kee will be subject to a fine of and pildg with the stipulations five hundred colones of the Work Code.
in case of a repetition to one of a thousand colones.
According to the agree: ment all the establishments will from the first day of No FRESCARIA MAYO vember proximo open at a. close at 12 noon, reo 25 Miles. The Abaca Center pen at until p. In Fresh and pure Frescos of all this manner all employees kinds prepared to meet cold will do forty eight hours or warm Season Meals. Sand regular work cach week wiches and other Eats cook ed with rich flavour. Here the and be paid after the extra.
housewives can buy fruits of rate for the additional two all sort also a large variety of hours some will have to vegetables from Cartago.
work every Saturday night.
They will also receive addi WATSON HAPPY GO LUCKY WILL ALWAYS tional wages for the longer SATISFY YOUR TASTE We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE AUTY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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