
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 16th. 1943. ROIG my CI We very much regret the COSTA RICA SODI of a.
INTEREST IN RALLY WAXES WARMER PERSONAL few days ago we met for me. Think of six splenNOTICE very busy maiden who en didly attractive girls oper Among those who left chantingly attracted our ating against me!
here on Monday regular Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos attention, and being desir Then off she darted with passenger train for the Caineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a dus of knowing the reason out our having had a chance pital was Mrs. Ernest Cecil for her extraordinary mov of securing her indentitly. Lewis of the Hotel Hispanoement, we interrogated. In We are confident a real America. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 a clear cut tone she gave us spicy time is in the making She is said to have gone SAN JOSE this reply Armistice for this interesting effort on a trip conected with the Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos night, November the 11th, of the Legion of Mary on business of her ujo to date is just around the corner, the night of the 11th. proxi Hotel, with a view of addtherefore, have no time to mo, and that the School ing to the comfort of LANTERN LECTURE BY SALVATION ARMY her be idle, as the rest of my Hall of the Cathedral Parish very numerous clientage. It has been announced that local Hall, tomorrow evening, colleaucs in the Big Rally will be perfumed with elo We have also been afford the Salvation Army will pre Sunday the 17th. commen which takes in the Seven quence, marriment, music ed the assurance that the sent a lantern Lecture in the cing at seven clock sharp.
Provinces of our Republic, and song.
restaurant will be fully reThe Show and Lecture, we are are setting a very hot pace galed for the approaching JOSE ACHION Ng toid, will be illustrative lond Thanksgiving Day. when instructive on the narrative of it will be the meeting place Comerciante detallista the life of Daniel, whose wisdATTENTION! ATTENTION! for our American and Costa Licores. Abarrotes, Cristaleria, om as the gift of Good had ang rrican Society.
Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc bied him to reveal Nebuchad tricos; todo se encuentra en rezzar dream and to also My wife OLGA DALEY having abandoned my home on este establecimiento.
furnished the interpretation the 21st. of September 1943, taking two of children without my knowledge or consent. hereby notly the public mit valcosa ICUTREMUMANLI SMPN very much better than all the in general, that from and after that date. will not be res ANGLICANS TO CLEBRATE HARVEST FESTIVAL magicians and astrologers in ponsible for any debt contracted by her his realm.
BENJAMIN DALEY The Rev. James Evans. MISS AMY BAILEY OF Rector of the St. Mark Puerto Viejo WATER FACTORY September 25th. 1943 Church in this city, will, we GERMANIA ILL understand, deliver his Harvest Festival Messages information that Miss Amy NOVELTY EXHIBITION tomorroy, the 17th. The Bailey of Germania is so The Boogie Woogie combination are getting to Choir is said be well prep seriously ill that many Dance, presented in the lo be toppers.
ared for the chanting of her friends have been sumFábrica de Hielo y cal Hall of enjoyment, was The evening function the special anthems and moned to her bedside. It is Refrescos an impressionable encroach was entirely successful. We songs associated with such our true. hearted wish that ment into Wonderland. extend our congrats to the a festival, it will not be long ere she Limón Though we taxed our me Management of the Car The services will be regains her sound health mory to the limit it failed ſloff. 30 a. Sung Nass; and be able to resume her to recall a parallel demon Holy Commu active and useful pursuits. FLORIDA ICE AND stration of what seemed an ANTORCHA nion; a. Sung Mass; electrified movement of Festival Evensong, ed in the Hall of the Parish FARM CO human feet. Our youngsters SAFETY MATCHES Prodession; and receiving on the evening of Monday surely winning their to sell at cents a Box of the Children gifts. the 18th. As we are cogni LA FLORIDA Sole Wholesale Distributor way in the creation of new The children of the Sun zant of the fact that in the MADERAS steps on the dance floor.
ALMACEN TOMAS day School are said to be absence of a whole hearted FABRICA DE HIELO The Riverside Orchestra su FERNANDEZ on edge for the entertain support the little ones will plied the night melody.
SAN JOSE ing climax to the celebra loneliness, we appeal for a Mr. Ernesto Barley and his tion, which will be present banner attendance. TWO RECENT DFATHS Hortensia Segura Durán, who formerly resided in the district of Sixaola, is reported to have died in the San Juar de Dios Hospital, San Jose, on the 30th. último. She was SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER ocmitted to the institution on the 24th August last. Her oge is given as thirty years, and she is said to have con NIDO, powdered Milk, tin 00 CONDENSED MILK, 25 tracted marriage with Santos CARNATION Evaporated PALMOLIVE SOAP 75 Rivera Bermúdez.
We are also informed that Milk, tin. 50 KEROSENE, bottle 50 Uriah Wallace Blake, 57 years NESTLES condensed Milk, tin 45 WIRE SPONGES 25 old, late of Estrada, died, also, BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 25 SWEET OIL, bottle in the institución on the 27th COFFEE, delicious, Ib. 00 ultimo.
OATS, 1b 60 FLEISHCHMANN Baking PowBRILLO, for 15 der, lb. 40 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin 25 RALLY BY BAPTISTS TUNA FISH, tin 50 SHRIMP, tin 50 Treating on a previous puTOILET PAPER, roll 80 blication in reference to the NUGGET POLISH, tin 45 FLOOR POLISH, tin 50 proposed Baptist Rally, basec PALACE SARDINES, tin 00 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, 1b. 15 on some of the outstanding necsculine characters of the QUAQUER OATS, tin 75 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, Eible, the presentation is sla tube 00 ted we now gather for Tues day night. November 9th. ur der the auspices of the We offer you not only lower prices, but also corrert weight, courtesy and fresh Imen Federation The proceeds BOOT. Bli guaranteed merchandise this rally are said to be marked for urgently LA PROVEEDORA Limón ded repair to the Church nct for the Christmas Fund as was previously state are.
LA PROVEEDORA KILLS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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