
Saturday, October 16th. 1943.
LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 SCHOOL FAIR EARNED APPRECIABLE MARGIN OF SUCCESS Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR We are indeed subjected teaching Staff. But for the to dame Nature command, rain a larger throng would for despite our sincere de surely have attended. Howsire that the little rain ever, the general patronage drops remain in their own was very pleasing.
particular region last Satur dense crowd invaded day afternoon, they were the scene on Sunday night commissioned to earth, just and marvellously aided the at the hour for the start of final success. We have the Fair, held in the Vargas doubt that those who com Park, under the auspices of posed the Management have!
the General Tomas Guardia been the recipients of apSchool, headed by the Di precaative comments, while rector, Mr. Tristan Brenes, they, in turn, have warmly the Educational Committee expressed their thanks for and the members of the the general public support.
no Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra ERSARY OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA a eir com CAFE HOL NESS Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street directly in front the Football Ground REMEMBER This New Eating and Refreshing Sort WE PAY THE BEST PRICES is now at the Public Service COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREPROFESSOR JOSE JOAQUIN SALAS English Private ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
Schools We take pleasure in ex flic Educational System, to Branch of the National Edu tending a hearty welcome convene a meeting in the cators Association have REGARDING THE PRICE OF FISH Tomas to Professor don Jose Joa General Guardia been summoned to attend at We wish all concerned ja The Editor those who are not familiar quin Salas, who will, it is School, to commence and The Atlantic Voice.
with the art to classify the expected, arrive in our city seven o clock, and to which pleasant interesting all the members of the evening.
Dear Sir: respective prices as publis this afternoon We the undersigned desihed on the Auxiliary Price It is understood that the re, by the medium of your control Bulletin 2. The distinguished educator has CHINESE COLONY CELEBRATED 23nd. ANNIValmost indispensable Week labour and the cost of mate been deputed, as the Rely, to register our sentiment rial associated with the so presentative of the Departby way of an appeal to the classified third class fishes ment of Private Colleges On the tenth day of Oc and years before the Chris: Raoublicantian era. The present form. Auxiliary Price Control Comare even greater than those and Schools of the Repub tober 1911 form of Government went of government came to birth mitee, and the public in for the Colorado, Mackerel, general, with regard to the King, etc.
into effect in China; in on the overthrow of the anrecent Bulletin Nº 2, which We respectfully solicit the JAPANESE LOSE HEA consequence, therefore, of cient. Manchu Dynasty, ang the 32nd contains the new selling consideration of the Offianniversary of notwithstanding the terrible prices on Fish.
cers of the Auxiliary Price VILY ON WAKE ISLAND the event being effected on hardships experienced the the 10th. instant, the mem nationals have by their Being numbered among readjustment of the prices. Admiral Nimitz reports that bers of our Chinese Colony mighty numerical strength those who are directly we beg to suggest a as the result of a two days impressively observed the and the great assistance of flat engaged in deep sea fishraid against the Island of ing, we would like to clear regardless of class, or, rate of 00 per pound, day. All their commercial the British Empire, and the Wake, during the previous and other establishments United Stades of America, on from the minds of the rulthe other hand, week, all the enemy fortificawere closed from noon until been able to keep the ene ing Authorities and others view of the present prices tions and other installations the respective reopening my at bay.
tut the price of 25 were destroyed, well as hours the following day. Co incident with the day on twine, rope, wire and per pound which was in sixty one of their air planes: other material essential for China is still in the grip anniversary celebration was existence (rior to the new Ihree hundred and twenty of a long drawn out war, that fishing. We also invite puconnected with the rulings, was not for the tons of explosives were dis: blic consideration to consequent on Japan ag assumption of the Presidenpurpose of profiteering nor plea, which we opine is jus sition. The Allied loss totalled and liberty as a free and Kai our charged over the important pe Igressi o nagajnt her rightscy by Generalisimo Chiang an intention to increase the tifiable under the circums thirty combat planes.
Shck who stin cost of living; rather, it independent Republic, with tains his position of Comtances.
was the result of the high Ont he 9th, instant North a history dating from a manderi Chief of the naincreases on the cost of me can troops secured com Very truly yours period more than two thous: tions armed forces.
the material fishermen are Simon Hippo. ite, Silbert plete occupation of the stra compelled to purchase to ca tegic position of Vila on the Spence, Whea it is Island of Kajombangara, one Men prefer and women admire the Hair Cut rry on their trade. It is onIs!
of the central Salomon Lester Spence, Daniel done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Merke: ly fair, we think, that if Hopper, ands grounp.
a lowering of the sale priHeavy bombing planes of Other attacks were success fected on the 9th. and 10th.
Clifford Joseph, Cornelius the American aviation effe: fully carried out aga ns. o instant ce of fish is effected, it Gibbs, ted the destruction of the ther important enemy posi General McArthur ieports should be reciprocally apand brothers and bridge cver the river Mezations in the north of the co that the Japs lost 177 airpla to the cost. twi Hudson.
in central Burma, and across untry.
nes and 123 vessels at the tiwhich runs the railroad het. Important enemy objectives me of the aeronaval attack on material, in the absence of ween Mandalay and Nyitkins in Indo China were badly of their great base, Rabaul.
which fishermen cannot per Nor permitimos llamar su atención o la nots of dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back form their great task of fur de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: nishing this article of diet.
This will must be paid at our office before We would also like to sta Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the Orn. of the month te that fishermen are al de los primeros 10 días de cada mes times confronted with a sca Be so goou as to coniply with this request and do not rcity of fish and the cat. Le rogamos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio Yo would much regret ta take.
ches very discouraging ins consequence. There is also the perils of the work to be taken into consideration.
difficult for a re as reBO mliedvire hand other fishing Moin, Coctober 1943.
COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON It is very Nod acrsianra கன toml Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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