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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 16th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN iton sea.
a 35 VILLAGE AT WAR ELECTRICAL AND EN CAUCASIAN NEGROES TRAFALGAR live er a historie village; a gray GINEERING PLANTS FIGHT THE AXIS stone hamlet set among the northern hills. It has houses dating SHOW RAF. EFFECTS The appellation Caucasiai Queen Elizabeth day Quite common is the sight of old Hundreds of the great facto Negro sounds like a contradie ladies carrying pails of ries on which Berlin importance tion in terms. We use the wory water to German irdustry js bssed have caucasian for the race that is from the nearest trough Upon the almost medieval life of this been destroyed or damaged by cludes the white skinned nordie straggling agglomeration of store great Royal Air Force raids on and mediterraneans, the inhab.
walls the impact of war has been the Germar cepital this summer. tants of India, the Semitie an considerable. Bombs have fallen The heaviest blewys were directed Hamitic peoples. The Negroes ha close enough to it to bring down against thirty electrical or engi from Africa but are today sprea, World a ceiling.
neering plants, in Siemenstadt, a widely over the New The village cop, the special separate city within the capital. How then should we speak constable, the warden, each has The objective, is nothing less than Negroes in the Caucasus. the complete destruction of all Asia? Over three hundred year to bear in mind that in this norman war industry in the ca. Jago Africans were taken to the bread hamlet the ofiender is sur pital. Repcr from Germany ard tobacco fields of the subtropica to be near relation Caspia This village has packed its cotthe Continent indicate that the western shores of the tages and homes to aceomm date enemy is awed by the mounting In the early days of Russia the homeless, the war workers, Allied air strength and is prepa great sucial revolution a humb the impoverished. It reserves, how ring for much larger and more destructive raids against Berlin.
Caucasian in the neighbourir evet, the right to criticize their state of Georgia named Josep metropolitan clothes and footwear; Berlin probably reeds about Vissariorovich Djugashvili ops 7, 500 more tons of bombs to neuexpects them to contribute lavishated an underground printii tralize it as a factor in German ly to local funds, and is rever sa industrial life, The greatest dam. press in the cabin of an Abkie tisſed until it knows how they zian named Kashim Smirba in earn their living and what their age was done to the largest fac city of Batum. It was there th income is. There is much more tory. This is the colossal. Siemens the famous Declaration of ti Halske color in the village streets than Schuckertwerke, and Rights of the Peoples of Russia there used to be: the khaki of together constituting the largest was formulated and first prir Home Guards, the blue of the Air electrica? plant in Germany. 75 cd. The man who conceived th buildings were declaration and printed it is no Training Corps for youths, the per cent of the dark blue air raid worden uni burned to the ground, while fla known as Joseph Stalin. wh: fórms, the land girls in their kra mes algo ate up most of the elec revolution swept through Ru tric motor works of the accessory sia in 1917 the Negroes of ki and green ADMIRAL VIS COUNT NELSON The fireguards cor stitute a replant. The blast damaged several Caucasus seized arms and foug metal foundry all comers in defence of the serve village tire brigade. Their buildings in the On October 21st. 1805, Britain with all sails set, their speed was practice with the hose is one of and dispatch department. land imtil they were finally at oltained one of her major vic very slow. As soon as they the free and favorite local enterThree very important engineer to join with other Abkhazians tories in seabattle, when Admi arrived within range, the French tainments. There ing works, the Berliner Maschi sending a famous telegram are weekly ral Lord Nelson defeated the squadron openend fire with tell whist drives for war charitiesnen, the Daimler Benz and the Lenin saying By the will of combined French and Spanish ing effect, while the British and movie show two Klockner Humboldt Deutz, which toiling masses the New Sov)
nights fleets at Cape Trafalgar. Al were not yet in a position to Diesel loco Socialist Republic of manufacture steam Abkhaz week in the village hall. The though the war against Napoleón answer the destructive fire bit motives, tanks, armored cars, air has been born. But its movie man brings the films in a Bonaparte continued for some While Nelson men stood by wheezy old car and his arrival is craft ergines, torredo components had brought the first encoura time, it may be said with truth their guns and saw many of precision tools, were also between the Caucasian Negre that the Pax Britannica which their comrades killed by the greeted with a cheer by the chil ard badly damaged. Another impor. and the hated German invade reigned during the XIX Cenenemy without being able to siren standing in a lorg queue.
But perhaps the most sigriti tant key factory the Askania. Recently, a quarter of a centu tury was primarily the result retaliate. Admiral Nelson orderthese Abkhasi of this great victory, because ed the signal to be hoisted and cant sight war has brought to werke in Mariendorf which mak later, it established the overwhelming it was cheered to the echo by his village is the long daily and es optical instruments, had many Negroes again seized arms a British of its buildings burned out. More tlocked to the local companies seapower nightly procession of army conwhich has his gallant crews.
the mighty Red Army in defen rever been relinquished up to voys. They pass along the main electrical works were damaged or present day.
street trucks, jeeps, motor cy totally destroyed while sixty five of their homes which were aga cles, armored cars; drab; spaced, miscellaneaus factories and indus threathened by the same loat The Nelson Spirit is some ir: vaders. They fought the wheeling and whirring; they roll trial premises were camaged.
birthright of all British sailors The problems greater than those the hills and among the ravin th was killed in this battle by Lord Nelson, as is wellknown, and both the war of 1914 1918 on, vehicle after vehicle, endless that arose in Britain during the of their rugged land and their gears whiring, their rosy.
a and the present conflict bear drove the Bosch out once moi cheeked blitz are sprir ging up throughout sharpshooter posted in the rig.
young drivers smiling witness to this fact On both Now they are fully trained Germany and the Propaganda and watchful. They roll or, ca.
ging of the French batt: ship occasions Britain had to rely and they have left their count Bitcentaure. but the greatest her sea power and strategy to rying our hopes with them and Min:sty is kep: busy placating Integral units of the Red Arn he people. The Deutsche Bergseafighter of his time lived long fight an enemy who conmmand knowing they fight for us and its to enemy to werk pursue the Zeitung protests against West.
enough to hear from the lipsed creat professional armies, all English villages.
louds who fail to register apof his flag captain that the vic while England had to build up artments for rent and hoarding the Axis wherever he may Every negro must be agair tory had been great one her armies under the protecting indeed. The French admiral shadow of her great fleet which them for high rer Tailors in Even this SAYINGS distant and almo Villeneuve Hamburg complain of the lack ci forgotten outlier surrendered early not only defeated all efferts to of the gre in the battle after his flagchip invade the United Kingdom, but machines, according to the Ham race, that had its cradle in Af Today victory is on the wing, burger Fremdenblatt The Ham ca is in the forefront of the had been badly mauled by the also prevented the enemy from: The averging shadow is cast farburger Tagblatt bewalls the lack tie of Itberation.
broadsides of Nelson Victo orstaining raw materials from over enemy lands. The initiative of cutlery ard wine in restau ry as the latter attacked Overseas and gave Britain is ours at last, and with it the rants. The Muenchner middle of the French liad of Allies the necessary Neueste time to confidence that we know where Nachrichten annources that white battleships. What is less well build up their own fighting for to strike and how to strike. washing is a good sfaguardaPAST HISTORY known that the Spanish admiCPR, particularly in the present Secretary for India.
ral, Gravina, also succumbed in struggle. Again the British Navy gainst fire while elsewhere provi. REVEALED the battle, and that his second made it possible to supply Rus splendid heritage of secondary of savings by bombed out civil We have in this country sions are made for the withdrawal in command, Alava, Jatar on sia with much needed war ma BY BOMBS fought with Sir Arthur Welles. terials and provisions, and the education, which in the past has iars.
bred and nurtured ley, who became the Duke of cat fleets of transports which of Englishmen generations for service Although courtecs dwellin Welington, in the Peninsular took the Anglo American forces home and abroad. Our system tribute. They wil help to carry and buildings of irreplaceable y War against French domination. Ito North Africa could never has grown have sailed without her protec President of the Board of Edu Nations. Dr. Evott, up by stages. out the objetives of the United lue were destroyed in the bli bombing has also uncovered mu tion cation. We shall need a much bigger that is of archeological intere Britons the world over com Heavy, tasks suli lle before our trade than that which we had For instar. ce, as the result of e memorate Trafalgar Day, becauarmies but it is plain to me that before the war to replace 100 acres se of Nelson famous signal The Trafalgar spirit is ever nothing will stop the emy action, about the England expects that every man present in the British Navy. It gallart income which came to us in pre Roman London have been cle: men of the United Nations who war days from oversea invested of buildings and this área. will do his duty. but again the demands that the enemy be have already triumphed over so ments. The replacement of those ver revealed before, is availak true circumstances of why it sought out, found and brought much. The Prime Minister. oversea earnings which we have for scientific examiration. was hoisted are little kuown. to bettle wherever he man be.
Wisiorians tell us that on the And it is to this spirit that Bri last war the Dominions Even more than during the given up as part of our wartions and walls have come to lig.
day of the battle there was very tain owes her freedom and in earned the right to be heard in in the forefront of our have effort must be an objective set which have beer, embedded in little breeze, and although the dependence, and her great em planning for the peace.
peace ter buildings. The same is true British men of war atta:ked lpire across the seas.
They effort Sir Edward Campbell, other Roman cities, such as C: have something of value to con.
terbury ard Exeter.
same al a th a at Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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