
ATLANTIC VOICE 09 a on the parte frotheninced that a generous manetery sup heis, con me te rendes ALLIED ADVANCE PROGRESSES IN ITALY theoceeding in two columns, vision of British Veterans, consihe troops of the lifth Army un dered the best in the world, are sler General Mark Ciark are said said to be operating with the to be making marned headway Eighth. BO. 199 to be making marked headway Allied air units have intensifi 9ditor: JOS. THOMAS mans, who have been forced to ed their activities in the war z0 YEAR IX LIMON, October 23rd. 1943 NO 396 seek new positions located in nes with serious results to enemy Mount Massico one hundred and interests. START WITH THE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK forty kilometers off Rome. In In the central sector of the war their retirement, the Nazis are zon ethe Eighth have so intensi CACAO COOPERATIVE Little things! Life and death, prosperity reported to have dyramited all fied their offensive; as to have sure, a week ago, of visit building roadways and bridges, captured other positions of stra by and ruin, happiness and misery, hang upon atool don Raul Velazquez, to have assassinated the civil po tegic importance and threaten the Chief of the Economic and little things. They are like the lich pin to the 196 pulatiour and killed the cattle. Jenemy with rearguard action.
Statistic Office of the Agri wheel on which depends the safety of the The Eighth Army, und Gen The strategic position of Alife cultural Department, San Jo. vehicle They are like the rudder to the vast eral Montgomey, are still being has been occupied by the fifth, se.
inass which it guides; like the slender nerves confronted in the Adriatic area which greatly improves their cor. Don Raul is, as is widely with stern enemy opposition, but dition to pursue their activities known, greatly interested in to the bulky muscles.
have been able to capture more against the Germany new posi.
the economic welfare of our SALA traportant positions in an advan tion.
Province, particularly as it ce of several miles The 78th. Di affects our agricultural actiW. SHOULD COOPERATE vities. In this respect he has EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES IN THE PACIFIC WAR ZONES for some time, been endea.
Every e tizen of Limon sbould unhesitatingly co opera vouring to establish a co ope Thousands of Australian and ma. Elemy foreves were also re te, to the fullest exent possible, with the approachin Drive rative Association among Japanese soldiers have been en ported to have suffered defeats to secure Funds for the purchase of a Red Cross Ambulance the Cacao producers which for our City.
sagad ir ierce fighting along the to the south of Lusul and the he has repeatedly emphasizSunday the 31st. of the present month is the date set river Song north of Finschafen southeast of Slaofeng. Intense en ed is the for the mammoth parade through the principal thoroughin only manner where the enemy effort to divi counters were said in progressi fares of the city under the guidance of the personnel of the to de elements of the 9th. Austra in the sector north of the Burma which they will be able local Red Cross, the Bomberos, the Limon Nº Brigade, Scouts, etc.
lan Division from the naval for highway and the south of An. effectively enhance the induz try betterment and their On duly considering the fact men of vision and much ce was overcome with a heavy whei.
human sympathy have initiated the praiseworthy move with death toll to the Japs. Other en large Japanese porial forma personal interests. Organizing the view of nleviating pain and suffering arrong their fellow counters were reported success tion which threatened an attack work is said to have actually is deserved and rightfully expected.
fully contended by the Austra. on Chitiagong with of the fron; commenced along the ahui. we lians.
tier of Burma with India was on ta Estrella regions under his port, o part of others is deserved and rightfully expecs ted.
in China, the Japanese were Thursday last intercepted by supervision, and wili we are We should remind ourselves that the ills of this life are defeated in their further attempt RAF units; several of the enemy assured, becominud untill not circumscribed are not destined to any special group to cross the river Salween in the planes were destroyed.
al) the cultivators of this pro o relas, of human beings. The highest, the lowest, the poorbattle zone of Yunna and Burest or the richest many fall victims. Tounded in the year 1863 in one homogeneous whole.
to sircour the wounded soldiers on the battle fields the activities of the Red Cross Institutions are no longer confined to THE ALLIED CONFERENCE IN MOSCOW As w: lier stated.
such a purpose, but have been extended, univsrsally, to the the Atlantic Voice will do general service of all creatures, and working for the better: Under what has been stated a ca and Russia will be one of the ment of their health conditions, the prevention of accidente very propitious ambient, the principal results of the discus, everything ossible thn.
don Raul efforts, which are and the lightening of agony and pain among the afflicted such talked about triparty con sions.
decided y directed toward the If all co operate in this. marvellous plan and the best ferelice opened in Moscow last It is also believed that Russia is realized, we wlil have the great satisfaction of placing on economic betterment of a ve Monday night in the noted Krem wil lpress for the early open: recorded the fact that by their own sweat our citizenry have secured themselves a Red Cross Ambulance.
lin with Foreign Srio. Hull and ing of the Second Front, and sub ry large percentage of our agriculturists who have longue 00 Eden of North America and Great mit her intentio nof claiming an fought against discouraging Britain in attendance.
immense indemnity from Germa MORE NAZI DEFEATS IN RUSSIA conditions.
ny for all the serious damage ef st great deal of speculation facted, on Soviet territory, and it is understood that as soon Notwithstanding the large ve munication are said to have been exists, In political circles, with also for the heavy expense to as the scheme has been fu inforceinent sin man power and cut.
respect to the matters which will which the Union has been put uy established a project wil material which the Germans ha In two days fighting 3, 500 Ger, claim the attention of the Confe as a consequence of the Nazibe elaborated for the purpo. ve been rushing from various mans were reported killed and, rence. And it is somewhat gen attack.
se of securing financial assis parts to the battle, front of the 2, 000 taken prisor. ers; six impor, erally thought that the solution Meantime, all anxiously awaittance for the general better lower Dnieper, they have been tant railroad stations were also of many of the existing knotty sueh information as it may be ment of the industry frein unable to stop the Soviet Offen abandoned and more than problems may not be effected. It considered advisable to make pu one of the Banking Institu sive, which has totally destroyed hundred ppcampments.
09 is, however, expected that y postblic at this time tion.
the enemy lines in the great cur The desperate efforts of the war alliance between Great Brio ooo ve of the river southeast of Kre enemy are intended, it is said, tain, the United States of Ameri mench. Other Soviet forces are to save one millon of their men COMPULSORY PASTEURIZATION OF MILK said to have reached within fifty who operate in the Crimean and, орамиканинамілаачаас хуучин RECOMMENDED miles west of the rivers and threa couth Ukranian areas.
It is neither too early nor too late to set aside your ten to surround the Nazi troops Operations in the areas 98 contribution in support of the great financial drive in there located. All the lines of co Kiev, Gomel and Melitopol, conti, connection with the purchase of a red cross ambulance Among the many for Limon. Get in line for Sunday the 31st.
important nue with equal ferocity, matters discussed a che Medical 00. 00. 998 Congress held in this city of CoATTENTION! ATTENTION! lumbus Day was that on the sub CHRISTIAMS IS APPROACHING ject of the fever which affects Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee behind the milch cows. As the result of tha. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit, the dissertation by Doctor Ger he has a noyel 1943 exhibit way of selling to his preseat FRONT OF THE SEA CITY OF LIMON man Naranjo it was agreed and prospective Clients.
NEW NOVELTIES the secure the co operation of BEST FIT BEST MATERIAL BEST Sanitary Auhhorities in an effort Other than our Cool, Airy and Comfortable Rooms WORKMANSHIP to establish the compulsory pasEXCELLENT BAR SERVICE, teurization of the milk produced REASONABLE PRICES there is now served in our Dining Room each Sunday throughout the country or, from to 12 We manufacture Caps of all Designs least, in the infested dairies, SPECIAL DINNER Should the reconimendation ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT.
earn the approbation of the Exe.
GOOD MUSIC DEALINGS cutive Authority we vill be able Excelsior Tailor Ernest Cecil Lewis to look forward to a supply of CLIFFORD STEELE Proprietor our milk from improved sources Front of British Pharmacy. Limón and healthy cattle.
BAON LOR one HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA to at nebesa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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