
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 23rd. 1943 a METHODST MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS IN AFECCTIONATE AND HARVEST FESTIVAL NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALITY RESTAURANT. The ABIDING MEMORY Best AND ECONOMY. Everythdrinks prepared by Craw ing in machinery made or The 1943 Harvest Thankcford and Grant, The Thirteenth day of the present month brought the first Genuine repaired, from a Pin to very dreary and sad anniversary of the death of our beloved giving Services of the Metho native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry an Husband and Father dists will, we are told, be con stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs ducted inthe city Church on the most up to date. and other useful things at MENTHUSELAH CHAMBERS Sunday the 7th. proximo. Rei Crawford, and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº 89 gular divine services will be prietors.
North Fifth Avenue, In our hearts his memory affectionately lingers. Loving and kind was he in all his ways.
at 11 a, m, and 30 Thompson, Proprietor.
Momently, we remember our husband and father; singing and reciting Program THE ORIENTAL BARBER Lord grant us faith our grief to bear: SHOP And may he evermore rest in Peace.
me will be presented by the Young People at three o clock Located in front former Widow. Louise. Stephen and Alfred. Children in the afternoo.
Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDERA cordial invitation is ex. Avenue is the new parlour TAKING SHOP. Speciali tended citizens.
of the only Oriertal Bar Tzes in making and repairing ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every other nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. Cofber with years of practice fins always stocked. See in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewhere.
With the exception of this country. Efforts should proved generally. The cycle Cutting Art. trial will Prices moderate. 4th. Street, those engaged in war pro be pursued to bring into of progress has certainly convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumber duction, we think, most of being one of them, at least. not ended, therefore, we LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECK th eworld factories and in new industry will natur think, there should be a Proprietor FORD.
dustrial centers are suffer ally expand the nation continued development of ing from ſidlaness; capital financial well being, while new ideas and methods to. wages NEW INDUSTRIES NEEDED quence, much in need of the wind living conditions in a higher standard of living FLASH. FLASH of our which, like that of the automobile, many years ago, TREND FROM AXIS SEEN IN MADRID All high grade material for Construction of buildings ete. just received will swiftly develop into entensive production activiSpain continues to serve the Axis shed despite presumably rigid Large quantities of groove and tongue ties with direct benefits to as a sounding board for Berlin press cersorship.
both labour and capital, as peace offers. The rumor was the Laurel Flooring and Sidings Political Realismº well as to general living hoary one of a separate peace aCedar Boards of all dimentions The Valladolid radio has deci.
interests. It should best be greement between Russia and ded that Ideology.
based on mass production Germany, The Germans obviously has taken a back seat and made PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED started its circulation in order to way for a special political realand of a type that will ap draw some sort of a response from. ism. No longer are things black peal to the masses. But for Moscow which might be made the and white: The present struggle GA MEZ LUMBER YARD the outbronk of the present basis of future negotiations. is not one war, but several wars 4th. Street toward Northen Machine Shops warfare, we are sure the Indicative of Spain loss of faith mixed up together, with contrastindustrialists of the world in a German victory or even aing aims. Even Russia is treated LIMON would have brought forth stalemate, the Madrid rewspaper with a new respect: The Soviet Semana recently said; Union turned the balance from new activities for the bat Germany was alone when the one side to the other during the can find a basis of understarding radio. Falange station emphasizes, terment economic struggle cenmenced and also will course of this war. This cannot with those who have been decei The university must choose its life.
be alone at the end, or almost be undertood from an ideologic ved, although it must be admit place where religious consciousMany well established alone, She began to fight with al viewpoint. but from the (ted they have a lively resent ness is most acute in order to preinterests have advanced each one of her enemies separa viewpoint of) national and impe ment for us.
vent the recrudescence of certain tely, but she will fird herself atrialistic interests, The Orgarization of Universit dangerous associations which their interest in mining and the end fighting, against all of The Spanish Radio recently ies takes on political significance would imbues tudents with a peother important industries in them together. This was publi took cognizar. ce of the interse as interpreted by the Valladolid dantic and thoughtless scepticism.
feling against the Falange by as wa0000 POUVONDOSUDOWS3050V is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit sertins The Falange knows AIR RESCUE FROM 0000000000000000000000 the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon Spain has to cover still a long Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave. West of the City road before she has gained com THE JUNGLE TEATRO MODERNO Market.
plete national unity. Perhaps we An RAF Lunes 25 de octubre de 1943 squadron, just res.
turned from Japanese occupied EL JUGADOR FENOMENO Burma, has completed a remark con Jack Oakie able series of operations. In the course of them, the squadron Martes 26 de octubre de 1943 new over 50, 000 miles and dropped over half a million tons of LA MARCA DEL TIEMPO troops in the jungle, who weve CACAO constant on the move. Not one Miércoles 27 de octubre, 1943 casualty was suffered, in air.
craft or persomel. The CAPITANES DE LAS NUBESC The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao aron greatest feat followed the con James Cagney receipt of a message from one of the widely separated parties reading: Request aircraft to le jueves 28 de octubre de 1943 Tland. Among the landing AMANECER RANCHERO grounds selected was a narrow. con Ramón Armengod jungle clearing, 800 yards long, from which wounded and sick were to be evacuated. The crew Viernes 29 de octubre de 1943 of the aircraft, which landed on AMANECER RANCHERO the clearingconsisted of an con Ramón Armengod We are Agents for English pilot, formerly a outta businessman; an English sergeant co pilot froin Jamaica; Sábado 30 de octubre de 1943 a Canadian wireless operator: TARZA NEL INDOMABLE and a Yorkshire airman. They con Herman Brix got down safely, and took seven OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE teen patients on board. Then came the great test. a short Doming 031 de octubre de 1943 runway for the take off. By a frantic lift, the aeroplane EL CIRCO cleared the trees. few days con Cantinglas later the squadron flew wounded from Assam to Calcutta.
just the 06 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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