
SABE AHORRAR On October 22, 1928 Yesterday marked the fifteenth Anniversary since the icy hand of Death robbed us of our dearly beloved Husband and Father ALBERT DELPRATT COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL BANCO DE COSTA RICA wh lärgen.
so The players again adashed at for the drying of Corn and other normal demands of the Republic tirists in their pursuits and prom One who was faithful, sincere and affectionate; Husband and Father who cared for all our wants.
His mortal flesh is now dceayed in his earthly bed, But we believe his spirit, like an angel, sleeps undisturbed. Sucursal en Limón)
Catherine Delpratt Brown and Children REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO CONTINUATION OF FOOTRALL LEAGUE FIXURES In keeping with the fixtu ge. Then, on an opportune res of the Football League momenta appoaring, Picho a contest was presented last charged and gained another CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF HUGE DRYNG PLANT Sunday afternoon between uoint. Mexico Junior had the Barcelonian and Mezi not yet advanced from nil. We have been reliably inform. count of the Institute.
the United Nation to provide co Junior Teams Judging and swimming with the ti ed that the Director of the Ins The Contract is said to include fooodstuffs for the communities by the number of per de off ill wind missed atitute of Inter American Affairs a number of stipulations of great deprived of the means of proper sons who attended, the ga well intended shot, from the has concluded a Contract with importar. ce to the agricultural life subsistance because of the war.
The Institute will also afford me gave raise to much en center forward, at a sensa the Minister of Agriculture for of the country; such as the one thusiasm.
tional period of an attack. the installation of a huge plant which provides that after the facilities and assist the agriculcise demossntrated a alfficulties. Assistance The first half of the exer the ball, a thrilling shuffle food products in the Old Line re are filed, the plant is to be em duction also be afforded tirem in mewhat parity of strength was witnessed and beating gion, somewhere in the jurisdic) ployed in the preparation of with be preparati tion of Santa Clara, until, within a few minutes his challenges, Nicar set up such products as are needed in connection with the transporta The installation of the plantcoperating with the efforts of tion of the products to the plant of the announcement of the the first goals for his side.
rest period, when a corner The third and final goal will. we understand, be for ac. foreign markets, with a view of!
position became advanta for the winnig team was geous to the Barcelonians added during a spectacular and Pincho discharging his atack at the northern end LIC DON FRSCO. OUR AGRICULTURISTS AND OTHERS JUBILANT cannon to center Jose Jack of the sward, when a pass, son advanced the shot. effected my the right wing, FONSECA CH. By he medium of atelegram Decree prohibiting the lifting of On resuming, the players was advanced to left and VISITOR dated the 20th. instant, dispatch the Perishurst Hone Creek tram isplayed increased force. the ball, dribbled by Picho ed from San Jose by Don Raul lines with extension to Cahdita. he leaders notched up the to within striking distance Velazquez, Chief of the Office of this information is of great mohigh gear and took control the shot was marked up on During the early days Economy and statistics of the Nament not only to the regional cul of the of the ball. Picho, on the the very eve of the call of week in course, we had wheretional Department of Agriculture, tivators but to our entire coun left wing, and Tenoro, on time. Don Roberto Mata, the distinguished presence of our the joyous information was re tivators but to our entire commu the right, kept their op one of our teachers, was the Deputy to the National Congress, leased to our energetic and un Hity. We say thanks to His Ex ponents out of striking ran very effective Referee. Lic. don Francisco Fonseca Cha tiring agriculturist, Mr. Fernah celency the President, Dr. Calde mier. Onthe background of his do Asch Escocia, that the Natio ron Guardia the Legislators and Limonenses or other charitably disposed persons who characteristic winsome ways he nal Congress, in its third debate; all others who have aided in the may not be in this City on Sunday the 31st. instant, can was seen here and there exchan had approved the Presidential measure of preservation.
remit their donations to the red cross ambulance fund ging the greetings of the day. The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts through any reliable medium and, if desired, public we were indeed glad to have him the kids the Mittle scalps, have all been done at Dixon Baracknowledgment will be effected: so says the President of the auxiliary Red cross for Limon.
among us.
ber Shop West of the City Market.
HCGTRRINE Ricarica with imicinicami ucinitum SHORTS FROM HERE cacatananiittime caricati CCM antiinitants AND THERE His Holiness the Pope CONSTIPATION is stated to have contributed an appreciable sum the DESTROYS YOUR HEALTH kilogrammes of gold which the Nazis demanded of the Jews in Rome for the release of one hundred of their race Constipation is not contagious, it is caused by the greasy foods which held as hostages.
irritate your intestines.
VENCEDOR Oil for cooking is perfectly refined and does not contain Buenos Aires advice says or other substancies which produce constipation.
President Ramirez of Argen lina ordered the dismissal of WITH GOOD HEALTH YOU WILL ENJOY LIFE all public employees who on the 15th, instant signed a manifest favouring democra.
VENCEDOR is a pure refined se sameseed oil guaranteed by the Facey: tory where there are modern Laboratories directed by two Chemical Engineers.
More than 250, 000 Germans SOLE AGENTS: will it is said, be tried by the special Tribunal establish ed by the United Nations, for their criminal actions 40 Thousands of Japanese and Avenida Central. Edificio Steinvorth Italians will also be similar тіптіснішнісопис инспирисанинишининшсанициписатиписанишига ишонмар ly treated.
Comics greasy acids Distribuidora a.
TELEFONO 6089 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA APARTADO 1540 RECOMMENCERAMICS MICROIN TURCJA Santestena Stadini HO McNCE TUHUMNO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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