
Saturday, October 23rd. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Copra HANOVER, CERMANYS IMPORTANT ADUSTRIAL CENTER, DESTROYED The Allied Aviation resumed in Sanitary Autorities in an effort sified operations over Germa the Reich more important war with last week end. The great industry and railroad centers, ustrial city of Hanover was was subjected to a devastating age, while Leipzig, one or raid. number of other places PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR four motor bombers during were also visited with much et: night of the 18th, and so te. fectiveness.
Ty damaged that but very Aerial activities of an intense of the buildings are said to character were made by units teft standing of the Allieds on the night of the he city industrial activities 20th. instant over strategic ene.
ided a large synthetic rub my positions in Italy and the Bal factory, an enormous petro kans with much success.
mrefinery and several air. tank, cannon and automo!
manufacturing plants. The TWO BEEFLESS DAYS ical authorities are reported to ave obliged the citizens to re Our city market was without rain in their ruined houses un beef for two days of the week in er the threat of death.
course. The tie up as effected SEVEN Berlin was also visited the sa on Tuesday morning the trade REMEMBER Right and suffered additional being resumed on the morning of Thursday. The circumstance, as WE PAY THE BEST PRICES we gather resulted from the new VATER FACTORY sale price of sixty cents a pound, COSTA RICA SODA prescribed by the Auxiliary Price Control Authorities. At the out. REGRETTABLE set, the butchers claimed they BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS ASSIST OUR could not see their way clear to ACCIDENT Fábrica de Hielo y ECONOMIC EFFORTS buy live stock at the existing With very much regret high prices and prepare the meat With much gratification Affairs which operate in this Refrescos we learn of the unfortunate we note the announcement country have to do in confor the market for sale at sixty incident of a week gents a pound. After several con ago, of the assistance which the nection with the Institude Limón when Mr. Nathan McFarla Banco Nacional de Seguros is plan for the intensification of ferences among the interested par ne of Beverly was ties, the trade was resumed with thrown affording the efforts being our Corn Industry, the Mena FLORIDA ICE AND the proviso that the dealers are from his riding mare and re undertaken for the better gement of the Bank have au ceived such injuries as neces ment of the economic life of thorized the issuing of poli obligated to comply with the re sitated his tranfer to his city pur Zone.
FARM CO quirements of the Regulation; cies to such persons as will for medical treatment.
It has been releasel they may however submit finan that guarantee them financial LA We learns at this time of in view of the large amount protection against accidents.
FLORIDA eial statistics in proof of their contento nfor the reconsidera writing that he is progressing of motor car travelling mem We reiterate our ADERAS sincere tion of the Junta de Abastos.
very favourably. We wish our bers ofthe branch of the Ins appreciation FABRICA DE HIELO esteemed collaborator an ear titute of Inter American CANON In men whom men condemn as non philanthropic by and complete recovery.
e find so much liberality that none should say they Men prefer and women admire the Hair Cut. Whe: it is ill not contribute to the greaf fund gathering on Sunday LOCAL BRIEFS done at Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Merker we 31st, of the present month for the purpose of securng a Red cross ambulance for our citizenry.
Due to the situation pre CAFE HOLNESS vailing throughout the coun MUCH CORDIALITY AND COMRADESHIP Corner 2nd Avenue and 7th. Street try the Civic. Authorities directly in front the Football Ground.
EVINCED San Jose have postpon Through the highly ap(expressions of deep thoughtbrated at the close of each ed the Fiestas usually cele This New Eating and Refreshing Sprit ated good offices and were poured auo. Ratifica is now at the Public Service spirit of comradechip of tion of several matters are next year, when the East of year, to the month of March on Tristan Brenes, Direc said to have been COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD recom of the General AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRETomas mended and sanctioned.
St Joseph the Republic Pa ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
Guardia School, the Center tron Saint, takes place.
Among the important dan recreation Hall was assign items dealth with was the ed the members of the En election of Dr. Ludovico So Proceading, from other Cen DON RICARDO ALVARADO HEADS LOCAL dish Private School Brianch to, as representative of the iral American countries, a lar TINTA DE ABASTOS the ANDE (Associacion Branch to the Congress of ge quantity of Rice arrived Vacional de Educatores) the ANDE. in the place nthe country the earlier Limonenses are enjoying the lary Price Control Comitte who had as their distinguish of the late lamented part of the week in course, don. guests, don Carlos Mora Jnan Peralta. highly welcomed presence of our with such a distinguished perso for the Central Board of Sup Barrantes, Inspector of Pri plies, who will dispose of it, ex Governor, don Ricardo Alva nage and able executive, we are vate Schools and Colleges of The trachers are reported to the smaller traders, with rado, not only from the viewpoint assured the scale of justice will of his being a former citizen and be equitably utilzied. Thrice wel and to have concluded by expres the view of reducing the Nation Department of ra: king official, but in his new come to our former chief citi.
the Public Educations, and Don sing their sineere gratitude stabi izing the price of position as Chief of the Auxi zen.
Ludovico Soto Barcelo, Doc to these two Messengers of eve very day necessity. The 16. It is because you Good will.
your last Hair was not satisfactory tor of Philosophy and Attor entire lo is said to be of first did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City ay at Law, of the Gregg class quality.
Market chool of San Jose.
Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota el dorso We beg to call your attention to our remork at the back We are told these truede su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: hearted gentlemen voluntari Thin will must be paid at our office before ly effected the trip with all Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the Orn. of the month the attendant personal sacri de los primeros 10 días de cada mes fices, to offer their intellecBe so goou as to con. ply with this request and do not tual assistance and guidance Le rogainos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena lige us io suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
to the educational program me of the English Private School Division of this Zo me. The proceedings were outstandingly cordinal and DOO thu Aus COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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