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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 23rd. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN We were World are sisul you we of more they EUROPE IN THE LUFTWAFFE THE PRESIDENT OF TRAMPED 000 BISCAY OFFENSIV JAPANESE WAR RIDDLE HAITI SPEAKS MUES There is a saying umong COM For weeks past the behaviour. man submerine commanders o When the fighting er. ds in Eu of the Luftwaffe has provided If Germany wing this war it taken prisoner ir day: Three times across IM rope the economy of Europe will much fcod for thought. German will mean slavery. This program Decemb. 1941, when our sub Bay of Biscay and they must be organized for war. 2hat cuing tight:rs have had to be forced me of growing cryptostegia la marine was sunk during anou a Knight Cross. The the case, and in view of the into the air to do combat with rubber latex bearing plant) and attack on an enemy convoy at son is that th: Bay of Bisce fact that the liberated nations our fighter sweeps. It is or:lysisal is the Heit an workers way the time of the Japarese in this wer has become ag dige will be at war with Japan and when mighty swarms of RAF helpirg assure victory over vasion of the Malay penirsula. bottleneck for boats as can play a positive role in the bombers attack German in the Axis powers, You, my friend. But within two days we Escap English Chinel was in the combined effort to cer. clude the dustrial centres that the Luft are soldiers in this war for freed shortly beiore dawn on the war. The Bay was to have War. The Fighting waife is goaded into action om as much as cur brothers hird morning wo were on the Germany backdoor for raw French, have been our allies when one recalls the norstop in uniform for whom we furnish outskirts of a town. Hiding interials rom Japanese conquere against Japan sirce the day af offensives carr; out by the ne mater als or war. You di. ches and behind bushes we rritories in the Far Bast.
ter Pearl Harbor. They will German air force in 1940 and an arny fighting with machetes eluded the Japanese patrols and was hond that it would als wish to wipe out the surrender 1941, cne realises to the full. how and the tools of the soil just reached the hills. The sever th be the boats short cut to vi Indo China to Japan The Neth sensational a change has taken like those who fight with ships night we went down to the tory. British air power destroye erlands is, of course, a very implices What is the answer to the and gunst. Every pound of rubber etass and luckily found a boat. those hopes. The development portant Pacific power and cur Riddle of the Luftwaffe? There every drop of latex and every Th. fifty mile row to the main :age aircraft for ally sir. ce th: first hour of the are two possibly explanations strand of produce land took four day s, as we had warfare brought the Bay of Japanese war, Belgium, Czechos One at swer. is that Germany means more shells and bullets to make our way from island to cay upger as close watch as lovakia, Poland Yugoslavia are rate of aircraft production has to fire agairst the Axis ene island by night. Chinese helped North Sa. The boats atte, at war with Jepan; Norway and for months been rocketing mies of our Liberty. This is Hai us. They were wonderful. Oneed to counter the danger Greece have broker, relations down. Her air losses are so great.
poorstribution is the fighi community of poor fishermen, sailing in groups. They hope with Jepan. All of them have to day that production is ceasing for freedom. We cannot fail our after sharirg. their rice and fish that their combined anti aireri veteran fighting men, pilots, to kep pace with them These soldier comrad. ir, the war, and with us had a collection and gave tire would drive off air atte bombardiers, sailors. rchant, casualties are formidable indeed know that you will not fail us half a Chines: dollar. That But lak packs met a sinis crews, as brave and experienced Add to them the effect of our them was all the money had answer to that given to as any zrywhere. Some of them raids on Germar industriaj cen The regular Hevea rubber tree throughout our trek (when we packs. Special hunting gr particularly France, Belgium, tres in the course of which mal has been planted in Haiti but finally arrived at our destination of surface ships were sent Czechoslovakia, will have war ny aircraft viatories have be in this species tak:s years to grow. mainland at a place occupied by cooperation with aircraft.
we still had it. We reached the th Bay to deal with they Cindustries which will in some destroyed or damaged.
In the meantime useful latex is considerabls degree survive the CresAdd agair. Germany being ext: aced from tremendous Chinese guztillas. Their sentries of these groups, consisting of German devastatior when the known, difficulties in the raw lantations of the fast growing surrounded us ard took us to slocps Kite. Wren Germans retreat. Several of materia. sphere. It vould, howe bush, Cryptostegia. The drier their leader. We explained who pecker ard Wildgoose. ure them are great seafaring nations, ver, be, folly for this country to areas of Heiti have bten we were ard he gave us ex safe the command of Captain Fry for example Norway, which in base its caloulations on un tensively planted with the conduct. small piece of pa sisal rick John Walker, DSO was 1939 had a larger merchant fliet confirmed optimism. This is at alce to meet the shortage rer with Chinise characters a typical action recently. The thar Germany and very nearly the back of the minds of the fibres for ropes made so str rgent charm. Whenever we showed it miles northwest of Cape Orte written on it. It worked like a boats had been sighted nin as large a merchant steet as Ja alt rnative school of thought by the loss of the Phillippines, pan. Since the war ir the Pa the men who maintain that from which the bulk of manila people fell over themselves to British and American bomb cific is predominantly oceanic Germany, faced with a coming tibre was previously obtained.
help us.
attacked them and succeede the industrial and maritime po allied offensive or one or Haiti contribution is therefo Then: were a lot of evacuees breaking up the formation wer of liberat:d Europe is much bridgeheads in Europe, is build re by no moans a small one and them. The Chinese walk fast and meanwhile given the signal on the road and we followed tain Walker, in the Kite. too considerable to be overlooking up powerful reserves of the shoe nillion hardworking ed. The contirued and combined ighters and bombers. Garma nationals of Haiti nave thrown never seem to tire. We neral Chase. a signal participation of the liberated y, they say has taken a leat themselves into an all out effort must have averaged about 20 which the British Fleet att natiore in the common war will out of Britain book and has Fresidert scot or mon; miles a day. The roadsed the Spenish Armada 350 y.
be provide them with an objective, scattered her air factories all proud of their they took led accomplishments up into the ago and the sloops moved and perhaps unifying, national over the Reich, Heavy concen to date mountains. They were little mo to th. attack, too. As a res Purpose during the spiritually trations of fighters and bombers re than rough, rock strewn tracks, of this combined operation, th trying times which will follow are now being pr pared. On this twisting and curling for mile boats were sent to the botte the collapse of the Nazi tyranny, THE UNIVERSAL after mile. The pac: was fast. It is because of such more cautious basis, the combin combiner They may by this means be ed Pritish and American air LANGUAGE carried over the dismal and blank forces are basing their prepara but after a few days we got used operatiors thatt he boat mer it. We walked in silence most say. Three times acro. 33 th moments when they have little, tions for the series of of the time, just concentrating Bay.
assaults to think about but th:ar memo that will have to be made beon walking Our route led from In an American air campanhamlet to hamlet, clusters ries of the past and the difficul fore Germany, cries Urcondi.
of Englishman got involved ties of the future.
SAYINGS with two or three poor wooder huts tional surrender the pronunciatior of the precaricusly the Instead of demobilizing our pmato. Tomayto or tomah mountain rocks. Misty rain soak European allies suddenly while 47102 INSULIN to? the question.
ed ur clothes, and icy winds Our object is to finish: Britain and America remain toHe asked a young pilot whe through them. On the bare ghastly war as quickiv as po tally mobilized, instead of attempt PRODUCTION ther pronunciation depended on heights we had to rely on the ble and gain ur, conditional irg abruptly to recorvert their which American state ore lived kindrass of the villagers to feed rendir. I: is in this spirit economy while ours remains or in or was in north or south? us. Nothing could grow in such the Pacto y front is work ganized for total war, we can Collaboration between insulir No, sir, was the answer, wild country. Most of the towns to day Sir Stafford Cripps.
practice a division of labor anding manufacturers ir Britain It just this. You ask for aand villages through which whic pourd reciprocal aid which will relieve manufacturers in Britain.
is the guiding Democracy of tomahtoes. The passed had beer, bombed, and article of faith; it is the the strain evirywhere. Whether origipated in the blitz storekeeper will say, Huh!
a many of the Chinese had rebuilt institution which cari allow for we can use any part of thenance of adequate supplies for pound of tomaytoes.
their houses three or four ti social change and betterment German arsenal against Japan diabetics. On thir own initia 20 you ask for tomaytoes, mes, only to have them shattır without revolutionary upheavai ard how this is to be done tive ir the interests of the be II say, Huhị a pourd of to ed again by Japanese planes. or war. In the carrying out 04 without mitigating the disarma diabeties. who depead for health martes. The only rule is just Ultimately, after nine weeks, we that task a great comrades ment of Germany is a question on daily doses of insulin the cussedness.
reached a British Army outpost will be deviloped. amorg which can be decided only with manufacturerss agreed to make which are democracies the full cons:nt of Soviet Ruscia, thér stocks available to each 000 BARGES stri ing for liberty throughout And it must be decided without other and to pool their scientific seekirg to prejudice Russia in and technical research. Sub CARRY WAR GOODS creased costs. Six thousard bar world. Mr. Ernest Bevin dubitable right to decide for her. sequently, codperations was ex Such is the resolution ges are now constantly at work, th people self her future relations to the tended to all phase of insulin and more are being built. They patriotism of our Japanese war.
production. As a result, a bigger Britain canals for long the navigate more than 2, 000 miles we have lost in the last twel We have to be extremely cayield of insulin is now derived Cinderella of transport are of canals and vary from horse: months from industrial disput teful also to remember the deep from pancreas. There is a serious now goirg all out in the war drawn, seven feet beam boats less than one hour of each war and ir sidious pitfalls of an shortage of insulin throughout effort. Tharks to Government carrying 20 tons of cargo to big ker time in the whole year unconsidered policy et using. enemy occupied Europe. The control and help the canals 150 tænners driver, at a steady Mr. Oliver Lytteltor.
German reouro:s for the Pa greater yiele now being obtain themselves are being improved; four by powerful new The immediate post war years cfic war. We must avoid, as weed will assist the Ministry of barge fleets and crews are being motors. Between them they are going to bring us mary acuwould the pest, any temptation Supply in its task of providing increased; modern engines are are carrying more than 1, 000, 000 te anxieties. The prooleins will to be bamboozled into treating adequate supplies to European being built and installed to retors of cargo every month the be even greater when victory co come immediate post Hities Ger countries upon their liberation. place the plodding horse; mo equivalent of about 1, 000 train mes than they were after 1918.
man regime as a co belligerent.
bile cranes and loading equip Loads of 500 or more coastal We shall need courage, wisdom If we can make any use of Ger by an absolutely defeated enemy ment are speeding up the shipload. Every extra ton saves and statesmanship in those days man war ir dustry ant German and not as a contribution to the handling of goods; and Govern. for vital war cargoes on the to an extent even greater har labor, it most be as reparation common cause ment grants are offsetting in. railways and in the ships, to day. Mr. Eder.
may well word perched on we Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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