
TLANI UTLE UICE TEO 10000680P B000809000000 segu: a he rate the Man first foe is himself, and until this one be con quered none can expect to be very successful in conquering those which come frora with out. As the interna! foe is ditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX (99always present, we have ample opportunity for practising YEAR IX LIMON, October 30th. 1943 NO 397 the art of self conquest.
WOOOORGUSUWW 6030000CDOWEEDO19989 Despite the stern opasi ALLIED SUCCESSES CONTINUE IN ITALY of the Germans, the EDITORIAL lied forces are continuing has appealed to the warring of south Italy. The Nazis eir general advance along nations to regard Rome as a also fear the allieds will eneir entire war front and Holy City and so save it deavour a further invasion. SIMPLE CONVEYANCE. AN INSPIRATION ve captured an additional from attack.
by way of Crete, wnde a new imber of important straAfraid of being entrapped attack is etpected from CorWe would not attempt to enumerate the te gic positions.
by the reinforcements Ge sica where a big force has wonderful achievements which owe their deve us The tanks and infantry of neral Eisenhower is supposed been concentrated.
lopment to very, very simple or modest begin to be about to land for ope Allied naval units have e Fifth army have started rations in the central re been effecting violent attacks nings. Insignificant objects have occasioned great e attack against the right gions, Hitler has ordered, a against the enemy positions inspirations and afforded humanity some of its of the fortified German release states, the evacuation on the route to Rome, marvellous accomplishments.
18 nce system in the sector In view of world wide conditions there irreno, while in the cenal region the Eighth have NEW ALLIED GAINS IN SOLOMON ISLANDS need to give thought to every effort advanced to eply penetrated the enemy cope with the existing order of things, particularly ont.
from an economic point of view, even when such Rome is said to be practi Allied forces have initia ing is said to have been ef efforts seem mere trifles. These, however, maice lly isolated from the rest ted a new offensive in the fected on the Island of Mol perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
the world. It is a so stated Solomon Islands area of the no, Japan last important funeral procession, headed for the One at His Holiness the Pope Pacific war zones. land fortification in the group. Mile burial place, was recently observed. The eart As this Island is located dead is said to have been a member of one of CHRISTIAMS IS APPROACHING but thirty miles southwest the local fraternal organizations. As the funeral of Buin Faisi, the Allied ac Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee behind tion is regarded as a flan cortege proceeded, it was noted that the coffin that. See Chord Steele first before purchasing yoursuit he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present king movement against the was being borne by an unusual contrivance, and prospective Clients.
latter position, and which attracted the attention of all passers by.
BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST menace against Rabaul. Pushed by human hands, the somewhat mediaeval The enemy aerial power carriage of simple construction, placed on four WORKMANSHIP in the northern sector of the rubber covered wheels, was executing an excellent Solomon group has been des REASONABLE PRICES troyed, at least temporarily service, on the background of a great Thought We manufacture Caps of all Designs by the continuous bombing while the large number of mourriers and symALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT raids which have material pathisers, who accompanied the bier, seemingly DEALINGS ly damaged their three ba enjoyed the foot exercise.
Excelsior ses in Boungainville, Allied Tailor It would, we think, afford a great medium of a units are also said CLIFFORD STEELE have dealt help to an appreciably large number of our citie a heavy blow Front of British Pharmacy to enemy, navegation north zerny, if some individual or group would provide 206R0260a of Boungainville and in the a couple, at least, of these hand propelled carNAZ POSITION CRITICAL IN RUSSIA strait between New Britain riages, of an improved construction, until the the battle of the Dnieper where violent fighting is in and New Guinea. More than adquisition of a more modern vehicle or hearse ving terminated with a progress, as with an increafifty enemy planes have be secured.
mplete victory for the So sed number of tanks, many been destroyed and forty Sts, the enemy is said to taken from Italy, the Gerodd damaged in the recent!
in full retreat, their disor mas are endeavouring to, fighting at Rabaul.
Stirling, another of the No real limonense will allow the collecting banner nized formations fecing maintain a escape fast as they possibly can for, at least, one half of their gainville has been occupied drive is set for Sunday the 31st. instant, the little streams Tesoro group, south of Boun to pass withost giving all he or she can to augment the fond needed to buy Limon red cross ambulance, the estward. The Russians are entrapped milion.
by Allied troops.
sorted to have destroyed Soviet units have in ciated help to swell the currents of the big rivers.
air defence system along a a new offensive toward the int of one hundred and northeast of Vitebsk ty kilometers from hite Russia, where they probhe to the sea of Azov. ef ecíed breaches in the GerAs a consequence of the man trenches, advanced seussian advance, the one veral miles and captured lion Nazi soldiers operat ighty villages. in the The Russian army under cing their most critical si. command of General TobukTHE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LIMON wishes to advise all cation. They are now more him, aided by their tanks its members that from Monday the 25th. of the present month of October osely menaced with an and motorized division are the Provincial Lists of Voters have been placed to the view of the public in velopment movement than encirching and anibilating the respective localities. Members whose names do not appear on the lists disorganized, eenig enemy, are asked to call at the respective offices of the Party with a view of securThe Soveits have reacheu contingents it is stated.
of Krivoi Rog ing their immediate electoral inscription.
Registration of North Americans Ordered The List for Limon City, District NO 1, Central Canton, is placed at Under date the 27th Ins: 31st day of December proxi.
the Post Office: t, a Washington advice sta. mo. All those who attin eigh.
that President Roosevelt teen years on or after the ist, The Second District is placed at Matina.
ordered the registrotion o. of January 1944 are obligated North American Malc Na to register on the day they com The Third District is at Amubre.
al resident outside tre plete that age, ed States (Pto. Rico, Alaska It is estimated the order will Office of the Censor, National Republican Party of Limon. the Hawaii Islands, who effect about 100. 000 citizens Limon, Octo ber 20th. 1943.
between the of eighteen of the great Republic.
forty five years up to the to id Limón 600MABOBQRGPRORemasandeep ROR0900 GOOD OCCIDON)
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