
Saturday, October 30th. 1943.
BANCO DE COSTA RICA once Axis war to has WHISKY COSTA RICA a war DEMOCRACY GREAT TEST In the years preceding the knock out blows. Ill prepawar, the world was told by red and handicapped by LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD the representatives of new their inefficient system, they SABE AHORRAR political ideas that the knell would, it was declared, have had sounded for Democracy. no chance to either withsIt was said that if Demo tand or catch up with the cracy had ever had any sort military efficiency of dictaCOMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL of reason for its existence torships, which had spent it had outlived itself as a many years on all military woyking and workable poli preparations. Today, this detical and economic system for mocratic system is dealing modern times. It was clai hammer blows against the med that modern national same dictatorships, and (Sucursal en Limón)
the and international life, politi number of those who cally and economically, de firmly believed in an REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA manded an organization of victory is rapidly decreasing.
such efficiency and capaci This stirring reversal of LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO ty of firm and speedy action the scales from the days as was not compatible with when Britain, alone against the political, administrative the furious onslaught of the and economic instruments of Axis war machine, struggled democratic conditions. under daily and nightly blows theory of the ineficiency of Allied war effort that there good stead in time of When the war broke out of the German Luftwaffe democracy and the efficiency are indications the European will be needed to make and the world was told the de and submarine fleet, must of dictatorship.
Dictators are making belated keep the peace. There will mocratic nations would be certairly astonish those who What happened to produce attempts to try it out to a be vast opportunities, after subject to swift and final. were inclined to accept the this reversal? Did Britain, in limited degree.
the war, to give a final ansher hour of peril, attempt It has taken the war tower to the argument as to abandon democracy and makedemocracy realize the whether democracy is effitake on the dictatorship or inherent strength of free peo cient. Democracy is passing ganisation of her enemies? ples; and the very qualities through its greatest test and No, she did nci. What saved which have stood it in such is steadily winning.
Britain was simply her de mocracy. And what again, during the ensuing For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber Shop West of tne City Market.
period, made her great military power is simply her democracy. While the ATTENTION! ATTENTION!
has progressed, al Britan democratic institutions have HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA carried on and have acted in fact as the fundamental FRONT OF THE SEA. CITY OF LIMON Uno de los mejores Whiskys evers of the successful buildNEW NOVELTIES fabricados en América ing up of the weapons of attack now represented by Other than our Cool, Airy and Comfortable Rooms her powerful Air Force, EXCELLENT BAR SERVICE.
Elaborado a base de Cebada.
Army and Navy. They there is now served in our Dining Room each Sunday all in full, effective action.
Bien madurado y envejecido.
from to 12 Meantime, signs are not SPECIAL DINNER wanting that the dictatorships are exhausting them GOOD MUSIC selves in an effort, no lon Ernest Cecil Lewis ger of attack, but of defenProprietor ce, against the once harassed SO democratic world now turned to the offensive. en barricas de roble.
It The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts is evident the dictatorships that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Barcan not keep up production ber Shop. West of the City Market.
and military strength at the same tempo displayed by the RALLY BY BAPTISTS ON 9TH. PROXIMO democratic nations. The theo! The Rally, treating on some Christianity should ever be in ry of an inefficient democracy versus a super efficient of the outstanding male cha different to the well being of dictatorships needs revising.
racters of the Bible, to be sta the House of God. Our friends Allied democracy has proged in the Baptist Church in have prepared this entertain.
this city, under the auspices of ment, we learn, for the porpo.
ved its superiority in effithe Women Federation asso. se of raising funds to cover the ciency, thanks to the scope un Whisky legítinro, de calidad, ciated with that Denomination, cost of the repairs urgently nee provides for free individual on the night of Tuesday the ded to the Sacred Edifice; it, a precio atractivo: division and entushiasm, Free 9th proximo, should stir inte. there fore, uncoutedly merits public criticism has proved itself a sound means for im rest and a will to cooperate a generous financial support proving technique in among all who prefer God to Let us do our best the noble proMammon. None who profess cause, duction and organisation. The people have been treated as LA FRANCE LIBRE adult men and women with Frente la Compañía Eléctrica, Limon individual responsibility. AfSOUVENIRS DE COSTA RICA ter the war democracy will Revistas en Inglés y Español. Variedad de Novelas y have a greater chance to Libros de Enseñanza FABRICA NACIONAL prove its skill in organisation, Cámarts Fotográficas, Películas, Joyas de Fantasía, co ordination and Co opera Resistencias, Ropa para Niños, Adornos de Casa tion. It is significant to note Propietaria: ANITA DE NANNE DE LICORES that the freedom of truth COMPRO ESTANONES VACIOS has so far benefited the On parle Francais English Spoken are Años Completos WHISKY COSTA RICA (15 EA BOTELLA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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