
A LATE CACAO CROP esLimón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR inje elarly Autimn months ha to the version of the farmers, ve usually been the period they are expecting a very late ing which our Cacao pro ingathering, probably the la. secure their heavy reatter part of next month or in s; but time and season the early winter season. The apparent brought a chan rains which fell in the months this year, for, according of June and July are presu.
med responsible for the late crop.
lish Tweeds Sergs It is understood that seve.
can still be had at ral of the farmers, are on Reasonable Prices at account of the situation, ex.
JACK ORANE Sucs. periehtieng financial difficul THE PEOPLE HOUSE ties. However when all is consi Limon dered, we have much to be thankful for Dried Ipecac Roof RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra In men whom men condemn as non philanthropic we find so much liberality that none should say they will not contribute to the greaf fund gathering on Sunday the 31st. of the present month for the purpose of securg a Red cross ambulance for our citizenry.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES On iu a THE 11TH. NIGHT OF THE 11TH. MONTH COMING METHODIST SERVICES RETURN OF LA DRAWETH NEAR Our Methodist Circuit fixed for the night of TuesPROVEEDORA will celebrate the 1943 Har day the 16th. November.
MANAGER We can, from today, cal dia, Limon, Puntarenas and vest Thanksgiving services The Harvest Services in culate on twelve more days San Jose. And from all we in the city church on Sun connection with the Pacuaere the arrival of the very learn it would take a Joday the 7th. proximo. rita Church will be conduc We are indeed delighted anxiously awaited Armis seph of Israel and Egypt, It has been stated that a ted on Sunday the 14th. of to again enjoy the pleasing tice Night, when, with the to, at this time, predict the departure from the customa, the coming month, while Countenance and highly anticipated multitude, we winner, since all are said courteous services of the Ma hope to be under the influen to be about equally paced. entertaining programme clo for the 21 st. ideam, to be ry procedure of having the those of Siquirres are listed nager of La Proveedora. ce of a Fairy. region, on No Limonense with love sely following the Harvest followed by an entertaining Mr. Henry, as most eve the occasion of the staging of rectitude in their soul Services has been effected, programme the next evenryone so embracingly calls of the Legion of Mary Ral can afford to be absent hence the Concert has been ing.
him, was on the sick list for ly of the seven Provinces of from the Hall of the Cathe several weeks, but has, we our Republic.
dral Day School on Thursare glad to note, sufficienday evening the 11th. proxi tly recovered as to be able It is understood that se mo. It is understood that FROM MATINA to resume his important ac ven highly attractive Lasses profusion of entertaining vities. His presence and will deliver the respective items will be presented to Among the events of im Church for divine worship.
characteristic spreading of orations befitting Alajuela, season the main feature of portance which eame to the We desire to remind the sunshine means much to Cartago, Guanacaste, Here the programme.
front in our district of Mati members of the local Burial La Proveedora. and the na on Sunday afternoon, the Association, Inclusive, that purchasing public. We wish 24th. instant, was the maga general meeting of the a complete regaining of be his sound health in the ear the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit mificent celebration of the Sick Department will 66th. anniversary of the convened tomorrow, Sunday liest possible time.
Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave West of the City birth of our highly esteem the 31st. commencing at Market.
ed fellow townsman, Mr. four o clock in the afterS. James.
noon. It is understood that The lovely setting was M1. Henry Clarke will witnessed at his residence be the presiding officer. All with Mrs. James, his wife, members are asked to obser Wproving herself a charming ve this reminder and attend hostess. Mr. Ishmael Mur the meeting.
ray performed the responsi CACAO ble task of Chairman in Special Correspondent.
manner which shewed how The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacau well he merited the honour WATER FACTORY conferred on him. Others RAICILLA IPECACUANA present were Mr. James. COSTA RICA SODA brother of the honouree; Messrs. Edwards; Ta te; Mesdames Wright: RUBBER Johnson; Robinson and Fábrica de Hielo y Williamson; the Misses Lewis, teacher of the Good Refrescos We are Agents for Hope School; Sanders, Alterno; Murray and Limón Master Bryan. The reTHE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
freshment feature of the FLORIDA ICE AND celebration was also of a ve OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE ry high standard and great FARM CO ly appreciated. At the close of the very pleasant afterLA FLORIDA noon function, Mr. and MADERAS Mrs. James and their guests FABRICA DE HIFS proceeded to the Baptist CARIBBEAN PACKING CO.
a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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