
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, October 30th. 1943.
FLASH. FLASH week ago ternoon Tenzo DEATH OF GILBERTO, REV. R, COOPER RETURNS TO ALMIRANTE BERROCAL About three months ago learn he left last Wednesthe Rev. Cooper Jeft day, the 27th. by air tran We believe there is hardly a his flock at Almirante in portation for Almirante citizen who does not recall the neighbouring province of resume his pastoral All high grade material for Construction the features of don Gilberto the Republic of Panama, tosibilities.
of buildings ete. just received Berrocal, who operated a shoe.
attend the Anglican Synod It has been very maker establishment in the which was convened at Beli ing to learn of the Large quantities of groove and tongue heart our city during a leng ze, British Honduras, and acts of goodness he Lourel Flooring and Sidings thy period of years, until the was afterwards directed by time to time extend Cedar Boards of all dimentions ecacly part of the present one His Lordship the Assistant many of our citize when he effected a transfer to Bishop of the Diocese to contacted him in the PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED Cieneguita, where death clai.
undertake temporary duties vels to his Cure. May med him on Saturday night, o at the Church of the Good crease in spiritual GAMEZ LUMBER. YARI)
Shepherd in San Jose, the and physical strength From our personal contact, Capital of this Republic. Ha day to day.
4th. Street toward Northen Machine Shops as well from all we have been ving completed these, we told, the deceased was posse LIMON ssed of a splendid intellectual reservoir; was well versed in ATTENTION! ATTENTION!
The most important of all eyerts in this city on universal happenings and a Sunday the 31st. instand will be the big red crose parade conversationist of an untiring My wife OLGA DALEY having abandoned my home on and fund collection to be utilized for the purchase of the character the 21st of September 1943, taking two of my children red crose ambulance.
His remains were taken to without my knowledge or consent. hereby notly the public in general that from and after that date. will not be resDIE the Cathedral on Sunday af ponsible for any debt contracted by her where the religious ceremony was observed and SOUL OF CHARLES LORENZO CHARKE BENJAMIN DALEY burial afterwads effected He Puerto Viejo September 25th. 1943 RETURNS TO GIVER is survived by his widow and about eight sons and daugh.
ters. To these deeply bereaved BACK FROM WELL SPENT VACATION Migrating from the pa. him, he succumbed on the ones we extend our profound rish of St. Am in the Is 22nd, instant at an advan condolence. May his soul rest Among the recent arri are said to have immense land of Jamaica, during the ced age.
in Peace vals are Mrs. Eliza Clarke enjoyed their stay, and early 1900s, Mr. Charles Lo and her grand children who ve expressed the great Clarke sojourned His remains were taken ves are his widow; a son, returned from an extended! satisfaction for the who is throughout the succeed from the hospital morgue to Mr. Fedrick Antonio, of this vacation in the neighbour hearted cordiality extend ing years in this quiet and the cemetery at One Mile city, and Miss Hortence Ke ing Republic of Panama.
them by all whom they liberal Republic, and is said on the morning following rina, of the Republic of Pa Mrs. Clarke was on a vi tacted. Mrs. Clarke is o to have earned confidence the day of his death, where nama. We extend them and sit to her children and had of Limon real estate o and high regard as a worMr. Jos. Thomas condue all others our deep symtaken her two grandchil ners and also has extensi thy member of the commu ted the funeral ceremony. pathy and commend his soul dren to see their mother agricultural interests at nity. It is stated his record Among the surviving relatilto its Giver for eternal rest, who has made that country trada. We bid her and he bears testimony to his years her adapted home. They la real hearty welcome.
of faithful service to the 10 cal leading Companies; but SIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR CAFE HOLNESS like many other unfortuna According to information, te workers, the bell in the released by Berlin, the So emanating from Budapest Unconfirmed information Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street directly in front the Football Ground Tower of Justice did not viet Union is said to have declared the Hungarian peal on his behalf. As a con an army of two million men troops located on the easThis New Eating and Refreshing Sprit sequence of the impaired all prepared and equipped tern front have been ordehealth which had befallen for the winter dampaign. red by their government to is now at the Public Service These men have not been prepare for a general retire COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD participating in the recentment. The Rumanians AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREhaTEATRO MODERNO MD ON OUR BILLBOARD, fighting ve also received a similar or der, it is said.
Lunes 19 de Noviembre de Britain Ministry of Avia If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because y tion reports that during the 13.
The Germans are repor did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the o four weeks preceding the ted to have installed on the Market.
TARZAN EL INDOMABLE 25th. instant, the Royal Air coast of Calais a number of con Herman Brix, Force discharged 17, 000 cannon capable, they claim, tons of bombs over Germa of throwing high powered MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Martes de Noviembre 1943 ESTAMPAS ny.
HABANERAS projectiles on London.
RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. Everyt Miércoles de Nov. de 1943 Joined in Wedlock drinks prepared by Craw ing in machinery made ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to NO MATARAS Amid the scene usually o. Church, in this city, on the native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry. con Emilio Tuero.
issotiated with the matrimo evening of Wednesday the stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Sprin nial Ordinance, The Rev. 20th. The witnesses to the Rite the most up to date. and other useful things Jueves de Noviembre, 1943 Forde, solemnly united Miss were Mr. Louis Escoffery and Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº JESUSITA EN CHIHUAHUA Esther Weddell of the parish Miss Irene Daley.
North Fifth Avenue.
con Susana Guizar.
of Portland, Jamaica, and At the close of the ceremowe Thompson, Proprietor.
Mr. James Douglas of St. Cat;ny, the ensemble mere char. THE ORIENTAL BARBER Viernes de Noviembre 1943 herine in the same Island, in mingly accommodated at the SHOP JESUSITA EN CHIHUAHUA holy wedlock in tre Baptist residence of Mr. Arturo Foc. Located in front former con Susana Guizar.
te. The participants included Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDEI several other esteemed citi Avenue is the new parlour TAKING SHOP. Specia Sábado de Noviembre 1943 ANTORCHA zens, among them, Miss Mar of the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairin EN POS DEL ORO oth SAFETY MATCHES tha Nicholas; Messrs. ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every con Charlie Chaplin.
to sell at cents a Box James; Finlay, Demmittlnitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work, Co Sole Wholesale Distributor and u.
Se Westoney. Several ber with years of practice fins always stocked.
Domingo de Nov. de 1943 toasts were officed the health in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewher LAS PIERNAN MANDAN trial and happiness of the join in Cutting Art. ALMACEN TOMAS will Prices moderate. 4th. Stree con John Payue.
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Douglas convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumbe FERNANDEZ all the blessings and prosperi LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECE SAN JOSE ity of a wecded life.
Proprietor FORD.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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