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mon sayin anaong diplomats beWhen representatives of the The difficulties confronting the tween the two world wars, Bencs United Nations met recently Britain has lend leased bomber Command in performing is doing is still. Few heads of sta Hot Springs to discuss food and war products to the Europe North American power in all their somber act of retribution tes are as popular as is in Wash agriculture, the Chinese dele Allied governments, as well forms must be sent across the dwarf anything encountered by ington and Indon. He is popu gation had an important and advancing some 800 million Atlantic The Germans are on the Luftwaffe three years ago lar everywhere, except in the interesting contribution to make them. By the end of 1942, the point of renewing, with the when it launched its blitz on Axis countries. Benes is the man Fow nations have more expert tain had sent to Russia enou fury of desperation and with London. Consider some of them whom the times greates Adoll knowledge of this subject than equipment for twenty armour improved methods, their attempts distance, a round trip of a mini Hitler hates most. Eduard was China, with her ancient agricul. divisions: over 3, 00 ircraft: to check or reduce this trans mum of 150 miles: weather, the tenth child of Czech peasond tural economy, her enormous enty millon rounds of sm: Atlantie movement of supplies always variable because of the parents hater of hall.
population, and constant pre arms ammunition; 50. 000 to and fighting power by the use length of the flight, with sudden occupation of how to feed them. from her precious stoks of ru of their submarines. Therefore, changes that can cut the effecHis country was then know. For the dificulty which confronts her.
it is of crucial importance that tiveriess of raid of in half: ene Bohemia Farming held other nations in time of emer Before the days of lend lease th just at this moment the United my opposition, the most power little appeal to Eduard, yho sur.
Government poure Nations Should have opened to ful nigth figter concentration on priset the neighbors with his sency is ever present in China. British them, by the agreement between the Continent, thousands of hea precosious logic ad knowledge, agricultural country in the world. American aircraft industry, a China is the oldest and largest about 500 million into th Portugal and Great Britain, the vy anti aircraft guns and hun. It was impossible to keep him Her total area of farm land is spent some 175 million diree mid Atlantic base of the Azores. Idreds of searchlights. Only me away from books; his parents te 232 million acres, supporting aly ncapital assistance to Am Perhaps the best way to empha ticulous preparation of men and cided to give him the best edu.
size how much this base means planes, The rican corporations making a preliminary attaks a. cation possible. First he studied population of 450 millions.
worst enemies of the Chinese craft tanks and guns. Cash pe is to make two statements of gainst. German airfields and at Prague, then went to France, farmer are floods, droughts, in chases made by the British Et fact: great secrecy enabled the Bom received his doctor degrec sect pests and the exhaustion of pire in the United States betw (1) Aircraft is the most imber Command to conquer these there. His favorite subjet was lands, which have been cultiva September, 1939, and Se portant anti submarine weapon dificulties and loose the present philosenhy and hephepared him ted for thousands of years. tember 000 million. 2) The Azores are almost ex assauts. For each raid new courself for teaching in his native All these enemies can be de. Accomodation and facilities. equidistant (about 200 ses must be chosen with due al country feated by modern methods. Chi. American troops in the Unite uautical iniles in each case) from lowance made for the strength of Exempted from military servi na has a huge agricultural pro Kingdom are provided by the southeastern tip of New varicus German fighter basesce in the Austrian army becau.
gramme, which is under waytain as reciprocal aid, und foundland, from the southwestern and antiaircraft artillery concense of a physical disability, ne already, and the Chinese Gov. lend lease. Between June, 194 tip of England, and from Gibraltrations. Sometimes bombers was in a position to organize the ernment is advancing formers and Abpril, 1943, Britain pr tar at the entrance of the Medi strike southeast from Britain Czech urderground of the first education, supplying cheap credit vided for American troops st terranean Sea.
then swing to the northeast. At worhol ar Known as the Maffia and has started hundreds of ru tioned in the United Kingde co operatives.
The advantage of a mid Atlan other times they fly across Den of which he became the secreta ral tie base in the operation of air marsk and over the Baltic, choc ry and commander on the domes Szechwan and As a result, 360. 000 shiptons of suppli the Northwest and equipment and 170. 00 eraft needs no explanation. sing a different point on Ger tic front.
The Germans have produced record crops of tons of instruction materie Withir a zone which can be many north coast each nigth bea wheat and rice, China staple British civilian and military thoroughly patrolled by land to star their aerial invasion. ten, and the incredible did hap foods, in the past few years. In bour has built barracks, ai based aircraft, the submarine Some rights the anti aircraft pen. democratie, free Czecho many ways the Pro lessens as the bombers approach sio vakia was created in the provides a model for the world, post for the American force Chinese plan fields, hospitals and supply de cannot operate efficiently.
vided there are e nough aircraft. the target. Then the airmen hear of Europe, Prof. Massaryk and the long term programme The British Merchant Nayv tra and skilled Flying personnel (know the second phase of the became ise fist president and recommended at the United ports American troops oversea evailable, the protection which air battle has begun, an attack Professor Benes became his right Nations Conference embodies Britisb inventions in radio can be given to shipping in such by German nigth figter forec hand man. He played a leading many of its most important cation, anti submarine equij zones is almost 100 per cent.
The Germans are using their part also in the councils of the points ment, and many other device great powers.
Thus, the area within 600 miles newest and most powerful day of the British Distribution of food is as im. of modern warfare have bee Isles has tigters for nigth work, as well as been Today his is more than akey practically free of sinkings for large number of fast, heavily country. jutting into the rery portant as production. As early placed at the disposal of the the last year.
armed Junkers 88 s, the Lutwaf. centre of Germany. His armed as the 6th century the Chinese merican armed forces.
The use of the Azores enables te plarfe of all work.
forces are giving battle to the e built the 1, 000 mile long canal known as the Shipping Ninght fighting, a catch ascatch uemy over continental Europe, Canal Today, China plans Food protection to be given to the FIREMEN SPARESouthern route across the At can type of combat three years and on the underground moveroads lantic so that it is not necessary ago, has developed into an exact ment. He has just warned his build new railways and TIME WAR WORK and transport food more to send all convoys by the stormy science, with cperations officers countrymen to be ready te rise route; nor will it be necessary to on the ground directing the fight against the Nazis at the opportu quickly to the consuming areas.
ne moment. Though no commu To combat the danger of recur.
Mr. Herbert Morrison, Hon require convoys from the Carib.
the Chinese Through bursting flak, scarch. Iniques proclam bean or South America to make his victories rent famine, Secretary, speaking to the Fit their over the Nazi foe in the field gong to bring up to date the extra lights finger the sky recomrseUnion recently, sal detour necessary Brigades in ancient equalisation granary that at the end of July in Lo.
order to keep under the Northern lessly to catch hold of some bombe is one of the most successful system. The governments of old don regions 280 fire statios air umbrella, Bombers and trans. these bombers sweep in at max chief. An entire ber and darting enemy fighters, United Nations commanders innation is his China used to purchase grain were port aircraft can fly under clear doing productive wor imun speed and outline the tar field of operations and an entire from the people in the fat years during lulls. The work comple skies by way of Bermuda and the was worth Azores instead of having to brave get with colored incendiaries. nation is his army. He and his anti sell it to them at cost prices ed over 140. 00 countrymen, The color changes with each o. Czech in their in wan years. The present day Some of the Northern rigors. Convoys the jobs being doz digging Nazi idea of buffer stocks is a mo.
proceeding direct to the Mediter peration, sometimes with pach quiet ways, are were: making sten gun spring dern version of what the Chinese mass graves area, to be bombed.
Tanean can have good protection countercinking armeur plat were doing centuries ago.
As to the future, Benes belie all the way behding tank covers, assemblin ves that while nationalism is too From the surface Navy view. THE COMMON GOOD potent a force in the wold or DEFINITION propeller plate sections, ga point, this will reduce the calls nishing camouflage nets, maklo today to be ignored, its excesses The retort of a small Scottish various small ammunition part on escort carriers, and it will must be curbed. There will be boy who was asked by an Ame.
enable the stationing of the socalled killer groups of des of our religious leaders of the the war, but the smaller coun reminder has come from cne many nations in Europe after rican seldier in London if the was English should appeal to RAILWAY MEN HELT troyers at a mid Atlantie base importance of combined opera. tries will have to Co ordinate purists. No, he retorted emwhere they can be more readily tions in planning the world af some important parts of their phatically. m a Great Briton.
FIGHT FIRES at hand to hunt down any wolf ter war. He explained that this policies.
pack that may be located should consist of close collabc. He knows that Eastern EuSAYINGS On the whole, it is not 100 ration between statesmen, seier. rope is beset with great difficul.
Special instructions have bed much to say that the hazards of tists and economists and the vast ties. Scattered all over its land We are fighting for freedom issued to railway staffs toe trans Atlantic crossings can be army of workers and the Chris scape are its many national mi of thought and opinion and it is sable them to prevent and reduced from a third to a halftian leaders of our land. In this norities. What should happen to the duty of all of us, whatever fires in plantations, woods by the development of Allied air campaign parent can play a vi them in a well organized world our political views to continue agricultural land. Permanent w7s and naval bases in the Azores, tally important part by honou In the past they pr vided the to think upon and to discuss men are to make a point It comes with especial timeliness ring their obligations and privi fuel of many wars and Benes is political and economic problems. keeping a lookout for signs now, as we face the task of build. leges. And as this leader insists, not afraid of drastic remedies.
Mr. Attlee.
fire and are to clear the unde ing up a great Anglo American let their guidance consist of a po He says that some of these nagrowth around the lines. Eng offensive against Germany, with sitive, joyous teaching rather tionalities. Should be transferred He feels that the problem of ne men who see a fire which winter approaching and with than a series of grim prohibi. to their own national areas, but post war reconstruction cannot not being attended to sound boats attempting to stage a tions.
such a measure should be adop be tackled without close collabo code whiste signal and repes desperate comeback. And it co ted only in the most extreme ca ration with the Soviet Union the signal as they pass the nex mes no. As the act of a small power thus blaster mo combaterean, the usual see. Frontier rectifications could power which covers ene sixth of station. signal box, or crossing Berlin must be of immense help. But the Na the land surface of the earth and keeper hut. On hearing thi noldly giving testimony to its have been noted that German zis who were settled in his coun has a population of 180 millions sigpal, the ilneside signalina faith in an Allied victory and in bluster is not so attentively retry after its occupation must cannot be left out a world or calls out the available staffs an the protection of Allled arms. We geliefdumérico el profiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguerto Hotellino del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Minfiernization, Juventud; Costa Rica. fire fighters.
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