
FAR REACHING ACCORDS ACCORDS RESULT FROM MOSCOW CONFERENCE AGRICULTURISTS COMPLAIN We have been bearing quite an amount of unsatisfactory expressions by the agriculturists of the extensive and important regio? of Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 La Estrella with respect to the increases reYear IX. Limón, November 6th. 1943 NO 398 cently placed in force in the Railway Company passenger and freight transportation titriffs.
The people, who constitute a large section of our hard working farmers and who contiene nually struggle against a variety of difficulties, declare the increases, which amount to The representatives of the concluded, last weekend, their and according to the publish best interests of their region and in direct op sta about thirty per cent, are decidedly against the governments of Great Bri conference which had been ed announcements, accords ain, the United States of underway in Moscow during of outstanding and far reach position to that assistance they hoped to have nerica and the Soviet Union the past couple of weeks, ing characters have been the ever received from the Railway Manage 2014 ment.
result, despite the pesimistic Toget prognostications in certain cir An effort is said to be underway to have the natre cles.
CACAO CO OPERATION matter investigated by the Executive Authority with a view of avoiding the clinching of OFFICE OF INFORMATION Among the more important the nails nthe economic coffin of our Uone.
provisions of the agreemtns. Limon City)
we note the following The se ALLIEDS PROGRESS IN ADVANCE TO ROME.
veral government, after reiThe general public is hereby advised that terating their determination Deports from the Italian oa of Nazi assaults in which art the Office of Information in connection with Tanks to pursue hostilities against ttle fronts del the Allies increased number of the CACAO CO OPERATION has been establish the Axis group until they Command are making steady were employed.
surrender unconditionally, ed in this city as of the 2nd of the month in a effective Exi. their The Germans have been course, and is located in front of the Railroad pledge themselves to conti a Talice towa. Roma forced to further retreat to nue their united efforts for. Le more tesi durel resward the north of the River Station in the same office occupied by Mr.
Harold Smith.
the mainenance of peace and the Fifth have Garefliano and are using a the preservation of human Lied their occuping thes end larger number of airp anes The Office is open daily, except on legal segurity. They also agree to Massico min. ran, in an effort to deter the Al ied holidays.
take all the means considered an also Mo. Cruce pursuit, the Allied forces are Limon November 1943 necessary to prevent any vio of extraordinary strate. However reported to have.
lation of such conditions as important and captured San Salvo an impor JAPANESE AGAIN HARD HIT may be imposed on the enemy or positie: rii tan position in that loco and also to bring about any value has also Isernia, the most valuable.
General McArthur is repor, twenty six naval units and of the German posicions to have inflicted another onehundred and eight airpla sed on the prnciples ef equal international organization bared.
The Eihgth Army have their defence syster was ta eavy blow on the enemy as nes. This further defeat will. sovereignty for all nations been officiały reported stel. ha ken by troops of the Sightn on it is expected destroy their heir big base at Rabaul in hopes of saving their troops great or small. They have al ve reached Castelpr after sus, who are said to be continuing New Britain, last Tuesday. on the Island of Bougainville se decided to inaugurate a sysccesfully resisting a number their advance toward vasto.
tem of consultations in the Tre enemy lost no less than one of the Salomon Group.
interest of their mutual safe LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO RED CROSS CHANGE IN OFFICIAL CIRCLE ty, it is declared that none AMBULANCE FUND Another change has taken cy has placed the affairs in of them will employ their ar ace in the personnel of the der the temporal control and med forces against other sta Bryan Barrientos 500. 00 eral Tomas Guardia overnment Ministry, ven guidance of the Minister of ies except for the purpose stiLimon Trading Company 580. 00 schools, by entertainments quent on don Jorge Zele Hacienda (Finance. our pulated in the present ac Sr. Otto Starke, Paydora 50, 00 on Castro having resigned much esteemed Limonense cords and then only after a Volunteers Firement of the Chines: Colony e important position of Mi don Francisco de Paula Gu joint consultation. They also Brigade, International Balsa A, 100. 00 ster of Fomento (Public tierez Ross. This is truly ano have agreed to engage in a banquet 33. 10 Padres Paulinos de la Ca.
orks) to which he was somether demonstration of the ve series of conferences and de Mrs. Ruth Gourzong and sa Cural, Limon 50. 00 ne ago appointed in succes fry high regard the nation ciprocal co operation in order daughter Olive 10. 00 Collected during the Drive on to don Alfredo Volio Ma Chief Executive has for the to arrive at a complete unders on the occasion of the abo on Last Sunday 449, 55 qulifications and administrati tandingregarding armaments ve mentioned Treat: His Excellency the Pre ve ability of don Paco. The during the post war period Rafael Yglesias and Total lent having decided to de Atlantic Voice extends him the filling of the vacan its sincere congrats.
RA in held 323. 90 939. 00 donated at a Gen 2955. 55 Notice Notice VAZIS SUFFER GREATEST CATASTROPHIE ursuing their unbeaten ad The Germans are said to be sur ce, the Russians have destro rondering in large numbers after the Nazi forces who defen. abandoning their arms along THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LIMON wishes to advise all the Nogaisk region and have the roadways. General Vou Mans its members that from Monday the 25th. of the present month of October įved in the near vicinity, of tein surving soldiers no longer the Provincial Lists of Voters have been placed to the view of the public in port of Kherson, where they offer any organized resistance, the respective localities. Members whose names do not appear on the lists said to be inflicting the and are being divided into disor: atest defeat yet suffered by the ganized groups by the Cossacks are asked to call at the respective offices of the Party with a view of securmy in the course of the war. of General Tolbuchin. Those who ling their immediate electoral inscription.
suis expected that the bat have succeeded in evacuating In this sector will be conclu the Crimean area are exported The List for Limon City, District NO 1, Central Canton, is placed at within the next couple of to be arriowing at the coast of the Post Office.
and will berate the eroa Bulgaria.
een the Dnieper and th By capturing Novikhovansk ko The Second District is placed at Matina. Sea and enable the soviets cated in the central front sitiate a new move over sne, Soviets are said to be only 54 The Third District is at Amubre.
rior sector of the Dnieper les off the frontier of Latvia, the object of completing the while their activities against Office of the Censor, National Republican Party of Limon.
clement of the thousands of Kiev have placed them but 95 Limon, October 20th. 1943.
mans still located in those kilometers from the Polish boun the dang Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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