
JAMAICA PLAYS GALLANT PART IN WORLD STRUGGLE Foto Jamaicans at home and abroad urge of conscription. The names will recall that on the 1914 1918 of Jamaicans are inscribed on world war taking demmand that the Roll of Honour: airmen, sol.
CACAO Island, was caught in the cogdiers, sailors and industrial wor wheels and manifesting her long kers, all have served and are The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao established patriotism, nobly ra yet serving wherever the Union Hisd to the cause.
Jack flies in defiance to the Men and more men were then blood saturated emblems of the the Empire greatest need and Axis Combine.
in association with the other far Approximately seven hundred. flung outposts of the British and fifty sons of Jamaica are RUBBER Commonwealth of Nations, Ja. said to be serving with the Ro.
maica added much to the fighyal Air Force. In the records of ting power of the Motherland. naval gallantry, the nam of Ro numb:r of important contin nald Sturdy has been inscribed We are Agents for gents were dispatched to the batir conspicuous bravery in ac tle fronts, in addition to a large tion at Narvik for which he was monetary contribution to the Em awarded the coveted French pire general war expenses. Croix de Guerre. An exceed.
ist Scarcely had a quarter of a ingly large number of Jamaica OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE century passed ere the world womanhood are reported nobly was once more plunged into the playing their part in England mealstrom of another wiversalwar efforts; while the financial war and it became necessary for contributions by the general po.
the Isle of Springs to again play pulace have been of a most ge her gallant role in the conflict. nerous character. The Islands COLONIAL THE PASSING OF MISS EDITH PHILLIPS It is most worthy of note that Bombing Squadron. purchas.
DEVELOPMENT her present day contribution to ed by the people of the Colony the cause of Democracy is much has time and again come up for Day by day soane souls de. where the Rev. Fr. John so AN WELFARE Rite greater than her earlier effort, stock taking. son of the Isle part this sphere for the Silentlemnized the funeral SCHEMES in view of the fact it is being ef was quite recently assigned the Heyond no earthly man has as befitting her life. At the From April 1st, to July 31st fected on a purely voluntary position of apilot. Finally, known. During the night of close of the service the Rev.
to second of the present Father and acolytes bccom of this year, a total of 31 sche platform. Jamaicans in the fac learn of the wonderful manner mes was arranged under the tories of Britain, riding the bi those at home continue to dis.
mcath Miss Edita Philips panied the cortege to the rail Colonial Development and Welllowy sea and breasting the dark play their loyalty to the cause of was, beckoned thence. She road.
fare Act. involving an expendi storms up in the clouds, are their, Empire, to civilization and was the fourth daughter of ture of 3, 116. 192. The schemes offering their best without the human freedom, and justice.
Among those who mourn Mrs. Rachel Phillips and ve her loss is a greatly bereav ment of the Agricultural Departinclude a grant for the develop recall the noble services she led mother, and her sisters ment in Barbados, a grant for rendered humanity in one Veronica in Colon and Doris the development of women It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit form or the other, a ring her and Ellen in Panama. The education in Sierra Leone, the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon was associated with our Catho parting words of the deceas grant for the expansion of te Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave. West of the City condary education for girls in was assocated with on Catholed are said to have been. British Guiana and anather for Market.
lic Parish, and her recend us am but a stranger here, the establishment of a youth emblazoned with her religious Heaven is my home. May organization in Jamaica, and a grant for the development devotion. For many terms she her soul be ever at rest.
of WANTED agriculture and food production efficiently performed the se in British Honduras. The largest cretarial duties connected RECENT DEATH loan was for the drainage and RAILS of 15, 18 or 20 pounds with the St. Anthony Bu irrigation of about 10, 000 acres rial and Sick Association.
of coasted swamp and 000 We are in receipt of the in acrtch of swampland in Sierra in good condition Her realth gave way, and the formation that among those Leone. grant was also made temple was destroyed, but who died recently in the San towards the cost of this project.
in Christ it is opined it will Juan de Dios Hospital, San Advise quantity, price and where may be inspected to be made anew.
Jose, was Antonio Oviedo Ro REQUIEM MASS AT Apartado 54 Limón, Headed by a band of music mero, a 93 years old Nicara St. MARK the voluntary compliment guan who formerly resided service was conducted of the musicians, as a token at Siquirres. He entered the on the orning of the 2nd, ins MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS of the warm regard in which institution on the Its of the tant in commemoration of she was held, her remains present month and died on the departed members of the NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALITY were taken to the Cathedral the 23rd.
St. Mark Churcr. The Rev. RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. EverythFor a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber brant. The service was Evans was the cele drinks prepared by Crawing in machinery made 01 of ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to Shop West of fae City Market.
deep solemnity and was well native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry an attended by Anglicans and stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs other worshippers. The Rev. the most up to date. and other useful things at 85 Hawking of Corn Is Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº land was also in attendance. prietors.
North Fifth Avenue.
All high grade material for Construction In mentioning the names um Thompson, Proprietor.
of buildings etc. just received of those for whom the service THE ORIENTAL BARBER was observed, the Rector veSHOP Located in front former Large quantities of groove and tongue ry mindfully included those Laurel Flooring and Sidings of the men Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDER who perished Cedar Boards of all dimentions aboard the San Pablo on Avenue is the new parlour TAKING SHOP. Special the 2nd, July 1942, of the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairin: othe ter Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every SERIOS DISTURBIOS EN PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED MANNHEIM nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. Cot NUEVA YORK, UP. La ber with years of practice fins always stocked.
Se GAMEZ LUMBER YARD Columbia Broadcasting System anunció que informes procerien in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewhere tes de Europa dicen que fue tes Cutting Art. trial will Prices moderate. 4th. Street 4th. Sheet toward Northen Machine Shops unidades de la gestapo fueron llamadas dos veces en los últi, convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumbe LIMON mos días para reprimir distur LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECK bios populares ne Mannheim, Alemania.
Proprietor FORD. FLASH. FLASH Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyEnglandGermanyWorld War

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