
Saturday, November 6th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE con con DON CARLOS MORA STRUCS MORI ORD THE GREAT RED CROSS DRIVE TEATRO MODERNO It was a privilege for the wri it is understood all have not ac Business, connected with the sion of the School, guided by ter to have been numbererl am cepted the religion of the State.
Lunes de noviembre, 1943 Drive took us to the residen the zealous Directress Srta. ong the personnel of the assem Analyzing the remarks of don EN POS DEL ORO ce of don Alfredo Cañas, the Pre limpia Trejos then the personbly convened in the auditorioun. Carlos the test becomes vivid con sident of the Auxiliary Commit nel of the Red Cross Committee, of the General Tomas Gyardia that Education is above all else.
CHAPLIN at the early morning hour of among whom were our First La School of this city a fortnight the training and development tee of the Costarrican Red Cross, dy Citizen, Sra. doña Nini Fer. Martes de noviembre, 1943 ago. During the discussions, don of character; but if it be with seven. Looking at the embracing nandez de Robles, the wife of FRUTO DE TENTACION Carlos Mora Barrientos, the Ge out religion. then the most in element don Alfredo remarked. our very highly and widely re.
neral Inspector of Private Colle portant subject is omitted. His Thank God for the beautiful garded Governor; Dr. and Mrs. DOROTHY LAMOUR ges and Schools, struck a high argument proves that since edu morning.
Sergio Vindas; don Jorge and chord when he referred to the cation embraces the entire field Men, women and children ra. Mrs. Zeledon; don Alfredo Ca.
Miércoles 10, noviembre, 1943 permission granted by the Gov. of knowledge, it cannot be re.
Nied splendidly to the Drive for nas; don Enrique Laprado and EL VAQUERO SOLITARIO ernment for the free operation garded as sound or complete if con the collection of Funds to cover the Rev. James Evans of St.
of the private schools of this zo religious teachings are not inciu the cost of purchasing an Ambu Mark Major Lynch of the Sal JOHN HUMBROUGH ne. He mentioned three speci ded. We are of the opinion that lance for the use of our gene vation Army and Mr. Jos. Jueves 11 de noviembre, 1943 fie reasons the highest ambition of youth ral citizenry. The spirit of the Thomas were the conductors to LA ISLA DE LA PASION a) The inadequate number should be to possess a full som Drive was in evidence even a the Lasses who carried the coll con cf Government operated schools prehensio nof the purpose of mong the tots. who, along the ecting Banners. The genersi bo CHAFLAN to care for the ever increasing their earthly existence and Itea line of march, demonstrated dy of the procession was pretes number of children within chers should expect their contitheir comprehension dof the sign Ited by the St. Mark Scouts and Viernes 12. noviembre, 1943 sehool age nued prosperity to rest on the ficance of the grand procession members of the Limon Nº Bri LA ISLA DE LA PASION b) The cosmopolitan condi cbservance of the Divine Mascon. the spot light in Limon du gade. The excercise was execu tion of our citizenry, and ter command Seck ye first CHAFLAN ring the forenoon hours of last ted amid the greatest measure the greatest; to train and the Kingdom of God and His Sunday. Cheerfully the dear lit of cordiality, and obviously, the develop the christian character righteousness. These are, obSábado 13. noviembre, 1943 tle ones threw in their contribu fullest support was extended. nthe young, under the auspi viously, the fundamental ideals ANSIAS DE RIQUEZA tions as the collecting Banners The Collectors did not contine ees of the Faith of the different of don Carlos Mora stirring an were un olded to view, Dou themselves to avenues and stre HENRY FONDA religiods ednominations; since, Inouncement.
btless they were, moved to a ets, but visited almost every no great extent, by the vivid pic ok and corner effecting a house ture of the maimed models. to house solicitation on behalf Domingo 14 noviembre, 1943 OVERVUSTVOVEC FUGITIVOS del INFIERNO two of their tender aged compa of the Great Cause CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING ERROL FLYNN nions, carried on stretchers During the afternoon hours of by members of the Limon NO Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee benind the same day the Scouts and that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your sait Brigade.
he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present members of the Brigade, under PERSONS AND MOVE and prospective Clients.
Masters Hurley Murdock and the command of Scoutmaster 4Silbert Rowe represented the drian Mason, effectively carried MENTS BEST FIT BEST MATERIAL. BEST cases of hospitalization, and out the collecting scheme in oth WORKMANSHIP with countenances drawn with a er sections of the city not cow.
Returning to beautiful Costa gony, they typically carried outered by the morning general Rica after a considerable time REASONABLE PRICES IL the role they were performing: mereh. abroad, we are glad of the preWe manufacture Caps of all Designs The procession. started In the words of don Alfredo sence of Miss Imogene Brown, from the Girls School, and was Cañas. God had indeed bles who is accompanied by her bro ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT headed by the Military Band, sed us with a beautiful morninther Mr. Thomas and Miss DEALINGS next in line were the volunteer and crowned the effort with a Carmelita Anderson of our sister Excelsior Tailor Bomberos; the Red Cross Divi. bundant success.
Republic of Panama. As we unCLIFFORD STEELE.
derstand, this is Miss AnderFront of British Pharmacy Limón son first visit to our country, DOBRODDODDBDGANGGAGE Iwe desire to assure her that our ideal climate, scenic beauty, he.
alty, conditions and the cha.
racteristic hospitality of our Revista en China people will furnish her with a desire to spend a much longer time than she anticipated. The party left by Monday passeng If you suffer frequently from Er train for San Jose on busibackache you can be fairly certain that Kidney Trouble is ness as well as for sight. seto biame. The kidneys are two inng of the hardest worked organs in your body. They act as the body filters preMesdames Daysley, Gray venting impurities, and poisons from escaping and Teresa Henry of Liverpool into the blood. Work also left the same day for the and sluggish kidneys Capital for a two fold purpose, cannot do this important we understand medical con job properly. Not until those sultation and business.
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That is why De Witt Kidney sad Accompanied by his wife and Bladder Pills are prepared esperially child, Mr. Edwin Jackson of the to act directly on the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first Merchandise Department of dose for that very reason. Within 24 the Costa Rica Banana Compa hours of your fiost dose, De Witt EI Tfe. Gen. Joseph Stilwell, del Ejército de los Estados Pills get to the source of your trouble ny, has also gone to the Capi.
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lier part of the week in course, Merblrt Da Costa. We are pleas After spending quite some ti We hope she has greatly benod Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles Rodriguez is enjoying his stay. me, in the Capital in the interest fitted.
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De Witts KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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