
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 6th. 1943 30 HEARTY WELCOME ON THE IMPROVE AMONG THE EVENTS OF THE APPROACHING Goodwill is a priceless trea polpar townsman, Mr Beres WEEK sure, and when we know the ford Duncan of the leading We are indeed glad to learn messengers who bring the furniture store.
thah Hr. Sam Brady (Uncle Methodist Harvest Festival Tomorrow, Sunday 7th. cred edifice.
Sam. who recently Thursday the 11th. This is underServices at 11 a. and the anticipated NIGHT OF went what has been describNIGHTS, not only from the ed as a very delicate optical Tuesday the 9th. The Bap viewponit of being robustly on(fration in San Jose, is satisfactorily improving and tists Rally, based on some of entertained by the Legion of the most outstanding men of Mary at the Rally to be held apparently out of danger. It olden times, whose names in the Hall of the Day school is expected he will soon be are indelibly inscribed in the of the Cathedral Parish, buy again with us. Meantime, he Bible. In addition to the his on account of its being anoadopts this medium to say he llo and thanks to thy mary nection with the lives of the mistice of the tories to be expounded in son ther anniversary of the Ar friends and well wishers who year 1918votes the Isle oflo have sent greetings to him exactly a quartes of a centu renowned characters, the Wory ago, It has beea released in many ways.
men Federation have pre that the Managment are unpared we gather a special dertaking this effort for an THE PASSING OF entertaining programme for important cause, one which LITTLE MURLINE presentation. It is hoped that merits the fulles: co opera Mrs. Hyacinth Gammon Miss Leonora Bullings all will co operate and so tion and support, guite apart swell the fund needed to from the pleasure it will af Olive Branch our recogni We desire to assure our es effect the repairs to the sa ford all who attend.
tion is awakened to its ful teemed visitors that the true Within three days of com lest. With the warmest of cordiality and well known pleting ten months of life on If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you greetings, we tender a hearty hospitality of our citizenry this mundane sphere, infant did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City welcome to Mrs. Hyacinth will be accorded them in un Murline succumbed to what Market.
Gammon and Miss Leonora limited measure. May their has been mentioned as Bullings of Panama, who are stay in Costa Rica be most brief period of illness. Her CAFE HOLNESS now in our city as the house delightful.
innocent soul wafted to its guests of our young and very Cornier 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street Creators on Monday the 1st.
directly in front the Football Giyund.
of the current month. Her re mains were surrounded by This New Eating and Refreshing Sort a host of juveniles and adults on the occasion of the interis now at the Public Service ment on the afternoon of her COMFONT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos death.
AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREineering Requirements ro de Ingeniería dirijase a We extend our sympathy to ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
the bereaved mother Linda Thomas. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 REV. HAWKINS AN WIFE ON VISIT SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos We are greatly indebted to Island, who are guests the Rev. James Evans. this city.
It is obvious that the Dea ca Panama Anglican Cure and Mrs. Evans, as also th can still be had at The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts Reasonable Prices at and Rector of the St. Mark parishioners of St. Marks ar that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar ber Shop Parsih, for an introduction to extending whole tearted West of the City Market.
Edward the Rev.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Stanley Ilowship to the visiting Ang Limon then and Mrs. Hawkins of Corn cans. We can assure too, of the characteristic goc will of our citizenry Ma they enjoy their stay in Ci ta Rica.
a NOTICE ROIG Miss English Tweeds Sergs Rural Dean of the Costa Ri LA PROVEEDORA ANTORCHA SMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER SAFETY MATCHES to sell at cents a Box Sole Wholesale Distributor ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ SAN JOSE FRESCARIA MAS NIDO, powdered Milk, tin. 75 CONDENSED MILK 25 CARNATION Evaporated PALMOLIVE SOAP 70 Milk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES 25 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 OATS, Ib 60 COFFEE, delicious, 1b. 00 BRILLO, for 15 FLEISHCHMANN Baking PowROBINSON BARLEY, tin 25 der, lb. 40 50 TUNA FISH, tin SHRIMP, tin 50 045 NUGGET POLISH, tin FLOOR POLISH, tin 50 CAMAY SOAP 70 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, QUAKER Oats, tin 75 tube 00 We offer you not only lower prices, but also corre weight, courtesy and fresh guaranteed merchandise LA PROVEEDORA Limón 25 Miles The Abaca Cen Fresh and pure Frescos of kinds prepared to meet col warm Season. Meals wiches and other Eats ed with rich flavour. Here honsewives can buy fruit all sort also a large varie vegetables from Cartag WATSON. HAPPY. GG LUCKY WILL ALWAY SATISFY YOUR TASTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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