
Saturday, November 6th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 PARTU PALM OLIVE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN IN JAMAICA Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR By a recent issue of they for the products are said to Public Opinion of Jamaica be made locally and bear the we note that a further proof words made in Jamaica.
of that Island progress in Keeping in line with their the industrial field is furni policy to produce their Soaps shed by the fact that some of whenever feasible in locali the products of the world faties where they are much med Colgate Palm Olive used, the Palm Olive Compa Peat Company are being pro ny have established a branch duced there and placed on of their manufacturing acti the market. The containers vities in the Isle of Springs.
DODO Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra Men prefer and women admire the Hair Cut. When it is done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market. THANKSGIVING ON NOVEMBER 25th Jn thankfulness for all the blessings we haREMEMBER ve enjoyed and the Grace which sustain us the individual, as well as for the world triumphs WE PAY THE BEST PRICES in the cause we espouse, we are by this me dium extending an invitation to all persons who desire to assist at the verification of our Thanksgiving at a solemn Mass to be celebrated in our Cathedral at a.
WAR TIME TRAINING FOR PACE Thursday the 25th. instant.
THE PROPRIETORS Hotel Hispana America Limon)
Because of the war, hundvecis and the Girls Training Corps. Girls, too, are provided for of thousands of boys and girls Besides the specialized educa by means of the Girls Training in Britain, in the awkward ado tion these youths get, there is Corps, which aim at preparing CRICKETERS WILL SOON BE ABLE TO GO lescent stage, ane having their general training for tering the young peoplefor service, energies directed into spare ti them into efficient members of Here, too, physical fitness plays LEATHER HUNTING me tasks which develop their the community. Every phase of an important part, while the sub you to mama best qualities at the most sus. youthful development receives jects they learn are later useful Since there is a desire to ing of the structures some ti Thy are luckier, in this, than ordered discipline, the boģes are the services thereby releasing ceptible peried of their lives. attention. Though subject to an for many administrative jobs in side step the every day ap! me ago erected there. We will (plication, we trust we shall be never be able to effectively products of the more leisurely self. liancq; and the tena spis There is also the large number many of their predecessors. encouraged to chow initiative the men for active service. pardoned for borrowing the pay aue debt of gratitude to days of peace. Twenty years ago rit punctuality is insisted upon, of Night Schools where thou term Leather Hunting Col. Fulgencio Carapos, don boys and girls often ambled aim and stress is ļaid upon rievacsands of students mostly in from the cricketers Dictio Alfonso Sole and the other lessly through their adolescence ter building. All route teens is their, teens, receive special insa nary. Really those well. in members of our Municipal until such time as hopeful, but essential, and physical exercise truetions in a large variety of formed on the Grand Old Council for their never lett. usually disappointed employ. and sports figure largely use the subjects which do not exclude Game will agree there are ing up solieitudes ang arguers, took them over from the curriculum omni 2015979 practical engineering, building times of lather hunting assoments before the Executive schoolteacher.
The Training Cerpen in addi and architecture.
ciated with it, and that the Authority for the removal Until about the middle of the tion, often bing the lonely ado The youth of Britain are to.
search has often proved so of the erections and the re 1920s, the bright youths, des lescent into contact with his day becoming technically train fruitless that the white gow conditioning of the ground in cribed as either under educated tellows and makes him a gooded and technically minded. na Ined man (we mean the um the interests or the nut door (or crammed with historical da mixer, so that before comple farct of outstanding importance pire) is obligated to declare needs of our citizen: tà, and mathematical formulae, ting his specialized training heto industry after the war aid lost ball In keeping win our policy wore usually pitchforked in. is well on the way to becoming la souce of untapped energy We reucllected an instance of soliciting only me tag to offices or factories with as a hundred per cent citizen, keen which has never before been several years ago, when ajat a time, we will hot, now, little specialized or business in mind and equal to any of the liavailable on so large a scale.
NEW inventions and new pro team of Jamaican cricketers attempt a request for a sia knowledge as a Tibetan monk nhysical tasks which may come were the guest ot o :r tydium, we shall delay dong. move liberal education as there his way. The advanced training casses await exploitation immie One of our then famous slugs until the present work has placed in force and has since covers a wide range of techni, diately the machinery of indus.
gers was at the bat when up ceen completed and the up the needs of total war, whioa ning Corps and Sea Cadets. the war production to the wider and been greatly stimulated through cal trades. Beside the Air Trai try can be switched over from went the voice of an Eve a says. Play Baia.
from the pavillion. Hit the Heas speeded up the urge forre is the Army Cadet movement. more satisfying tasks of peace.
ball away and let us go hoteli self improvement and seli xe The boys are taught leadership Tihs will mean more than the me. Here, was evidence of liance. qualities which domina by first serving in the ranks, fitting of new jigs and new idethe desire for a lost ball. SALOMON CHIN te the British youth of today more or less, as a private sol chine tools. New minds will be as it was at a stage when Estrada The credit for this is due, Bar diers, and by the time they reach needed, and this is were British the score of our side was in LA IBERIA Saly, it is claimed, to the spare military age, the majority need youth and British industry will the lead; though apparently Abarro es y Licores time youth movements, such as little extra taiaisagto become both have their great opportu The crier did not know that tne Air Taining Corps for boys fully fledged Ifieers.
nity Precios Económicos new bell could have been used for the continuation of Nor permitimos llamar su atención a lo sta al dorso We bég to call your attention to our remark at the back The mateh.
de su recibo que dice: of receip which reads: This will must be paid at our office before However, this is not Este recibo debe pagorse en la oficina dentro the Orh, of the month eal topic; our desire 13 10 de los primeros 10 días de cada mes pass along the pleasing infor Be so grou os to comply with this request and do not nation that the day is not Le rogamos recorda: esto cláusula y evitarnos la pena allige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio ar distant when the grand Yo would much regret to take.
game may be revived on the Suartel. Plaza which is being ar our debt of gratitude to onjunction with the demoliss our COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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