p. 12


PAGE 12 TA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 6th. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN to of video im. World a as MESSAGE FROM AIR STRATEGY BATTLE RECORD ON EUROPE MORE PRECIOUS WASHINGTON NATURES BEACHES THAN STONE Sandown, a paddle Mary of the criticisms of While the Spitfires and Hur steamer now serving with the The fate of Rome in part America allies made by some ricanes of Fighter Command Royal Navy, and well known to It is the job of Combined the tragedy of Europe. Years a of the five tourning Senators were holding off the thousands of holiday. makers enemy, the war of Bomber Command, though carry before Operations to land the Army on the Axis partners, Germany a were exaggerated and out has a battle the beaches of the Continent. Italy, declared war on the spi perspective, they wore distortealing out relatively small raids, record his rivalled by few Those en, who every in Britai. is the of man. To day the United by some newspapers in there was devoting its energies former pieasure tarding craft, which range in tions have learnt that the sp telling; they created an impres, building its power for the future steamers. Her first war job was!
sion woefully out of kilter with in accordance with the of the planas leader 10.
size from the larger tank land. tual heritage of Europe can lue: ind craft down to the smaller, saved only at the expense of the facts, and they gave the described above.
sweeping Flotilla operating from fast boats which carry the as material possessions.
isolationist press veritable In the words of Winston Dover.
It is that hitter lesson whi field day. Lat some of be dis Churchill, while the enemy had Sandown has become saulting infantry on to the ene.
tortions fall of their own weight. the power to drop three or four an expert in looking for trouble my beaches, train on shore and made inevitable the bombing at sea for many months. They Rome. The glories of that gre Let us took at some of the things tons of bombs upon us for every and escaping unscathed, but her and their fighting cargoes, in a city belong not to Italy, but which are really right about ton we could send to Germany most remarkable feat of survival Bomber was when twenty two dive bom where a couple of years ago it matter of seconds, on Britain war effort, and where in return. the RAF beaches the whole world.
But what can it profit a currective is needed, reach for Command was arranging that bers swooped down upon her wiuld have been thought if monuments reina a fact instead of a fancy such pserently this will be the other during minesweeping operations, posible to make the attempt at while the spirit which built the Facts as these, which in Britain bay round.
dropped over one hundred bombs all. And, once they land their has been destroyed? When four year fight against naziism The other way round aahi and failed to register a single stand out as not wholly deplora eved full turn in the Spring of hit. Shrapnel marks from near cargoes beaches, they return fortler burnt the books he sous more.
to annihilate the free and ble.
last year, with the saturation misses were the only damage The craft mal used in Combined venturous mind which NAVAL More than 600 Bri raids pn Itubeck and Rostock, inflicted. Our most exciting achieveme tish naval vessels are at sea at followed by the thousand bom moment, continued Lieutenant Operations are manned, chiefly, possible all great any given moment over 80, 000 ber raid on Cologne. Since then Collop was when a near miss by the Hos men signed on and to day the world knows miles of sea routes. Over 140. 000 the offensive has grown to stag! from an exploding mine threw Many of them were peace time ruins of London, of Warsaw, in the Navy for hostilities only. the spirit which rose out of British and Allied vessels have gering proportions, powerfully, up her stern, merchant seamen, been convoyed with losses yachtsmen Rotterdam, is a far more pr In below water until her forward of augmented by the USAAF.
and fishermen, and their less inheritance than all Et less expe.
than one ship out was of the first half of this year nearly gun platform completely half of 200 rience to just what as wanted, for pe monuments of stone.
convoyed. Three 62, 000 tons. were dropped on submerged, see sawed back until they know the waters round the million soldiers have been moved Germany by the rar, compar. her stern went under and water British Isles and those that wasn MOBILE CHURCH all over the world and only. ed with 37, 000 tons in the whole Mooded the engine room to the western coasts of Holland 1, 348 have been lost at sea. of 1942. One significant result depth of two feet.
Belgium and FOR THE FIGHTIN France few The Royal Navy, together with, of the maturing of the The Sandown, RAF now a heavily others know them. Beaching the RAF, destroyed 000, 000 strategy is that Fighter Com armed ack ack ship and part of FORCES seems sometimes a little pecu tons. of German and Italian mand has ceased to be a mainly Britain first line of defence liar and the business of keeping merchant shipping and damaged defensive arm. Every day and against enemy air attack, has a ship beached, but not stranded nearly 3, 000. 00 tons up to March every night its pilots fly over continued her search for trouble white it is being loaded or un Chaplains who have of this year. Nearly 000 mer to enemy coasts to attack chant ships from the United fields, strong air with the sanie Immunty under loaded, possibly under fire, is no with the fighting troops in points, supply the command of Licutenant Com game for any but the Middle East have improvised and Kingdom are at sea at a time, dumps expert.
railway and British ocean convoys totaled tivas. In the United Kingdom, twice nyantioned in dispatches. ratings have to be so carefully locomo mander A, Dunkererey RNR That is why both officers and kinds of churches in which conduct services. One of th 125, 000, 000 ship miles in three Fighter aman has now abThe Sandown has been credit trained. The initial training is improvisations the MC of years.
sorbed Army Cooperation Comed with two enemy aircraft, She the ratings is of eight Church of St. George wl: weeks AFRICAN CASUALTIES. In mand into its new Tactical Air took the pilot of one of them all the Africar. campaigns ca. Force. duration. Its object is to turn was constructed in a six whe and greatly expanded prisoner.
sualties to the Axis forces total) its functions. This Tactical Air More than 90 per cent of her craft crew, with enthusiasm for out a disciplined member of al Army truck. It consists of large room and is so desig ed 975. 000, including nearly. Force is the product of the crew had no seafaring experi Combined Operations, by giving that the folding altar can 250. 000 Germans. British and Im highly successful methods develence before the war, and all heram a knowledge used at one end. congregat of seamanperial forces, including Indian oped in North Africa by Air officers, with the exception of ship sufficient to bandle landing of ten people can be accomo and native African, suffered Chief Marshal. Tedder ando Air the commanding officer, are at craft. Herein lies the secret of ed. The equipment includes 220, 000 casualties, killed, captur Marshall Coningham. Though a tached to the Royal Naval Vo success in a combined Folding harmonium which ed, or wounded part of Fighter Opera Command Ilunteer Reserve, tion.
to packed into a case on the AIR In the Battle of Britain, includes not only fighter planes The veteran of the Sandown side. The interior has been which Hitller staged as a prelu. but every kind of aircraft that is Chief Petty Office Ivan Mi: fully planned. first class in with Ward, aged 13, who was one of ALL SOAKED IN rials and excellent craftmans forces of the RAF crushed the military cooperations the the youngest saliourst ot ake part being used to produce a res invader decisively, destroying ground.
in the Battie of Jutland in the GASOLINE and inspiring atmosphere.
2, 225 enemy planes in. last war. Fitteen years of age at mobile church is surmounted months, for a loss of 616 British Single women of 19 to 24 have Warrior, and received two engaged in other vital war work, the time. be was a survivor from a cross and the flag of St. planes. Every fifghting day, been drafted for the forces, and is mention it dispaches.
ge: The sign on the body of Worst example, of Chief fighters of the RAF today range all women of 18 to 50 who are Petty Officer Millard was again vandalism since the burning of u fight the powers of Evil German truck, showing a soldier brg over Europe, protecting bombers and attacking land free of domestic responsibilities in the thick of battle when the the University of Louvain libras first drawn on the back can be directed into full time transport and shipping One destroyer in which he served ry in the First World War was map by an artist officer fighter group fiew 2, 000. 00 miles to part time work. All men work. the famous Zeebrugge operation with gasoline and hand grenades. Royal Academy, and who employment. or in certain cases Miranda, took pari in the deliberate setting on fire, was a regular exhibitor at on these tasks in two months of ing less than 60 hours a week. on St. George Day 1918.
of the precious and He listed as 1943.
DE PRODUCTION In 1940, with hours a week, also have to do 1915, and has been in continuous or women working less than 55 passed into the serving ranks in library of the Royal Society of ing.
Naples, which comprises four almost all of her equipment lost 48 hours a month in national naval service ever since.
scientific and philosophic acade at Dunkirk and with Invasion service.
imminent. Britain had to face un Rationing SAYINGS Ford rationing At the same time, with equal dreamed of production problems. begun in 1939, today covers thoroughness and ruthlesseness, Production of armored fighting every staple food except bread.
FREEDOM the Germans burned out all the vehicles wasfour times as great Imported foods, such as oranges, administrative offices and other The war is being fough in July, 1942, as in January are virtually non existent. Milk rooms of the University of Na the Allies for the sake of 1941. In April 1942. British plane and eggs are distributted on a ples, the third olddest and one ter world. We have the production had reached parity strict priority system.
Clothes This is what Den of the largest institutions of scale of values. For each with Germany, 1942, the rationing has covered every type mark is strugging for. At one learning in the world.
the State exists for their output of heavy bombers trebled of garment and footwear since time the Danes believe colla They set it afire at P. dual rather thar the indiv and the output of large flying 1941 and each year becomes boration under the necessity of Sunday. At P. Italian fire for the State. Sir boats quadrupled. In shipbuild. stricter. Newspapers are mostly German rule might he possible, fitgting squad came up to ex Beveridge.
ing, the output per man in tons reduced to four small, closely even advisable. Now there is no tinguish the flames. German of steel by October, 1942, put printed pages. Taxation has been longer any question of it. The guards prevented them from see no reason to Britain in the forefront of pro increased to extraordinary levels. German. controlled Danish radio entering the Via Mezzocannone. obstacles which will make ducing nations. Over the whole Excess profits are taxed 100 per itself altmits this September For three days those fires con posible for us to carry out field of war stores, production cent. Income tax starts at 440 26th. broatcast stattedt. The tinued burning and for three obvious duty to keep in October, 1942, was five and a for a single man and 642 for a young people of the towns, both days German guards kept Ita the intellectual and artisti half times greater than in the married man. married man workers and students apprenties llans away. The Germans thor. ture of Europe, to pract)
first quarter of 1940.
earning 2, 000 a year pays 505 and office workers, yes, evenoughness, however, was not yet to live it, and to see that HOME FRONT Total war for! in tax and a man with a 40. 000 older people, have become so quite satisfied. After all, univer not swanped by the flood Britain begins at home. Mobili income pays 27. 330. In the embittered, and suca turning sities have professors. They mere passion or arrogano zation of the whole people is por brakets, ineome and surra fanatics that they cannot tolerate went to the homes of a number man, in a century which complete. All men from 18 to 41 about 972 per cent of income that one say to them be sensible, of professors and burned the claims as his. Professo are in the armed forces unless Pretty good ally, keep cool,. buildings.
bert Murray, de to invasion, the then sender is used in collaboration on extensive recently been Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyInvasionItalyWorld War

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