
ATLANTIC VOICE ces at THE THOUGH FOR THE WEEK Work is life Hope its inspiration Time gives the opportunity, and man is the medium for the working out of some incrutable, but Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 noble purpose. While working, we should feel Cear IX. Limon, November 13th. 1943. NO 399 we are working to an object, to an end. Our winter will arrive in due course; but if our SOVIET FORCES EAR ROMANIAN AND POLISH FRONTIERS work be accomplished what matters the proo successful has the Soviet Po ish frontier. They are cated 35 miles sonthest of gressive change of the season, as the ripe fruit fensive been during the also reported to be rapidly Kiev.
will fall into the inevitable grand Harvest, and eek in course that their moving toward the boundary The rapidity of the Soviet the worker will be rewarded with a welcome pops are said to have driven of Rumania afte: having advance is said to threaten WELL DONE.
le enemy to a poin: about captured the important rail with total destruction the ghty kilometers off the old way crossing of Faviev, 10 Nazi resistence in the Daeper sector.
Later reports from thie DO NOT IMPEDE WORTHY EFFORT battle fronts dec are the CACAO CO OPERATION German troops are destroyOFFICE OF INFORMATION We learn that many of the people residing ing large quantities of their (Limon City)
war material, and fleeing, along the coastal and line towns are displaying in in disorder, toward the fron a decidedly indifferent attitude toward the finan SIT tiers of Rumania and Poland. cial Drive, now underway, to secure a Red Cross The general public is hereby advised that COS The Soviets have initiated Ambulance for the service of the afficted, the the Office of Information in connection with another porwerful offensive maimed among us, regardless of race, colour, the CACAO CO OPERATION has been establish bethween Gome) and Chercreed or place of residence.
ed in this city as of the 2nd of the month in minov destined, it is presucourse, and is located in front of the Railroad medto entrap the entire We are also reliably informed that several German troops located in of the persons entrusted with the sale of the Cono Station in the same office occupied by Mr.
that region.
tribution Certificates, ranging in value from one Harold Smith.
Poland is said to be dis to ten colones, have been made the butt of The Office is open daily, except on legal Iva posed to forget her differen uncomplementary comments. This is much to be holidays.
and Co operats with deplored. Those from whom such undesirable Limon. November 1943 Russia.
remarks emanate should bear in mind that the manifold blessings some of us are enjoying are AXIS GROUP SEEK BALSA PRODUCTION TO BE TRIPLICATED very unstable, that no one is immune from the REFUGE ASYLUMS ills which ever beset humanity.
NEXT YEAR The christianity we so proudly profess, the An unconfirmed release has it Mr. Edward Perazone, Pre recently erected in this city democratic principles we so loudly boast, should sident of the International and a similar number that Adolf Hitler has directed urge each and every one to donae an aven palVon Ribbentrop to visit Japan Balsa Company of New Jer their saw mill. The Compatry sum. THE WIDOW MITE Ito he magni to conclude arrangements with sey, the Internatio ny also intend, we gather, to ficent, unselfish effort being made to alleviate. his Far Eastern War Partner alsa Company of Ecua purchase a the wood the for a refuge asylum for thosu some of the sufferings the less fortunate among dor as a so of the local Com en sawmills located in of the Nazi leaders who may be many who recently arrived different parts of the provin able toget away from Europe at positions as also to provide the means of rendering us experience, from time to time, because of their in Costa Rica, has made some ce can supply.
ter their final defeat. It is also very gratifying announce such timely aid as may save a human life or limb.
said that several high functionments by medium of the Notwithstanding the fact Who can say the when, the where or the how aries of the satellite governments Spanish Dai ies of the Cap that the quota conceded Cos have asked Hitler to supply a sudden illness or serious accident may befall al ta Rica for Balsa exportations them whith submarines for their us? Should we not, therefore, make what provision Mr. Perazone is reported to the United States of Ametransportation to Japan. we can to avoid prejudicial and possibly fatal to have stated that his Com rica has been considerably report is also current that delays?
03 pany had concluded arrange increased, Mr. Perazone be nview of the precarious situaments for triplicating the lo lievers there is sufficient of tion th edefeats in Russia have We earnestly appeal to all to set aside cal Balsa production in the this wood here to meet the occasioned in Germany as well unworthy, biased and circumscribed thoughts coming year. He is a so said demand. He further stated as the imminent invasion and rally whole heartedly to the support of the to have stated that they will that plans are underway for France by the Allieds, Pierre La magnificent effort in progress to provide our be providing employment for his company to stablish their val is endeavouring toget in an community with the much needed Ambulance. de Fifty, at least, of our working own pantation in Costa Ri tact with the DeGaulle Commimen at their drying plant ca.
ttee in Argel CAFE HOLNESS Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street directly in front the Football Ground This New Eating and Refreshin; Sort is now at the Public Service THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LIMON wishes to advise all COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD its members that from Monday the 25th of the present month of Oc! ober AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRE the Provincial Lists of Voiers have been placed to the view of the public in ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
the respective localities. Members whose names do not appear on the lists are asked to call at the respective offices of the Party with a view of secer.
FOR THE ATTENTION OF ing their immediate electoral inscription.
CACAO FARMERS The List for Limon City, District NO 1, Central Canton, is placed at Don Raul Velazquez, Chief of the Cacao the Post Office.
Co operative Project directs that a meeting The Second District is placed at Matina.
will be held in the Teatro Arrasty of this city, tomorrow, Sunday the 14th. commencing at The Third District is at Amubre.
Nine o clock in the forenoon and to which all interested farmers are requested to attend.
Office of the Censor, National Republican Party of Limon.
Matters of much importance are listed for Limon, October 20th. 1943.
attention of NOTICE NOTICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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