
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 13th. 1943. RICH BANQUET AND PARTY Mitchell height got into jo. pared meat was first carved by yous stride last Sunday night, Mr. Jos. Thomas on request when the Hall was apparently of the Chairman. In the same touched by a Fairy wand and jocular vein Mr. Maitland prebecame royally regaled for the sented the flavoury, baked fish Eagle Aces Friendly Club rich bearing the name of Skiver.
CACAO Banquet and Pa rty. The very Mr. James was deputed catchy uniforms of the youn to carve it. The general Menu The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao gmen of the Club. Eton orj was a strange assortment preShell Coat, adorned with the pared on the spot by the well design of an Eagle interwoven deputed Chef, Mr. MeKnob on the left breat pocket, the Mesdames Evans, Wade coat resting on the hip of battle and Miss Dawkins attended ship grey colour pants. pre the service table. Mr. Walla.
sented a charm. The entire set ce, the representative of the Co ting was indeed admirable. loured Youths Friendly Club In the center of the very spa was assigned the end of the tacious Hall, the feast table with ble, directly facing the ChairWe are Agents for its snowy white uovering, sup man. He praiseworthily deliveported by a three arch tunnellred the congraulatory remarks design, made from palm fronds, and cheery greetings of his Club and the floral decorations, com Other eulogies and toasts were pleted the rare scene. Covers, effectively contributed by Mes OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE were said for more than forty dames Bailey, Shaw Mcguests. Mr. Maitland, Vice Lean, Miss Anderson of Pa.
President of the Group, presi nama, Messrs. Stanford Barton, ded ably over the festive Board. N. James, Edwards, Rather humdrous and effective White and the Writer. Miss were his remarks and comm Davis contributed a spicy song.
ents. He earned the apprecia The Riverside Orchestra dished SOIREE IN HONOUR OF VISITORS ford, McRae and brother, tion of the guests throughout cut lively renditions at the close The adherents of King James nice, single package we desire Clarke, Brown, and Ha.
the proceedings. His witty intro of the feast.
the Second of Britain and the to enclose the fact that it was zel, Goulbourne, Wallace, duction of the roasted pig, which Bravo for the Eagle Aces. descendants of the Stuart Dyna sprightly gathering. Sinclair, Jackson, Hum he named Poling. provoked Long Life and continued Suc asty were designated Jacobiphry, Hunter, Mitchell, much merriment. This well pre cess.
tes Corollarily, we may say all Mr. Lebert Brown and his Ckipton, Bernard Mr. Nelson. Duncanites were presented to orchestra ascended the musical Lewis, James, Rivers, Mrs. Hyacinth Gammon and summit, not only for the sake McFarlane, Sarle, Nasy Miss Leonora Bullings at the Soi of amusement but as ademonsmth and the writer.
MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ree given at the residence oftratio nof our front line prsi.
NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALITY Mr. Beresford Duncan on the tion in the art. Almost veery RESTAURANT. The Best AND ECONOMY. Everyth. night of Monday of the current number earned an encore during drinks prepared by Craw ling in machinery made or week. The scenery and pleasan the approximate seven hours of English Tweeds Sergs ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to a tries were representative of a uninterrupted merriment. The can still be har at native and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry an halcyon night. and what a breaks were only giver for the Reasonable Prices at stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Springs marked yearning there was a partaking of the delicious and JACK ORANE Sucs.
the most up to date. Land other useful things at mong the Adams to gain the appetizing refreshments. The YHE PEOPLE HOUSE Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº 89 Honour of a Cavalier. In a Dance retained a freshness thro Limon prietors.
North Fifth Avenue.
ughout, and the charming visiThompson, Proprietor.
LOCAL SHORTS tors have imprinted their THE ORIENTAL BARBER mely characters and embracing SHOP peronalities on the minds of COSTA RICA SODA Located in front former Criginating in the Medical their acquaintances.
Motive Power Club in 3rd. CABINET AND UNDER Congress recently celebrated in WATER FACTORY Avenue is the new parlour TAKING SHOP. Speciali this city, the project of procu.
Among the invitees were the of the only Oriental Bar zes in making and repairing ring an aerial ambulance is said ber Shop in this city. All sa furniture and every other to be receiving very favourable Misses Fuller, Hilarion, Wendorf, Mr. Hilarion, Cun Fábrica de Hielo y support among the Municipal nitary arrangements. Bar branch of wood work. Cofber with years of practice fins always stocked.
Boards of the different Provin. ningham, Patterson, MesRefrescos See in all classes of the Hair us before going elsewhere.
ces, as also in other important. sam, Hazel, Johnson, Minot, Bougłe MeRae, circles. It is our understanding Cutting Art. trial will Prices moderate. 4th. Street, Limón convince the most fastidious. entrance to Gamez Lumber that the government of the Un, Johnson, Davis, and ited States of America will be Johnson, Grant, Wallace, LIONEL MONDOLL Yard. SYDNEY BECK asked to supply the ambulance and Titzch, Cane, Wi FLORIDA ICE AND Proprietor FORD.
under the provisions of the Lend Lis, Mrs. Eccleston, Mr. and and Mrs. Stanley Blake, Mr.
the FARM CO Lease Law in force with For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber United Nations.
Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Shop. West of the City Market. Marper, Messrs. C, and LA FLORIDA Taylor, Wright, CrawMADERAS We learn that the Minister of Agriculture has received a very FABRICA DE HIELO favourable report with respect to the sample of Wheat produc: the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit ed in Costa Rica and sent abroadBarber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave West of the City All high grade material for Construction for analysis. The Wheat is of the Market.
of buildings ete. just received Adlay specie, we understand.
Large quantities of greove and tongue An extensive nursery of CinWANTED Laurel Flooring and Sidings chona plants has been establish Cedar Boards of all dimentions ed at Santa Cruz in the near vici RAILS of 15, 18 or 20 pounds nity of Turrialba and a number PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED of North American technicians are said to be making a tour of in good condition GAMEZ LUMBER YARD the republic in search of the most suitable soils for permaAdvise quantity, price and where may be inspected to 4th. Street toward Northen Machine Shops nent plantings. It is to be hoped LIMON they will locate appreciable Apartado 54 Limón, areas in this Province.
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