
Saturday, November 13th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE Teatro Moderno con con con con con con WHISKY COSTA RICA ON THE OCCASION OF THE BAPTIST RAULY NOTICE The splendour which e ters were the Misses and manated from the brilliant McKenzie, Scott.
Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos Lunes 15 de noviembre and beautiful moon served Logan, and Murdock, ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a as an added marvellous in Berrick, Hamilton, ANSIAS DE RIQUEZAS ducement and escort to the Boyce, Stewart, Master R. ROIG host of persons who atten. Riley, Murdock, Henry Fonda BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 ded the Rally presented in Gordon, Berrick and SAN JOSE Martes 16 de noviembre the Baptist Church on the Mc Rae. Miss Hendricks AUN BRILLA EL SOL Charges Reasonable for. Precios Módicos night of Tuesday the 9th. was loudly applauded instant. The Women Fede her song, Happiness. She Roddy MacDowall ration, under whose spon was sensational.
hurst; Philip by Mr. through, and terminated Miércoles 17 de noviembre sorship the magnificent suc The Rally was based on Henry of Liverpool: Paul, with Mr. Thomas Martin, cess was achieved, merits fourteen of the male charac by Mr. Martin of Zent; who represented the immor.
EL CIRCO the profoundest eulogy and ters of the Bible, and were Barnabas by Mr. Wi tal Paul, being the winner Cantinflas congratulation.
represented as follows Alliams and Timothy by Mr. and Mr. Alfonso Taylor, on It was a contact of East braham by Mr. McDouglas; Mc Rae.
behalf of Samuel, the reci Jueves 18 de noviembre with West. In other words, Moses by Mr. Ben Escoe: The Contest was lively pient of Second honours. AMOR ULTIMO MODELO the congregation was ideal Joshua by Mr. Ham and amusingly carried ly representative and main mond; Samuel Mr.
Alberto Vila ly composed of every recog) Taylor; David by Mr.
nized religious denomina Murdock; Solomon by Mr.
WAR OPERATIONS IN SOUTH PACIFIC Viernes 19 de noviembre tion. splendid prelude Gourzong; Daniel by Mr AMOR ULTIMO MODELO was presented. Stewart; John the Baptist Sábado 20 de noviembre 19 The Welcome was spi by Mr. Clarke, Peter by The land forces of the, bined attach of the land, air EL HOMBRE QUE bot cily delivered by Masterſ Mr. McKenzie; Stephen North Ameracins are reported and naval allied forces the NO MURIO Manley Moulton. Other reci by Mr. Williams of Pens continuing their successful enemy garrison on Bougainoperations on the Island of ville suffered heavy losses; Lloyd Nolan Bougainville, the last strong their position is now descriDomingo 21 de noviembre hold of the enemy in the bed as precarious.
EL PENON DE Salomon Group. Allied re Rabaul was again severely LAS ANIMAS inforcements landed last raided by a strong air force, Monday on the Bay of Em as also the naval base at Negrete y Maria Félix perratriz Augusta, and in the Surabaya.
subsequent fight the Japanese were dislodged from SORDBONOODLOWO their postions along the river. CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING Laruma. Twenty six of their air planes were destroyed in Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee benind that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit the vicinity ofthe Bay and he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present other thirty five as the result and prospective Clients.
of an attack against AlexisUno de los mejores Whiskys BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST hafen. The Alieds lost eight fabricados en América machines in these operations.
WORKMANSHIP As the result of the comREASONABLE PRICES Elaborado a base de Cebada.
We manufacture Caps of all Designs Bien madurado y envejecido PRETTY WEDDING ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT ENSEMBLE DEALINGS Excelsior Tailor At the hour of four in the CLIFFORD STEELE afternoon of Wednesday Front of British Pharmacy. Limón the 3rd. of current ORQAROQQORROQQQQ2000 900RR CONoelle month, an embracing wedd: ing scene was observed in of the district, and Mr. brilliant reception was after en barricas de roble.
the Germania Baptist John Bernard Burke, son of wards celebrated, when the Church, when the contrac the late Local Preacher of feast table was charmingly ting parties were Miss Ethell the Red Hills Methodist and appetizingly adorned Maud Hines, daughter of Church, Jamaica.
and the delicious refreshMr. and Mrs. Joseph Hines The ceremony was impres ments effectively partaka.
sively performed by the Pas ken mid the stirring expresA CORRECTION tor of the Church, the Rev. sions of congratulations and Forde. The witnesses hearty good wishes to the In the report appearing in were. Mr. Thos. Thomp newly weds.
son and Miss Lilian Hiour last issue regarding the Participant great Drive held in this city nes, a sister of the Bride. un Whisky legítimo, de calidad, the previous Sunday for the a precio atractivo: purpose of collecting funds THANKSGIVING ON NOVEMBER 25th to cover the cost of purchasing an Ambulance for the In thankfulness for all the blessings we hause of our general citizenry, it was mentioned that the ve enjoyed and the Grace which sustain us the Rev. James Evans of St.
individual, as well as for the world triumphs Mark was among the large in the cause we espouse, we are by this me number of distinguishd per dium extending an invitation to all persons sonages who accompanied the who desire to assist at the verification of our procession through our thoThanksgiving at a solemn Mass to be celebratroughfares. This was an uned in our Cathedral at a.
fortunate inadvertence; it was Mrs. Evans, the much Thursday the 25th. instant.
DE LICORES esteemed wife of the Rector, THE PROPRIETORS who was in attendance. We Hotel Hispana America Limon)
regret the error. Años Completos the WHISKY COSTA RICA C15 EA BOTELLA FABRICA NACIONAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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