
On a PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 13th. 1943.
penses associated with a trip vice to either the Medical THE RENEWAL OF AN APPEAL to the Capital and Sanitary Department of effecting general in one form or the other.
This branch of modern the city, or have it conducted survey of the important ma Some of these are fortunate science is far more than a in conjunction with the Costerial requirements of our in being able to effect the passing need for Limon. Im ta Rica Banana Company citizerny, our attention was one hundred and odd miles perfect eye sight is by no Hospital, and arranging for again directed to the very of railway journey to San means confined to the aged; the periodical visits of a pressing need for the esta José to secure the essen it also afflicts the young. It qualified optician and surblishent of an Optical Center tial treatment, but countless might, perhaps, be argued geon. Many persons increase in this city.
others are forced to continue that, form a financial point, the injury to that delicain agony and discomfort on of view, an optical center te organ by being forced, It is reather alarming to account of their less fortu would not be accorded suf through circumstances, note the number of persons nate position which preclu ficient support to warrant use spectacles without prewho suffer from eye troubles, ides their incurring the its establishment. There may viously undergoing proper be justification in this res scientific tests.
pect, but we believe the It is our sincere hope that needed attention could be this further appeal will be given the sufferers by attach productive of some good.
ing this branch of the ser YOUTS Palma real to exGet quick relief from RHEUMATISM CERVEZA de Distinción De Witts e Pills AND KIDNEY BLADDER on TERRIBLE TRAGEDY The district of Guacimo turn notified and after the was stirred by a terrible tra required legal formalities gedy on the second of the were concluded, burial was present month, when Mr. effected the day following Ruben Hylton, a resident of that of the heart rending inlong standing in the com cident.
munity, was mysteriously shot and killed on his farm. The almost one hundred Rheamatisın, pain in joints and Up to the time of writing per cent concourse of mourmuscles are due to the formation no trace has been obtained ners and sympathisers Pidala en las mejores was of sharp crystals from excess uric acid which weak kidneys of the murderer.
evidence of the gloom which cantinas have allowed to escape into the The very unfortunate enveloped Guacimo. The desystem The kidneys should be fitering man left his home at about ceased was a native of the of age. Deeply we mourn this excess uric acid (tud all other five o clock on the morning parish of St. Catharine, Jamai his dreadful end.
poisons aud impurities) ont of the bloodstream. That is why, at the of the treacherous deed in ca, and of about fifty yearsi they contain is getting to work clearfirst twinges of Rheumatism, you Sorrowing One, should take special steps to satisfy ing away impurities and poisons. pursuit of his regular means yourself that the kidneys are work Within a few days the kidneys of earning a livelihood, and ing properly.
are once more at work trapping poisons and impurities in tlte blood on his failing to return De Witt Pills have been specially at If your last Hair was not satisfactory It is because you prepared to act directly on weak. Stream and expelling them from his accustomed hour, Miss did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City sluggish, clogged kidneys. They the system by Nature marvellovo mechanism.
soothe inflammation, heal, strengthen Blanche Dixon, with whom Market.
And restore them. You have visible That is why De Witt Pills prove he resided, became much proof of the direct action of DeWitt so wonderfully effective in relieving Pills within 24 hours of taking the Rheumatism. They go at once to concerned and mentioned Seventy seven Candidates Admitted to first dose. You know for certain the root of the trouble the kidneys the matter to the people of that the wonderful internal antiseptic themselves.
Catholic Faith the neighbourhood. voluntelar search party shortly Customarily, there is al lemn procession comprised afterwards proceeded to the ways a Sunday morning rush of seventy seven candidaes, Cafarm where the lifeless body of pedestrians in pursuit of, who had accepted the was discovered beside his their respective personal ac tholic Faith, and were being Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of all chemists and storekeepers coal kilm, with his conducted by the Rev. Father heart tivities. The scene was somepierced by what is said Hubert to the Cathedral for to what changed last Sunday, presentation to His Lordship, The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts have been a bullet. The go when all stood calmly that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar vernment officials the Bishop, who administewere in being confronted by a SOber Shop West of the City Market.
red the Holy Rite.
The sacred edifice was overwhelmingly crowded with worshippers and on lookers.
At the close of the Mass, during which the candidaes received the sacrament of Holy Communion, they were treated to breakfast in the audiSMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER torium of the Rafael Ygle sias School, Several of th NIDO, powdered Milk, tin. 75 CONDENSED MILK 25 teachers of the institution attended to the table service.
CARNATION Evaporated PALMOLIVE SOAP 70 Rex Milk, tin 50 WIRE SPONGES His Lordship and the 25 Frs: John and Hubert we Carbide, lb. 00 SWEET OIL, bottle 25 also participants.
BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 60 afternoon OATS, 1b During the of COFFEE, delicious, 1b.
the 15 same day Monseñor 00 BRILLO, for Odendahl also conferred the FLEISHCHMANN Baking PowROBINSON BARLEY, tin 25 Sacrament of Confirmation der, lb. 40 50 SHRIMP, tin TUNA FISH, tin on a number of candidaes. 50 NUGGET POLISH, tin 45 FLOOR POLISH, tin 50 CAMAY SOAP 70 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, AMONG THE QUAKER Oats, tin 75 tube 00 ANGLICANS In continuation of th annual We offer you not only lower prices, but also corre weight, courtesy and fresh Harvest Thanksgiving Services being conducted by the Angli.
guaranteed merchandise cans, it is stated that that of LA PROVEEDORA Limón the St. Mary Missiona at Siqui rres wil be held tomorrow the 14th LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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