
Saturday, November 13th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuis and Cópra ALLIED ACTIVITIES IN ITALY CONTINUE SUCCESSFUL The Allied forces are con subjected to intense artillery tinuing their movement to fire. In the central zone, ward Rome despite the vio other divisions of the Eighth lent efforts to the Germans are operating against Castel to hold them in check, the di Sangro and Alfedena, two PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR snow now falling in the vitally important centers on higher mountain regions, and which the German depend the heavy rains.
for the distribution of food In the northeast region, and re inforcements between from the Apennine Moun the several fronts.
tains to the Adriatic Sea, the The troops of General forces of General Montgo Clarke are reported to have mery have crossed, in almost effected an appreciable adall its extension, the river vance along their entire Sinella and arrived at San front and to have occupied gro, where it is believed the two strategie mountain posienemy propose to establish tions, also five villages, one their winter line; their posi. of which the Germans partions are, however, being tially destroyed by fire.
REMEMBER Men prefer and women admire the Hair Cut. When it is done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Marker.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES NOTICE TO AMERICAN CITIZENS The president of the United States has announced that all male citizens of the United States, not previously registered, born after Good Deed Which Warrants Appreciation and Congratulations December 31, 1898, and born on or before In the highest category of congratulation to Colonel lice, for the effort he consis these Enrique Esquivel, our highly tently makes to suvpress December 31, 1925, are required to register for observation, we pen lines as a medium of sincere esteemed Commander of Po evil tendencies displayed by, Selective Service in the armed forces of the unfortunately, an apprecia.
United States between November 16, 1943 COMMITTE FOR CONTROL OF ITALY ble number of our citizenry, and December 31, 1943. All male citizens of the particularly those by the United States who attain 18 years of age ORGANIZED younger members.
subsequent to November 16, 1943, are requiAn official announcement to enable the United Na red to register upon or immediately following states that the Committee tions being afforded ample Truly, man greatness is for the control of Italy has assistance in the fight a best demonstrated when it the anniversary of their 18th birthday.
been organized and entered gainst the common enemy. is exercised in the champio Registration will take place at the nearestiast Wednesday, on their Major General Kenyon Jo ning of Noble Living. We American Embassy, Legation, or Consulate responsible duties of seeing yce, ex. Commander in are very much impressed Persons residing in the Province of Limon to the carrying out of the Chief of the 9th. North with the extended measure should register at the American Consulate obligations imposed by the merican Army, has been na of police vigilance in the Armistice Pact, as also Port Limon, Costa Rica.
to med President and Chief Evicinities of business places so re organize the economic xecutive of the Committee where alcohlic drinks are conditions of the country as by General Improvement Circle Foundad at Siquirres Eisenhower. on sale, with the view of This Committee replaces keeping them free or the We learn with unlimited when Mr. DesLandes, the Fósforos ANTORCHA the military Commission boot blacks and other way pleasure that the Siquirres Catecchist of the Church, PARA VENDER 5 which was headed by Lieu ward youths, who usually township is now graced conducted the religious fea CENTIMOS CAJITA tenant General Mac tarla frequently such centers. We with a new Improvement ture of the ceremony, and Unico Distribuidor al por ne, who returns to his po deplore the fact that many Circle which bears the desig his message, based, in part, mayor: sition of Gevernor of Gibral of our youths have descens nation Sisters of Betha on the tenth chapter of the ALMACEN TOMAS tar. According to Moscow, ded from the hill taps of vir ny. and is associated with Gospel of St. Luke, treating FERNANDEZ the Consultative Council tue and valor by having the St. Mary Church of on the seventy seven sent composed of representatives been permitted unrestricted the Anglican denomination. out the seventy returned, logy and harmony we are of Great Britain, the United indulgence in those things The new idea is said to ha. the Lawyer taught how to assured.
States of America, the So which neither elevate nox ve originated with Mos. Da obtain eternal life, the Good We learn ghat a mew viet Union and France will refresh, but degrade and vid Pennant of the town and Samaritan and Mary and mark, as a departure from work in harmony with the enervate. The well intentio the discovery has been gi Martha was most impressi the regular set procedure of Committee. It is anticipated ned citizen of every selfgo ven the hall mark. The ve. The discourse of Mr. installing a presiding offi that at a later date Greece verned country compreheninauguration was effected, Barrett, of this city, who cer has been decided, in con and Yugoeslavia will be as that law and authority we are told, on the evening was a specially invited guest sequence, an appointment represented on the Council. are their friends of Tuesday the 2nd. instant, speaker was the peak of eu will be affected at each alumun evil doers regard them only the as meeting.
SALOMON CHIN restraints.
WELCOME TO OUR NEW SECOND ALCALDE The Atlantic Voice ex Again the Atlantie VoiEstrada tends its sincere congrats to ce congratulates our wiWarmly welcomed to this The Atlantic Voice wishes LA IDORIA Mrs. Pennant and her asso dely regarded Commander city is Lic. don Edgar Marín him the greatest ciates. May full Abarro. es y Licores of Police.
Torres, the recently appoin during his term of office.
crown their efforts.
Precios Económicos ted Second Alcalde, who is brother of our highly esteemed veterinary surgeom Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota si corso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receira! which reads and also of the ex secretary This will must be paid at our office before to our much regarded Go Este recibo debe pogorse en la oficina dentro the Otn. of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so geou os to comply with this request and do not Le rogarnos recordar este cláusula y evitarnos ta pena in lige us to suspend our service, a step which It is observed, with great de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
satisfaction, that the new official is being accorded the characteristic good will of our citizenry which he pleasingly reciprocates.
success success a vernor COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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