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PAGE 12 TA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 13 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN arry 1943 won the it 2800 guns, to CA IMPERIAL GERMANY ing ground, the enemy DFEAT IN 1918 on the banks of the Schelde. For a long time now, with the 1918 October 17, the three British idea of lifting the spirit of the mies battle of th German People after the Selle, taking more than 20. 01 shattering def at of their prisoners and 150 guns. The armi. in the Great War of 1914 passed th: initiative over to the DECISIVE ALLIED BLOWS Frr Army under Generai came blow upon blow. On 18, German and in the courge Allies who never let go from Debenay, the British army vember Ist a fresh series of of time its natural successor Nazi then on. The second hammer The foregoing chain of allied corps, strengthened by the addi lied attacks compelled furth propaganda has sought to put stroke was delivered by the victories had been of a localised tion of two American divisions, withdrawals on the part of over the thesis that the German Allies on August with the nature, delivering strategie rai: took 48500 Germans and 630 enemy, and though some of soldiery was not in fact beaten object of freeing the Paris. roads and blunting the deep guns. On the 29th, the Flanders German formations still resist during the last struggle, but that Amiens railroad wh:n the Cana lients of the German front. offensive resulted in fresh others gave ground almost wo a stab in the back by the re dians advanced six miles on the Now, at the suggestion made by triumphs for the allied arms, out a struggle and the nun volut) naries was the first first day. Then the British flung Marshal Haig to Marshal Fech, with the British and Belgian of prisoners increased hour cause for the armistice, and that out their brilliant attack more the allies started on anew stra troops reaching the Messines and hour. Including prisoners tº the Versailles Treaty was a se. northwards, taking possession tegic plan, the object wheref Passchendael ridges. Owing to in the second Marne battle, cond factor of importance. Nov. of Bapaume on the 25th. At the was to cut the main Gerrran the rndition of the ground, this allied armies had on their hand ember 11th is the twenty fifth same time the French attacked lines of communication and thus attack was now held up for a more than 400. 000 Germans with anniversary of that Great War with startling success south of hamper the whole support of couple of weeks, the terrific 7200 guns, of which the British Armistice, and, bearing in mind the Oise, gaining much strat thir front in France. From the bombardments of the past four alone had taken 186000 men ang that the United Nations are gically important ground north Channel coast to Rheims, these years having rendered all in less than once more approaching the mo of Soissons. On the 26th, the communications converged upon difficult to penetrate. In October hundred days.
ment when they have to point British stretched the battle front Liege, with a bottleneck be the Americans started a series Marshall Foch was gathe.
Germany along the path sine still further with their advance tween the Dutch frontier and the of limited advances, meetịng stiff his huge armies for a resumpe must follow in order that the from Arras. The Germans imme Ardennes. South from here th re opposition and frequent counter of the offensive on Novem world may be free from her liately abandoned the Roye line ran another line through Nie attacks, whilst the Allies pre 14th, east of the Meuse, wh eternal menace, it is worth re. and retired to th: banks of the ziéres, and a third across the pared strike the enemy on the other side a great fleet calling some of the innumerable Somme and the Morthern Canal. Douai plain. This new alliel it. afresh. Despite all th. ir efforts bombers was being readied facts which prove how definitely But still the retreating enemy fensive started with an Argie their efforts, the Germans had it was the tremendous blows of could get no respite. On Sep. American attack on 26 Septem to retire still further from Laon an attack on the Ruhr basin the air. Neither of these op allied might which caused the tember 2nd, the British broke ber in the diraction of Meziéres, and North of the Oisas far as tions became in fact necess Imperial German Army to fall through the famous Wotan Two British army corps were Le Cateau; an attack from the before the allies.
line between Drocourt and thrown against Cambrai on the Allied central positions between since the enemy was by Queant, and the enemy com 27th a further offensive began in St. Quentin and Cambrai added completely demoralised and it fore defeated. The Gern THE GERMAN menced a fresh series of with Flanders on the 28th, and the to the effect of this operation, had reached the end of SPRING OFFENSIVE 1918 drawals on a wide front, holding following day the British army on for a short space in tether. On 11 November the the on the right and another one GERMANS. IN FULL Having at disp sal huge mistice which the German re neigborhood of Vailly, St. Simon supporting the French left atRETREAT serves from the Russian gates had signed at 10 a.
front and Gouzeaucourt on the Aisne tack simultaneously towards after the Brest. Litovsk Treaty concurrently they had to give St Quentin. The attack on the Lines of communication to the that morning came into effe forced on the revolutionary gov. up what ground th:y had gained right was successful though the north having been re established, ernment on 20 December 1917, in Flanders during their Lys of Germans were soon putting up a British, Belgian and French HAPPENINGS BEHIND TH the German high command set fensive. In the seven weeks of strong resistance, Marshal Haig troops on 14 October advanced GERMAN FRONT about the decisive western the allied counter offensive, the own attack the next day had a between the Lys and the sea, offensive, which was to smash Germans lost some 130 thousand more decisive result. His troops compelling the enemy to give up The demoralisation of the the Allies before the mtions prisoners and 1800 guns. The crossed the Northern Canal, turn Ostend and continue retreating man army started in fact sh of soldiers who wore cross last blow fell on the south east. ing the Hindenburg Line, and with such speed that the Belgians after the allies had crossed ing the Atlantic might be able rn portion of the front, when found themselves facing Cam had already reached the Dutch enemy lines at dawn on Aug to make their weight felt in on 12 September the American brai the day after. The attack frontier by the 20th. The Ger Ludendorff, the great Gey.
Europe. The German warlords attacked in the St. Mihiel sector, on St. Quentin was also highly man withdrawal south of the strategist, who later became of the period well wnew upon turned the salient and captured satisfactory, since the British river was more precipitate in of Hitler sycophants, says the outcome of that offensive 16000 enemy soldiers and 450 again iulated the Hindenburg the abandonment of such indus the retreating troops sho depended the future fate of their guns. This brilliant success frced Line on this front. Excluding trial cities as Lille, Roubaix, and such epithets as strike breake country, since from mid 1917 the the rail from Avriqcurt to Paris. prisoners captured by the First Tourcoing. Continuously yield blacklegs and the like at unbreakable British blockade fresh divisions coming up fi and the failure of submarine the rear: Ludendorff himself warfare clearly showed them PULVERIZING THE WAR TOOLS TESTED THE MERCHANT Colonel Haeften on 13 August that they must win and win have lost my confidence in quickly to avoid the downfai HITLERIST HEART FOR AGRICULTURE NAVY troops. Prince Rupert of Ba which further lengthening of ria wrote on the 15th. of hostilities would inevitably en.
Merchant shipping is Britain same month: Indeed, do tail through lack of food and After the great Cologne raid of The National Institute of Agri life line even in peace. In warti think we shall be able to ca essential materials. The Ger a year ago Goebbels assured Ger cultural Engineering is testing me its importance is multion through the winter. Furth man offensive, or better to dis. mans the could not keep the possibnities of converting va plied.
more, huge catastro tinguish the various phase3. etup mass raids because of losses. rious, war machines to agricultu At the present time nearly may happen before them.
us say the frur German offen Raids of the past four months ral purposes to discover wheth 2, 000 merchant ships from the; avoid a military disas sives were timed respectively have thrown his boast back in er they can be So used after United Kingdom are at sea at which would ruin our futur thus: the Somme on 21 March his face. The British heavy bom the war. Two machines have any given time. They carry the a natio. 2, we must approach 1918; the Lys on Aprii; the ber output has trebled during already undergone tests. an 30 40 million tons of raw mate enemies, especially Britain, Aisne on 27 May and the Matz the past year and every month Army dumping lorry which has rials and foodstuffs without poffer peace. It was not up on June, this last being a final is increasing. There is no reason been employed successfully in which the factories and people of October 29 and 30 that the effort of no great effect. And why bomber commands mass silage operations, and a jeep. Britain could not exist.
They man seamen mutinied for the result of these bloody batles raids cannot be continued even which has been found capable of maintain supplies to the scattered first time, refusing to sail was the utter and complete ai.
on a greater scale. Navigational pulling a two furrow plow. Aj British battlefronts and garrisons the high seas. This outbreak fe lure of the Germans to reach a aids to take bombers to target medium powered tank is shortly throughout the world. They take ed and though the undergrou decisive victory. They did cities and back have been vastly to be tested to determine whet. material aid to such allies as Rus revolution grew, it was not until cours obtain a number of imimproved. British experts November that the sailors got sia.
portant tactical positions, her it has any agricultural posbut convinced that Germany present possession of the Kiel naval base.
the strategic objective was enli.
war material production has gone rely lost. The Allies were put to down 20 per cent, from last year CONSTANCY The foregoing chronological almost insupportable strain survey of the Great Allied Of peak. Ruhr production alone is but no breakage occurred at The war goes well. We are to fensive of 1918 shows in the most alany point along the whole front estimated to have dropped day reaping the rewards of nearly striking manner that the line. The gamesters dice huiready between 35 and 50 per.
four years of tireless endurance. man army was decisively defea.
cent. The will continue mans heaviest raid on London We have emerged, stronger and ted been cast and the game the battle fields befoy lost.
the onslaught until the heart of a city of 8, 000, 000 people wiser, from dangers and disasters the socalled Garman revoluti the Ruhr grows cold. Each Ruhr they dropped 500 tons. On seven that have no parallel in Britain was even started. The truth ALLIED VICTORIOUS town vies with its neighbors as Ruhr towns. Dortmund. Essen, story. On the distant horizon the that this revolution did not st COUNTER OFFENSIVES the world most heavily damaged. Wuppertal, Bochum, Oberhausen, rosy fingered dawn of victory can until the army was complet Marshal Foch launched his place. Ruhr railways, already Krefeld and Mulheim which be discerned: defeated, and therefore it was counter offensive, which began strained to the breaking point by have joint population fewer than The war is not yet won. Ger smashing of that army which with the Second Marne Battle lack of repairs and increased traf 2, 000, 000, the dropped in many remains a formidable foe. spired the disaffected and den near the Chateau Thierry Salient fic, are so overburdened with four weeks 10. 000 tons of bombs. Many more months must pass beralised groups at home to laun and on 18 July 1918 the French evacuation demands that evacuees Essen five square miles have fore the military might of the themselves against the gove!
won the first victory of the are now shipped away by barges taken terrible punishment. In 56 Nazis begins to crumble. In the ment which had brought them year, taking 30, 000 prison:rs and and river steamers whenever pos. attacks the city has received Far East Japan stands ready to ruin. The Emperor William 800 guns whilst compelling the sible. Devastation caused in the about 11, 000 tons. well over hall pit her military strength against dieation on November was ha enemy to retreat. This success Ruhr industrial cities is greater the total on the 700 square miles the combined might of Britainly a noticeable incident in completely washed cut the ene. than anything known in any of greater London since the war and America. She, too, must be complete collapse of the Germ.
my luck on the Aisne, and country in the world. In the Ger began.
brought low.
some are was on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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