
ATLANTIC VOICE our Could we but draw the curtains That surround each other life, See the naked heart and spirit, Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX (99 And know what spur the action gives Year IX Limon, Novembe 27th. 1943. NO 400 Ofte nwe should find it better, Purer than we judged we would; THE DESTRUCTION OF BERLIN on Monday night; the immediaThen we should love each other more tely took refuge in one of the airraid shelters; he was unhurt As we better understood.
With more than one thousand on monday night were still bur and left the city early the follo of their largest and most power ning when the second attack wing morning by automobile for THE ISOLATION OF OUR ZONE ſul war machines the Royal Air tock place. The number of per an imstated destination.
Force raided the Capital of the cons who lost their lives has Other important military and German Reich on the nights of been placed at the huge total of industrial positions and districts Once again has our Atlantic Zone experie. ced Monday and Tuesday of the 35. 000, a large percentage being in different parts of Germany the great misfortune of having been isolated from week in course, with the most te due, it is aid, to thepeople have also suffered reavily from the remainder of the country.
rrifying results.
ing erroneously signalled to le recent RAF raids as well as po Consequent on the torrential rains which had ave their air raid shelters after sitions of importance in the Na been falling for some time, wash outs and cn ex Information released by both only the first wave of planes zi occupied territories of Fran.
tensive lendslide occurred along the road bid of the British Air Ministry and fo had passed over the city. ce and elhewhere.
reign correspondents declare Hitler was attending a conthe Railway Company main line, and despite About four million persons the assualts were the worst ef ference in the Chancery build are reported to have fled Berthe efforts of the Management and the herculean iected throughout the entire war ing when the alarm was given in for safer localities.
labour of the workmen, train service with the sun period, particularly in so far as Capital and other inland points was held up for a the use of 4, 000 pounds bombs week.
were concerned. Property des AN IMPORTANT AND DESERVING APPEAL uction was said to be indescri With much interest we place before our esteemed readers This must have seriously affected the econo bably, and included the presiden the text of the circular issued under date, the 22ad. October mic interests of our people, particularly those tial palace in which von Hinden last, by His Britannic Majesty Charge Affaires at the engaged in commercial and industria: activities. ita perg lived, the buildings occuLegation in San José to Britons in Costa Rica The general progress of the Province must also pied by the department of War, have been prejudiced Foreign Relations and the Ad Our Republic is destined to play a no: ynim.
ministration of War Production, The year 1943 is fast running 34, 967 colones, may fall short of the Embassics of the United Stal out. With the generous support the standard we ourselves have portant part in the unfoldment of the comprehen.
tes of America, Japan and Ita of our friends (now Allies. we established; and in a year of sive porf war programme, now under formation, ly, all the building in the dis contributed to British war chari such splendid achievements on for aiding in the rehabilitation or the United trict of the Zoo and the largest ties up to the end of 1941, the wor fronts, it is unlikely Nations. The United Fruit Company have also cinc theater in the city. 111, 570 and, by the close of that we, in Costa Rica, would mide it known hat they are prepared to invest The fires produced by the in 1942. 168, 086. It looks, ho be satisfied with less than a vast sum in She cultivation of four plants in cendiary bombs so enveloped. wever, as if our united effort in best.
the city that the flame sstarted 1943, which now stands at What to do? Bazaar is im this country. As it is quite possible that OUI practicable, for the Roof Gar Atlantic Zone will be selected for the carrying out vood den, which we have previously of a large percentage of the proposals, we consider it CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING used, is no longer available. Mu it is essential that an effort be made to provide sical and cinematic entertai us with the meanst of regular communication facilities Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee benind ment would hardly cover the de that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit ties with the Capital and other interior points. We, he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present ficit. But shall we need a Bazaand prospective Clients.
ar or other form of enterain. therefore, beg to suggest that our highly regarded ment to stimulate our efforts? Minister of Fomenio give consideration to the long BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST know that such is not the case; pending project of the construction of a roadway WORKMANSHIP and úl, therefore, suggest that REASONABLE PRICES we make a special effort to roassured would keep us in touch with the interior und off the contribution for We manufacture Caps of all Designs of the Republic in the event of landslides or wash.
1943. We are approaching PO.
ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT PPY DAY theflower that ouis occurring along the Railway system DEALINGS has come tomean for us REM make EMBRANCE. Shall we Excelsior Tailor WANTED the occasion for personal sacrifi CLIFFORD STEELE ces, with the Poppy as our sym Front of British Pharmacy Limón bol? We hope to have a supply RAILS of 15, 18 or 20 pounds OOROPOLOGE. Boveando fof poppies, one of which will be ALLIENDS CONTINUE ADVANCES IN ITALY sent to you, early in November.
in good condition The grim struggle, which has raised us from the desperate Advise quantity, price and where may be inspected to the Having forced the passa ra, the first important natu straits of Dunkerque to ge of the River Sangro and ral defence system north of present triumphant march for: Apartado 54 Limón.
established themselves firm the Sangro; and should they ward against an arrogant foe.
ly on its northern bank, occupy the city of Pescara, has not been achieved without ver an tentension of eight located at the outlet of the tragic aftermaths of sightless, kilometers where they have river, they will, according, maimed victims, orphans and Nazis Sull Give Way Before Soviet Pusle rejected all the counter at. to military opinion, secure a desolated homes. This does not The Russian armies, un, they have recaptured nume position of great strategic need stretching. It is a matter der command of General rous localities and inflicted tacks of the enemy, the importance, as it is connec of pride with us that in modern Vatutin, are reported to be considerable loss on the end cighth Army, under the ted with Rome by one of the wars, we do not neglect those bringing to a close a signal my in the sector south of ommand of General Mont principal highways which, who fight for us.
victory with the battle sout Kremanchug and Dnieperpe gomery, is said to have ac traverse the peninsular and invite you, then, to make hwest of Kiev, where the e trovsk. Despite his terrible complished the most impor the waters of the port are November the eleventh, a day of nemy forces have been com losses, Marshal von Mannsa tant victory of the past sufficienly deep to permit special sacrifice.
pelled to initiate a new and tein has been launching his month operations in the the disembarking of additio disastrous retreat.
exhausted troops in additioAdriatic sector, in view of nal re inforcements.
ED: NOTE Contributions Other Soviet forces, ope nal attacks, which have onthe Nazi tenacious opposi Unfavourable weather can still be made by ail who de rating in White Russian, ly resulted in the Russians tion and the unfavourable conditions still impede, to watther conditions.
is stated, the movements of nations can be effected at the their advance toward Pomel was wacuated by the The British are now re the Fifth Army in the wes British Vice Consulate in this land. Russian advances are Germans after they had dis ported less than forty kilo tern regions.
city as also at the British Lega also continuing in the bend troyed all their military ins)
meters off the River Pesca tion in San Jose.
of the Dnieper River, where tallations.
to connect Siquities with Turrialba, which we are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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