
It MATINA AGRICULTURISTS WELCOME MESSRS. RAUL VELAZQUEZ AND FERNANDO ASCH CAFE HOLNESS On Tuesday evening the Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th Street directly in front the Football Ground.
Expressions of Appreciation an Thankfulness 9th of the month in course, the Cacao farmers and other agriculturists of Mati This New Eating and Refreshing Sart na extended a sincere welis now at the Public Service come to don Raul Velazquez, Chief of the Econo COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD mic Statistics and ProducAND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
tion Division of the National Department of Agriculture, and don Fernando Asch, the The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cu representative of the Atlan that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar tie Cacao Farmers.
ber Sho West of the City Market.
The aims and objects in connection with the formaMISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS tion of the Cacao Co operative Association were fully NEW HARLEM BAR AND WORKSHOP OF QUALIT!
explained and duly acceptRESTAURANT, The Best AND ECONOMY. Everyth ed by all the agriculturists drinks prepared by Craw ing in machinery made o present.
ford and Grant, Genuine repaired, from a Pin to The following were electnative and foreign liquors Crane, See us. We carry a.
We adopt this medium to city of Limon.
ed as the provisional officers stocked Our Cusine service assortment of Beds, Spring publicly express our sincere The hospitalities showerof the local branch of the the most up to date. and other useful things a. 89 and profound gratitude to ed upon us will be treasur Association. Mr. Pal Crawford and Grant, Pro all times. Building Nº our host and hostess, Mr. ed throughout the remainc North Fifth Avenue.
mer, President: Mr.
Beresford Duncan and hising days of our very short Thompson, Proprietor.
Murray, Secretary and Remother, as well as to the earthly pilgrimage. THE ORIENTAL BARBER porter; Mr. James.
embracing friends and ac To all Limonenses we say Counsellor. They pledged SHOP EQUIPPING AN quaintances whose associar Au Revoir not: Fare.
their entire personal coz Located in front former ARMY tion we have so pleasingly well.
operation in the cause which Motive Power Club in 3rd.
enjoyed during our visit to they considered was fully Avenue is the new parlour this ideal Republic of Costa Hyacinth Gamon, justified but whose success of the only Oriental BarRica, particularly in thell, Leonora Bullings. depended on honest lead ber Shop in this city. All sa exhibition which displays In London to day, there is ar al ership.
nitary arrangements. Barthe non secret equipment sup Let us all say as Lincoln ber with years of practice! plied to one standard division of Pursuing a Succssful Educational Career did. These farmers, unr in all classes of the Hair the British Army. ir. clude der God, shall have a new Cutting Art. trial will 23. 500 different items. ranging from a buckle to a tank. These With pardonable pride we loreman of the Estrella organization, by the people, convince the most fastidious, items in their turn represent only notioed, in a recent educatio Branch of the Northern Rail and for the people, on the LIONEL MONDOLL part of the 750. 000 different nal bulletin issued in the Is: way System.
face of all the earth.
Proprietor items which the Quartermaste land of Jamaica the Alfonso and Adassa Local Reporter.
names General supplies to a modern army. But they tell a graphic of Alfonso and Adassa Wa sent, we gather, to Jamaica RECENT BOMBARDMENT COST VATICAN story of the raw materials, la mren, who won their respec at the respective ages of nine bour, manhours, and personal tive spurs in the first year and seven years and have 20 MILLION LIRAS privations, which the British examination for Pupil Tean, since been under the tuition Under date the 20th instant, cover all the objetcts of people have put into the build chers. Our appreciation of of Miss Beatrice Carnegie of New York states that a Berlin which belong to the Holy See sharp edged weapon which is the Arting of the finely equipped and their excellent accomplish the Government School at radio broadcast had placed the and were located in the part of British Army to day.
ment is deepened by the fact Harry Grove in the parish of value of the damages which the Italy under Nazi control and that both students belong to St. Elizabeth.
aerial raid over the Vatican on return them to the Vatican We must plan to build this Republic by virtue of The Atlantic Voice education system into a ex the 5th, idem had produced at great memorial to the war generation their birth. They are the tends its deep congrats to the large su mof twenty million that has saved us from the tyran children of our highly regar. our collaborator, Mr. Warren, liras.
CABINET AND UNDER ny degradation and slavery ded and widely known citin, who no doubt is already in The same release also stated TAKING SHOP. Speciali victorious Nazidom would have zen. Mr. Ezequiel Warren, receipt of the good report. that the Nazis had agreed to rezes in making and repairing Arthur Henderson.
imposed on the world. furniture and every other branch of wood work. Cof fins always stocked. See us before going elsewhere.
Prices moderate. 4th. Street, entrance to Gamez Lumber COSTA RICA SODA Yard. SYDNEY BECK.
WATER FACTORY The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Coloured Youths Fábrica de Hielo y Again Entertain Refrescos On the occason of the second entertaining of their many gulimón RUBBER ests, the Coloured Youths Friendly Club earned a record draw FLORIDA ICE AND last Saturday night, when a fashionable Dance was given in We are Agents for FARM CO the Hall of the St. Mark Parish. Theexercise was sensatia THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
LA FLORIDA nal from start to finish. The dan MADERAS ce numbers were thrillingly sup OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE plisd by the Lebert Brown orFABRICA DE HIELO chestra.
At the midnight hour a draw was the lucky winner, and the ing, for adoor prize was conduc recipient of seven colones. The ted by Mr. Wallace, on behalf of entire dance feature was a splen the Club. Miss Addassa Walters did success, were our CARIBBEAN PACKING CO.
RAICILLA IPECACUANA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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