
MISS FELICIA REID AND HER SUPORTERS CHAMPIONED PUNTARENAS PROVINCE TO VICTORY NOTICE ROIG side over the entertainment. supplied several rich numbers. Champion Football Team Regain Lost Prestige the trio WHISKY COSTA RICA con The shades of eve had scarce. pport in evidence, but from the songs on behalf of the young la Aadress all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos ly appeared on Thursday the depth of their soul they were dies who rallied, where Marja ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a 11th. instant when the Hall of most cordially welcomed. In rie Hart; Aurea Ried, who was the Catholic Day School was continuation, Fr. Hubert stated sensational in her two numbers; densely packed with enthusias he desired to specially mention Lupette Davis, Maria Bermudez, BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 tic adherents of the Catholic Pathe name of Mr. Jos. Thomas, Osmond Evans, Isaac and Git SAN JOSE rish and their numerous friends, who had so marvellously helped bert Bernard. The accompamiCharges Reasonable. Precios Módicos to do honour to the wonderful in the preparation of the Rally, ments were all effected by Mr.
Treat prepared for them by the and it gave him the greatest ple Ralph White on his guitar. Legion of Mary, headed by their asure of introducing him to pre part of the Riverside Orchestra Director, the Rev. Fr. Hubert.
Suddenly the edifice was full Deafening appland crowned the Mrs. Bernard presided at the During the afternoon of; sub champion, repeated the of light, life and merriment, and Priest remarks, while the Cha piano. Messrs. Gaston and Sunday the 14 th. instant the match which was under pauwe gazed on a scene composed irman opening speech was gre Babb rendered valuable service Gimnastica, the present cham test. By defeating the Jupiof men, women and children The preliminary items includ in checking the votes. The two pion team, and Jupiter, the ter with a score of the whose charms were all absorbeted kith the greatest cordiality prizes awarded were respective goals to two, the Champions ing and magnetic. The curtained the wll rendered chorus. ly handed by the Chairman to regained their progress.
was raised and in a voice which Laughing in the rain. Miss Miss Felicia Reid in the name of In the first worty five micheers, the Rev. Fr. Hubert et. Wright earned popular joy for Puntarenas and Miss Victoria English Tweeds Sergs nutes of playing time, the fected th eaddress of Welcome. her recitation My Country. Green on behalf of San Jose.
can still be had at exercise was completely doInter alia, he said it was diffi In a tore like that of the nigh The singing of the Republic Reasonable Prices at minated by the Gimnasticas.
cult to place in words the tengala, Miss Pearl Hall contri national anthem terminated the JACK ORANE Sucs. Their goalkeeper, Osmond warm appreciation and thanks buted the solo Believe Me. well presented entertainment.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Evans, ably defended his of the personnel of the Legion The recitation Hogar dulce Ho Limon charge, while his team mates of Mary for the spontaneous stugar was the splendid accomp Vinici, Harry Smith and lishment of Miss Olga Campbell.
George Hazel respectively, The audience was held in com TEATRO carned the three shots.
plete amazement with the renThe latter half presented dition of the trio Grandfather MODERNO incidents one after the Clock, by th? Misses Green, other. some of which were Lunes 29 de noviembre and Wright and Master Isaac.
MI HIJO NO SE VENDE During the recitation of her pover ydistasteful. The Jupiters were determined to escape. con em Petalos (a tribute to the a shut out. while there Richard Carlton Flower. Miss Victoria Green opponents had, evidently, le.
Martes 30 de Noviembre held her listeners in the palm cided to blank them. Ha: of her hand. The song Santa Lu FUGITIVOS DEL INFIERNO wever, the wind, blowing in cia gained much admiration for an opposite direction; ena the Misses Dunn, Green, Bermu Errol Flynn bled the Jupiters to obtain des and Willis. Mr. Esterene Miércoles 1: de Diciembre two goals, on ewas by way of graced the event with a classi EL CIRCO cal piano selection.
a penal and the other by Pie Uno de los mejores Whiskys cho.
Cantinflas The principal feature of the fabricados en América Señor Bolaños was the res programme was initiated by feee, and by sticking to his Jueves de Diciembre Miss Marjorie Hart, who grace guns, he demonstrated the AMOR ULTIMO MODELO fully recited, in the official lan Elaborado a base de Cebada.
fact of carrying out beti ile con guage, the patriotic poem. Que Alberto Vila Bien madurado y envejecido letter and spirit of foshal es la Patria. The Rally follow.
Viernes de Diciembre ed, and the Provinces were reAMOR ULTIMO MODELO presented thus: Guanacaste Extraordinary Lottery. con Miss Pearl Gayle; Puntarenas Alberto Vila Miss Felicia Reid, who with her Sábado de Diciembre able supporters, triumphed in AQUELLA NOCHE the final; Alajuela. Miss Ruby In keeping with their accusHutchinson; Heredia, Miss Ele en barricas de roble.
tomed programme of distriEN RIO na Evans; San Jose, Miss Victo buting an extra amount of. conria Green, who gained second Carmen Miranda money among the patrons of honours. Cartago was represen the Loteria Nacional del AsiDomingo de Diciembre ted by Miss Elsie Green, and our lo Chapui at Christmas time, EL BAISANO JALII. own Limon by Miss Anita Char the personnel of the Junta les, who took third place.
de Protección Social of San Tuero y Pardavé Among those who contributed José have decided to conduct an extraordinary drawing on Sunday the 19th December For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber proximo.
Shop. West of the City Market.
un Whisky legítimo, de calidad, Te emission will consist of a precio atractivo: 27000 tickets divided into twenty parts or pieces, and valued at 50 each or.
City of Limon 50. 00 for the full ticket.
The plan provides for a Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
first or grand prize of. 200, 000, a second of Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms 100, 000, a third of 50. 000 Special Dining Room Service and a fourth of 25. 000.
Among the other prizes there WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE will be ten of 5, 000 each; AND FOREIGN LIQUORS six of 2, 000 each and twenty of 1, 000.
ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Tickets will be available Proprietor.
to the public immediately, after tomorrow drawing con Años Completos Drawing for Xmas.
WHISKY COSTA RICA con HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA C15 LA BOTELLA FABRICA NACIONAL DE LICORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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