
ATLANTIC VOICE we surMan true greatness lies in the conscious. ness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 just estimate of himself and everything else as Year IX Limon, December 4th. 1943. NO 401 also a steady obedience to the rule he knows to be right.
ERMANS RETRING ON ALL RUSSIA FRONTS THE ALLIED Dispatches from the bat. latest information indicate OFFEIVE IN ITALY ALL SEEM AWAKED e fronts disclose that with the Nazis may be obliged e exception of the sector to suspend the desperate An official communique Korosten, where they had counter attacks they have states that the allied forces Or such outstanding importance do we conJcured certain gains of lo been launching, in various are pursuing their victorious sider the need of a Red Cross Ambulance for seral importance, the Nazis sectors, in an endeavour to activities beyond the river vice in this community, that we wake no apology me retiring on all the battle hold back the Russian for Sangro and inflicting enoronts, as a consequence of ces.
mous losses on the enemy.
for again referring to the matter in this manner.
heir inability to withstand Furious fighting is reportThe Eighth Army is reAs we previously found ia necessary to de.
ne vigorous Russian offen ed in progress in the zone ported to have captured plore the indifferent attitude many were displayEve. Their loss of the rail of Zhlobin, where the ene Lanciano, an important Nazi nng toward the splendid unselfish efforts under ray, leading from Lenin my is desperately endeavour defence center located eighway to secpre the much needed vehicle, so rade to Odessa, has been ing to avoid their being com teen miles southeast of Pesnow feel it our duty to mentions, with satisfaction, serious blow to their com pletely surrounded by the cara, as also the district of iunication system.
advancing Soviets.
Rocca Sangiovani and comthe very marked co operation the proposal is reIn view of the terrible The unfavourable weat pleted the occupation of the ceiving on all sides. An appreciable number of osses, both in man power her conditions seriously im mountainous regions of Ro our people who gave no heed to the movement nd material, they have pede activities in the region magnola and Forsasecia, at its earlier stage are now fully interested, and een recently experiencing, west of Kiev.
near the sea coast. The con in addition to lending it their personal assistance quest of these positions, afare adding their valuable contributions. This is ter intense fighting, has OF GREAT IMPORTANCE destroyed the nemy entire most praiseworthy. It might help to mention that Elsewhere in this issue, fensive looking black wee defence system in the Adria those wo contribute by means of purchases from here arbears a notice by vil, which to be found at tic sector and obliged them Receipt Books will be able to effect comparision he Ministry of Agriculture the base of the tree about to make a further retreat. by the publications which will be made from time alling the attention of ow, two inches below the Their loss in manpower is to time.
ers and tenants of Coconut face of the earth, while a placed at 1, 000, including Too much importance cannot be attached to lantations to the presence yellowing of the leaves de the dead the wounded and ths branch of humanitarian service as the ambuf a plague which is caus notes the first effects of the the prisoners captured.
ng much lance will not be confined to the transportation of damage to The Fifth army the attack, have groves located in the Paci The Minister of Agricul also, we are told, made pro the sick or actual sufferer, but will also provide ic region of the Republic. ture asks that as soon as the gress and captured several an effective method of conveyinng some ministerAs it is very possible that insect is located and the important positions west of ing angel to a bedside in time of great emergency.
She plantations on this side change in the regular colour) Montaquila.
In common with this effort very effective pre of the country may also be of the leaves of the trees parations in connection with Red Cross workers, attacked by the pest, if this is noted that the Entomoas not already happened, logical Section of the De JOSE ACHION Ng are in progress under the sponsorship of the Liper adopt this medium to wartment of Agriculture, lomon Auxiliary Red Cross Committee and the First eet the attention of all cated in San Jose, be noti Comerciante detallista Limon Brigade, guided by the Rev. Evans of nterested parties to the fied when an employee will Licores. Abarrotes, Cristaleria, the St. Mark Parish.
ratter, which we regard as be sent immediately to give Articulos de Ferreteria y Eléc Let us all continue to give of our best until vast importance to our the necessary instructions tricos: todo se encuentra en the goal is attained.
conomic interests.
for the extermination of the este estableeimiento.
It is stated that the dis pest.
UNITED NATIONS CONFER AT CAIRO AND INTERNATIONAL ise is caused by an inofTA BRIZ BRIEFS THE FAR EASTERN WARFARE The belief is held in The anxiously awaited year 1894. Korea is to be Conferences The effort of the Austraplomatic circles that Poland between the liberated.
Cape Gloucester on the in troops to drive the Ja coast of New Britain 65 kil representatives of the Uni Shortly after the closes will be invited to join Russia anese off the peninsular or meters north of New Gui ted Nations have taken pla. this historic conference the and Checoeslovaquia in the a economic and defence allian The first was held in representatives left for Luon in New Guinea is said nea, was the object of a re be progressing satisfac cent bombardment, fortyCairo, Egyet, somewhere, it meeting with Josef Stalin atce now being arranged by the orily. Assisted by tanks, six tons of bombs were dis. is said, in the vicinity of the a place said to be Tabriz in latter two nations The accord first was held Cairo, Iran, where it is expected a will be for a period of twer.
he marines have dominat charged on the airdrome. the roadways from Bon Chungking reports fierce Egypt, somewhere, 11 is said complete accord will be reaty years.
a and are moving toward hand to hand fighting in the in the vicinity of the pyra ched with respect to the me Dispatches emanating he north. Other troops are streets of Changtch located mids, and was atteicos by thods to be employed for the Iso meeting with President Rooseve l re destruction of the Nazi Ag from Berne state the Gersuccess in Central China.
rther inland.
mier Churchill and Generali gression and the establish mans declare they have se simo Chiang Kai Shek. Thement of a lasting and equita cured a new secret weapon your last Hair was not satisfactory It is because you discussions covered, we are ble world peace General which they intend to lidt get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City told, five days from the 22 Chiang, did not take part in against England in reprisalarAarket.
to the 26th. ultimo ard re the latter conference as was for the Allied aerial offensig sulted in a complete accord at first thought.
We beg to call your attention to our remark of the bock between the nations to purof receip! which reads; spe the war in the Far Has This will must be paid at our office before tern regions until the Japane BROWNE ABRAHAMS the Oth, of the month se are compelled to submit to an unconditional surren Be so gcou as to comply with this request and do not der. The plan of action coVENTA DE MERCADERIAS oblige us in suspend our service, a step which Vo would much regret ta fake.
vers it is stated the conquest of all the Islands of the Pa DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR cific, occupied by Japan sinTRICA DE LIMON Apartado 362 ce the start of the first world war as also the territories LIMON acquired by them since the dice, in usd OC ve.
WS 700 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandItalyLeninNazismStalinWorld War

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