
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4TH, 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 AN APPROACHING NOVELTY IN MEMORIAM With much pleasure we will be conducted, propose pass the information that as to effect the local drewing COSTA RICA SODA in never loving Memory of a means of further aiding on the morning of the 19th. MAMMIE the efforts underway to about ten o clock, by means WATER FACTORY procure sufficient funds for of a public raffle in the city who departed this life on December 1st.
the purchase of a Red Cross Park. The numbers for the one year ago.
Ambulance for our com raffle will be placed in cir: Fábrica de Hielo y munity, some lucky person culation within the next few Dear is the grave where Grandmother loys will be afforded the oppor. days.
Sweet the memory which never will fade Refrescos Blossoms may wither, leaves fad and die tunity of winning a serie of Here is a chance to spend If others forget her never will we tickets for the Extraordin at least two colones and be Limón ary Lottery Drawing of the in line to win the tickets 19th, instant.
and at the same time be the MRS. LEONICIA BYFIELD AND CHILDREN. MRS.
BLANDINA MITCHELL AND DAUGHTER MR. The Management of the probable recipient of thous. FLORIDA ICE AND STANLEY BLAKE AND WIFE AND OTHER Red Cross Committee, under ands of colones at noot time.
whose auspices the Novelty it is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit LA FLORIDA the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon s, MADERAS AN IMPRESSIVE INVESTIDURE CEREMONY Barber Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave West of the City FABRICA DE HIRE Market.
It is a divine principle that transformed into a photo all human endeavours must graphic view with the semi RAFAFEL YGLESIAS CASTRO SCHOOL PRESENTED SPLENDID CLOSING be associated with God circle of Scouts facing the in order that the desired Commissioner and District EXERCISE aim at full success might be Scoutmaster, Mr. Adrian Directing attention to the co must be accorded the Batista, Mitzi Grau Haloobtained, for separated Mason. The interested onlo numerical status at this Jewel for having so success bos, Zulay Gutiérrez Cordefvom the eternal verities all okers included Messrs year closing Exercise of fully prepared the pupils ro, Marjorie Babb Hart, will be lost.
Daysley, Davidson, Be the Rafael Yglesias Castro who are the 1943 gradua Dolores Kelly Sinclair, MarIn keeping, therefore, rrick, Mesdames Lawren School, as presented in the tes. They are the following jorie Miller Clark, Emilia with this comprehension, fee and Adora Brown, ac Teatro Arrasty last Sunday Amy Aquart Green, Grisel Montero Mata, Ivonne Muir the First Limon. St. Mark companied by the children morning, it is an unparallel Ida Alvarez Perez, Marta Ricardo, Joy Murdock GilGroup of Boy and Girl of the Sunday School. With ed triumph.
Iris Rosa Pozadas, Elsa Bre more, Judith Mutis del Cas Scouts, prior to the ceremo don Alfredo Cañas, we gra Mrs. Blanca Rosa de Blanlines Taylor, Xonia Fallas tillo, Melba de la Peña Ho, ny of investiture last Sun tefully shared the special Noemi Rivas Arroyo, Irma day, attended «fternoon ser guest privilege.
LOSSES IN ALLIED AIR FORCES Thompson Humply and, Esviee in that Church. The The investiture by the In a statement before the over Europe, while those by meralda Wright Pecon.
Rector, the Rev. Commissioner, assisted by House of Commons, the Min the North Americans amo Is is desired that these Evans, who is also the Scout the Scoutmater, was magni ister of British Aviation de unted to 829.
Commissioner, penetratingly ficent. The honour of offi clared that from the 1st. of young people will recollect conducted the service. Fol cers of the troups was com January of the current year during the month of Nov on the first rung of the great also stated that they have placed their feet lowing his priestly discour, ferred on Sigismund Collins to the 30th. ultimo, the Ro ember just passed 13, 000 ladder of life, and will. se, the Scouts solemnly pro. Jack. Edward Westney yal Air Force, with bases in tons of bombs had been dis in a short while, be on the mised, indivi illy and col. and Harold Clarke. With England, had lost 2, 189 of charged over Germany, stage of action doing the fectively, on their, honour defitting solemnity the Com their machines in operations while those which fell in work of women. Their sucto do their best to performmissioner delivered his final England totalled only 120cess will depend, largely, on their duty to God and the words and admonition, and marching off to pay tribute tons, State; to help other people, in turn extended the highly to the ranking officials of.
their qualifications which will be the result of what at all times, and to obey the appreciated courtesy to the the city. first, to Colonel Scout Law.
they have inculcated duting writer to address the Scouts, Esquivel, our We At the close of the divine who was followed by Mr. of Police; then to the Gov: Commander English Tweeds Sergs their years at school.
Rite, the smooth lawn in Alfredo Cañas. The Troop can still be heret hope it will be possible for ernor, don Abel Robles.
front of the Rectory was gave a short exercise before Reasonable Prices at all of them to establish outBoth officials gracefully JACK ORANE Sucs. standing careers in whateHumononumunam acknowledged and returned THE PEOPLE HOUSE ver sphere of activities they the cordial salutation.
Limon decide to dedicate NOTICE their efforts.
It was may, Aacross all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG Caribbean Packing Co. P. BOX 523 Teléfono: 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JIO SE Charges Reasonable Precio: Módicas CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER ANOTHER NAZI SUBMARINE SCARE Quite an alarm took wings of the Southern Republies, a few days ago when it was with cargo and a number released that a Nazi under of passengers, water craft was known to After drifting for several be on the warpath some hours, the survivors were where in the waters of our rescued by a passing ship, hemisphere. As it turned and the injured and badly out a ship was torpedoed nerve. shocked ones taken and sunk by the submarine, to Colon for medical treatwhile on its way from one ment. According to the report, the attack on the ship was effected at right time SALOMON CHIN when many of the passeng strada ers were in their berths, and LA IBERIA characteristic of the Axis ruthless warfare, without Abarro es y Licores the slightest waming being Precios Económicos given We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOYT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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