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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4TH 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a at a a are new ENEMY BEHIND VITAL ISLAND KEY TO EUROPE MAORI ATTACKED FOR HITLER Hanging like apendant from LIBERATION 13 HOURS the tip of the Indian Peninsula, The costliest Victoria Cross Hitler stands ceylon is anatural base from alone, waiting which to exercise naval and air ever presented is now in posseIt was by Malta endurance ssion of the family of the late for the zero hour, the real Battle control over the Bay of Bengal and the gallantry of The commanding oificer o British Lieutenant Te Moana Nui a submarine which was forced of Europe, which will be the and the Indian Ocean. The An arms by sea, air and land that Kiwa Ngarimu, whose winning remain submerged for 36 ho greatest punitive expedition of daman Islands and the south we have held the koy to Africa of the award at Tebagagap, Tu, in Mediterranean waters all time. Behind him, awaiting west corner of Burma are their grim chance, are the pe moren a and the key to Europe. For this, nisia, was one of the most gall was depthlcharged for 13 hou plea he has reduced to little more than 700 miles away, and to evert from the garrisonant episodes of this war. It is is awarded the worse while the northwest tip of the horor of becoming than slavery, watching with cold Sumatra ties just 1, 000 priso che first ever award having completed 10 success miles ners of war, a heavy price has ed Maori and the patrols in submarines in hatred in their tyes and ven from here. Island stepping stones ben paid. not least in the sacri investitude held at Ruatoria Central Mediterranean geance in their hearts and in to the southwest link Ceylon fices made by the Navy.
on New Zealand east coast time he sank two large ene their minds the knowledge that with Southeast Africa and Ma.
unique ceremonies marked the supply ships, probably sa the our of Hitler doom appro dagascar, contributing to the Malta, a lone speck, has been occasion of that milestone in the another large supply vessel, a aches. There are the organized importante of Ceylon as abase standing sentinel in the Mediter history of the Maori people. Ten damaged many more.
armed forces of the enslaved for the air patrolling of the ranean, flying the Union Jack thousand Maoris were brought On one patrol Lt. Roxburg!
peoples, that ultimately will act Indian Ocean. Trincomalee, in and the red and while Maltese there from all parts of the do submarine penetrated a stro nthe rear of the Axis hordes, the northeast corner of the flag, fighting back, ever undaun minion by steamer, train, bus convoy escort and from und atacking at just the right mo. Jisland, has o ne of the best ted, 60 miles from Axis territo and military lorry nose a cost to the of zig zaggi ment and delivering the stab in anchorages in the Far East, ry, 000 miles from Gibraltar the New Zealand government destroyer torpedoed alarge su the back that will prepare the whilewhile Colombo, in the and nearly as much again from estimated between 80, 000 and ply vessel. The escorts imer way for the final reckoning.
southwest corner is a big com Alexandria, for three and a half 100, 000, joined in a joyous ditely started a noisy but In Bosnia Herzegovina and mercial port, with facilities to years, Backwards ard forwards celebration that rolled back the effective counter attack, whi Croatia the Axis had to use handle a large amount of ship has flowed the tide of battle for years to the days when the except for one short lull wh more than ten divisions to dis ping and supplies. Many thous the control of the Mediterranean. world happiest warriors were it is presumed they were pic lodge the guerrillas from a num ands of extra tons of rubber will whose sea? Malta never doubt a race that combined a rich ng up survi of the torped ber of towns. fierce guerrilla be produced this year to double ed the answer; from the fall of cultural background with canni ed ship, continued for over counter attack carried the battle the pre war figure. This will be France, when that country fail balism and the highest form of hours. The submarine cre almost to the walls of Sarajevo, accomplished by slaughter ed to provide the island air war chivalry with amazing stan hear more than 30 depth charg the main garrison town. The ene tapping of trees, with ruthless cover from Bizerta, to the battle dards of military science.
exploding in the firsthalf ho my lost more than 8, 000 killed; disregard for the post war effect of El Alamein that opened It was the ancestors of these of the counter. aattack. Wh the booty captured by the on the plantations. Bomb Alley for the Navy. khaki clad soldiers of the Maori (the attacks finally ceased guerillas included twenty GerFifty thousand or more CeyloOn Nov. 26 1942, when the battalion who, when fighting at submarine was only five mil man tanks. While this was going nese have joined the army or grey ships of the Navy escort famous Orakua Pa (fort) sent from the position in which on other guerrillas attacked in had torpedoed the enemy sh; the vicinity of Zagreb, the Croa navy or labor corps. East Afried four merchant ships to the back the heroic answer to can natve troops are, here in island unmolested. They were surrender demand: Friend, Dawn had broken by this tim tian capital, cutting communicafore and but the submarine was tions between it and the Adria considerable force. tall, deep. followed by a steady flow bring shall fight you for ever chested fellows bred to the tro ing relief. It was El Alamein ever. The Maori was joined by to remain submmerged tic coast, occupying several pics and now being especiallly that delivered Malta, but it is peaceful treaty and mutual res another whole day to ava towns and capturing an imtrained for jungle operations equally true that it was Malta pect in a brotherhood that is possible risk of detection mense amount of war material.
Supplies from Great Britain, that saved Egypt. Even in the maintained to this day, when enemy aircraft patrols. She Band cover the hole of Australia and the United States brief period from June to Octo Maori and Pakesa (white) fight rived back safely at her ba Greece, from the Pindus Mounare being accumulated. Bases ber, 1942, the time of Malta side by side in New Zealand without further incident, tains in the north to Matapan in being developed, among agony, the Navy maintenance dvisions in the Middle East and the south. They include hun them airdromes hacked of the island in the fighting ni Pacific.
dreds of army officers, the entire from the jungle, and old airne enabled our submarines, the On that day of investiture SAYINGS former police force of central dromes are being enlarged. and the Fleet Air Airm the Maori was again the Maori Greece and thousands of peas New planes have arrived and to destroy 75 and more of Rom of the past. Facial tribal marks ants. The National Bands also mor eare coming.
mel supply ships resources were painted on and rolled up The Red Army has becor have a navy. hich frequently The Wrens are here, women worth an army corps to that am European trousers showed under tempared and experienced.
catpures small Axis ships carr of the British Navy, and the bitious general.
Maori piupius (flax and bead morale has grown stronger, ying supplies. Hitler, looking Fannies. The latter group are over his shoulder with growing from East Africa and are mem forces of the United Nations in cloaks of warriors and maidens. an end to the Malta stands in the van of the skirts. and finely designed mat burns with determination to Fascists anxiety, seems to think that it bers of the Female Ambulance the Cetral Mediterranean. The The spirit of ancient tradition shal Stalin.
another 250, 000 and Nursing Yeomapry.
visit to th island on gleamed in their eyes and gave removed from France the under faces and new uniforms. some which, for its gallantry, he bespoetry to their language and We the United Nations, ground army would be too weak with lots of rank showing towed last Fasc to matter. But whether he gets year the George grace to their limbs. It mattered mand from the Nazi, appear almost daily.
Cross, is a resplendent climax not that spring rains had been and Japanese tyrannies uncs the mor not, the underground to the island gallant story. No unkind, that slushy mud was ditional surrender. By that army will be strong enough where coul his Majesty pre churned to liquid upon the mean that their will power when the day of scckoning FIT FOR VICTORY dawns. It certainly seems to possence among his people and fight marae (tribal meeting place. resist must be completely sess one of the main essentials, walk to day through the streets where could a Royal visit raise small ing men be better deserved; no The day was spectacular. In the ken and that they must gic weather boardcottage themselves to our justice a good system of communicaof Bristol or Birmingham, Glas deeper emotions of gratitude and that is the Ngarimu home. mercy. Mr. Churchill.
tions. not only inside France gow, London or Plymouth. You pride, for loyalty has been one the hero grandmother day but also between France on the will see workers on their way of the outstanding inspirations dying, upheld only that she The United Nations are su one hand and Britain and North to field or factory, soldiers mar of the populace and Carrison should hold in her band the tantially agreed on the gener Africa on the other ching to their training ground throughout the years of Axis Victoria Cross before the end. objectives for the post R. men on their way to attack and siege.
That night Moana WHEN YOU FEEL Ngarimu They are also agreed that t: and airfiel, wardens going to father stood at her bedside and is not the time to engage in their Post. You will see the hou held toward her the LIKE GRUMLING small international discussion of sewife, too, her children by her DOGS AT WAR Maltese cross inscribed For the terms of peace. The al Just remember.
side, busy on the task of mainValor. The old lady who had. important thing now is to One home out of every five taining the home life of a na.
known days of fierce tribal on with the war and win it tion.
combat and rigorous Maori President Roosevelt.
in Great Britain has been daThis is Britain at war. Look During the past eighteen wars, reached out her wrinkled maged or destroyed by air raids More than 44. 000 civilians more closely at these men and months some 5, 000 dogs have hand touched it briefly. coils are hurled into the air, ai have been killed, more than women. You will find them sober been offered to the Services on proud smile crossed her face. either entangle the confident.
Each one is to day ex loan for the duration. Their Now am happy in my grand dive bomber or force it to ta attacki: 50. 000 injured.
uert in his war labour, sure of success in guard duties has led son. she said dand closed her avoiding action, and thus sp.
No one in Britain can buy vic. to an extension of the scheme eyes forever.
more than 250 worth of meat himself, sure of eventual the accuracy of its bombing. tory.
and more are now required to per week; more than two or land out of 37 occasions wh three eggs per month.
These are people who are well keep the training schools suppli NEW SECRET the apparatus has been guard secret use fitted for victory. For four long ed. They will Two out of every three perthree aircraft have been defini sons between 14 and 65 work years they have given their best military installations, arsenals, ly destroyed, four have probab full time in the armed forces, in times that were the darkest air fields, dispersed aircraft and Another British weapon has sufered damage, and at lea civilian defense or war indus in British history. To day, with war factories. They have been tries.
found a most valuable aid in the come off the secret list. It is seven were forced to take ave victory in clear view, they are known as the Parachute the same cool, determined folk detection and prevention of pil Cable Apparatus. and in one ults, but it is known that ni, and ding action. At sea it is, of re Seven of every ten boys or girls between 14 and 17 are who looked defeat in the eyes. fering and they affect consider or aircraft have been destroye doing war work.
The problems of peace will call able economy of manpower, The period alone it destroyed ships from damage by aerial while at least 35 ships for this same confident determi best breeds for guard purposes attack. This is fired by hand. been saved from damage by ha Past Governor Grady nation. No one can doubt that are alsatians, airedales, large pistol or by agun mounted on terference with the Kauffman enemy it will be forthcoming.
bull terriers and boxers.
la tripod on a ship deck. Wire attacks.
men were New King а Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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