
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE con1 n u ia DI Bi es os Unless we get the upper hand of ur low desires, they will run away with us down the road to ruin. We need a strong purpose to do theright if we are to win Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 Year IX Limon, De sember llth. 1943 NO 402 THE LAYING OF SOUND FOUNDATION SIDELIGRTS OFTHE WAR WORLD WAR APPROACHES CRITICAL PHASE Truthfully has it been said that when the Speculation is rife regar throughout the same bor Japanese air units effectfulness of time arrives all things become possible.
ding the results of the con der. lines, and taken ot ed an attack on Calcutta last So it has happened that after many years of etreference President Roosevelt her precautionary measu Sunday when 500 and Premier Churchill had res against any aggressive were injured and more than nuous efforts, a new day has dawned for the Cacao recently, in Cairo, with Pre move.
a third of them died. Dama producers of the Atlantc Zone of the country by ident Inonu of Turkey. It has been stated that age to military objects were the coming into being of the Cacao Co operative The belief exists, general call has been issued for the said to have been insignifi Association.
ly, that if Turkey does not enlistment of one million cant.
In the Teatro Arrasty, last Sunday morning, actually participate, shor more men in the Turkish a very spirited meeting, headed by Messrs. Raul tly, in the war on the side army as of the first Januaof the United Nations, she ry next. The regular armed Velazquez and Fernando Asch was held for the will accord them certaim im forces is supposed to The Japanese High Com principal purpose of electing those who shall conHortant concessions for sist of only 900. 000 men. mand has admitted the loss stitute the Managing Personnel of the Association furthering the expected of The situation is said tooi 159. 000 men, including during the current period.
fensive against Germany have produced the greatest the killed and wounded, 137 by way of the Balkans. Ger concern in Bulgaria Very effectively Mr. Velazquez delivered the and ships of war and 1, 200 airpla many seem to be of a some Hungary where the govern nes since the attack on Pearl preamble and treated on the salient features of what similar opinion as the ing authorities have been Harbour the important project from both governmental and Nazi High Command are holding special sessions of agricultural viewpoints. He was asked several perifrushing large numbers of their respective Cabinets.
tinent questions by many of the agriculturists imen nad material to the An unkconfirmed report present and his replies were unanimously acceptBulgarian and Grecian re declares sanguinary encoun In reprisal for the killinged.
gions adjacent the Turkish ters, have ocurred between of a Nazi soldier, the German frontiers. Turkey has, at Turkisk and German troops authorities in occupation re Among those in attendance were Messrs.
the same time, established along the the Bulgarian cently placed a fine of a Brtton, Edwardo Hart, Ismael Murray, Farqua state of military alarm frontier.
sum, equal to about three harson, Paddifoot, James and Prendehundred and eighty thousand grast. The elections resulted in the following being If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you dollars, against the city of did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop West of the City named the Administrative Staff: President, Mr.
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Edword Hart of Estrada, Siquirres; Vice President, ALLIED ARMIER DOMINATE PRINCIPAL WAYS TOWARD ROME Mr. Horacio Prendegrast of Estrella; Secretary, 411 Mr. Pddifcot of Puerto Viejo; Assistant Secretes that the Allied armies a be descending from mountary, Mr. James of Matina; General Manager, It has been offically repre about to initiate a new tainous slopes in the western Mr. Raul Velazquez.
leased that forces of the offensive on the plains that regions, and an important Egath Army ware engaged This long discussed and vitally important Aslead to Rome, while the Ger vattle is momentarily expecsociation is now duly inaugurated and at the serviin fierce fighting with the ted.
os Germans, who are furiously mans are fighting under rece of our Cacao producers. We wih it every posThe Germans are said to endeavouring to detain their treat in a frantic effort to sible success.
advance which has placed avoid a decisive battle. Ho be inundating extensive ter them loss than thirteen ki wever, British and North ritory to impede the slove El lometers off the important merican forces are said to ment of the Allied troops.
port of Pescara. The BriBROWNE ABRAHAMS go tish soldiers are also said ris to have established a new SECOND CENTENARY OF THE ARCHDIOCESE VENTA DE MERCADERIAS isi pos tick on the other side ue of the River Moro, where OF GUATEMALA DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR bo, they have repelled every effort of the enemy to re Tomorrow, Sunday the, during the three hundred Apartado 362 pi capture the lost territory.
12th. will witness the inau a gecial act of thanksgiLIMON On their part the Fifth guration of the festivities ving to God for the many ia Army are contining their connected with the celebra benefits bestowed by Him ez advance by way of the tion of the second centenary of during the two hundred do mountains, where they ha the creation of the Archdio years of the life of the Arch NAZIS THREATENED WITH ANOTHER DISASTER er, ve dislodged the which diocese. In response to the cese of Guatemala, enemy en from nearly the entire then had jurisdiction over invitation extended our Ar Intensifying their activi announcement states that region of Mount Camino. the other countries of Cen chdiocese, Costa Rica will ties in Ukrania the Soviet the Russians are advancing Jú They have also suggeeded tral America.
be represented by His Gra three directions in ther de in obtaining possession of The outstanding feature Jose, His Lordship the Bisce the Archbishop San Troops are reported to have in broken the German lines in Dnieper surve, and have oca or the whole of Mount Maggio of the festivities will be the several places and to have pe cupied several the fortified ie re, except the northwest ex hop of Alajuela and His Eucharistic Congress which netrated deeply betwen Sme German positions and nume a tremity.
Lordship the Vicar Aposto la and Znamenka, threaten rous districts will be in progress from to에 An advice from Argel sta lic of Limon.
ing to isolate two large ene In the salient to the west my units The menace does of Kiev, the Germans aret u atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back bo que dice: of receip! which reads: not only affect the forces in said to be utilizing more than This will must be paid at our office before the curve of the Dnieper, it 1, 000 tanks, aided by powex jarse en la oficina dentro is said but the entire army ful formations of bombing the 10th of the month días de cada mes which operates as far south planes, in their effort to re Be so gcou as to comply with this request and do not as Odessa.
cláusula y evitarnos la pena capture the strategic posi ok lige us to suspend our service, a step which The Russians immediate tion.
cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
objectives is supposed to be The important enemy forti the railwal leading from Liofication of Znamenka has ELECTRICA DE LIMON to Odessa the key of all bean captured by theRu the Nazi communicating sys sians.
tem in Ukrania. An official te OS 0se in пе se תר rePANIA ELECTRICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyNazismSovietWorld War

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