
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th. 1943 DOLORES en las On the evening of Monday COYUNTURAS Píldoras De Witt para los RIÑONES Yo VEJIGA 00 attend APPROACHING Las CAFE HOLNESS Corner 2nd. Avenue ard 7th. Street Pildoras De Witt directly in front the Football Ground.
We have arrived at the school closing period of the alivian rápidamente This New Eating and Refreshing Sport current year. Many have al ready terminated the yaar is now at the Public Service los labours and their students COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD and scholars adequately treat AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRE ed, while others are now fol ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
lowing in harmony.
we ZMER the 13th instant, the closing CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMBULANCE FUND exercises of the Alpha Cotta Los dolores en las coyunge School, under the direc FOURTH LIST turas y en la cintura le intion of Mr. David dican que sus riñones no Total received up tothird List 3205. 55 normalmente.
Dr. Oscar Pacheco 150. 0C son, will be staged in the Hall funcionan Banco de Costa Rica 100. CC silver collection ear marked Estos órganos están inactiMoisés Kader 50. Og of the St. Mark Parish. impurezas y venenos, al no vos y permiten que las Donations of 00 collected by Brenes 94 00 to provide a treat for the ser eliminados de la sangre, No solamente eliminan las impuFrancisco Urbina 10. 00 children will be taken at the se alojen en los músculos rezas y venenos, sino que también Maldonado Hermanos 20. 00 y coyunturas.
entonan y fortalecen los riñones.
entrance. All are invited.
Dentro de las 24 horas de haber Donations of 1, 00 collected by Westney 20. 00 Estos venenos (especialmente el tomado la primera dosis de Pildoras Donations of 1, 00 collected bg BBrotherton 43. 00 On the following Monday exceso de ácido úrico. si no so. De Witt, la orina se tornará azulada.
Donations of 1, 00 collected bq Collins 23. 00 evening, the 20th. the depo rápidamente eliminados del orEsto demuestra que el excelente ganismo, pueden producir doloross antiséptico que contienen las PilDonations of 1, 00 collected by Rason 30. 00 minational Rally, sponsored inflamaciones reumáticas. Para De Witt su acción la Donations of C1, 00 collected by Clarks 11. 00 by Miss Sarah Cummings, combattito el mal, es preciso llegar de propia raíz del mal: en los riñones.
inmediato a su Cuando sus rifioncs hayan recupeDonations of 1, 00 collected by Mrs. Daysley 12. 00 as a medium of a school closimiento deficiente de los riñones.
rado su actividad normal, esos dolores Donations of 1, 00 collected by Mrs. Gray 15. 00 Las Píldoras De Witt se elaboran en las coyunturas, punzadas reumátiing effort, will be presented especialmente para corregir la inactiRonald Goud 00 cas y deprimentes dolores de cintura vidad de los riñones. He aquí por desaparecerán. Además, como la Luis Carazo 00 in the Hall. It qué son tan recomendadas para causa de sus malestares habrá sido Juli Montero 00 is undesrtood that the Young dolores articulares, reumatismo y climinada, usted podrá contar. com dolores de cuatura Bartolomé Montero 00 People listed on the entertain algo más que alivio temporario.
Fernando del Barco 00 ing programme, are quite Hernán Salas 00 ready and fit for the Go.
Abel Cruz 00 It is also mentioned that ihe Manuel Marín 00 are Ha well Repocialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo, Lumbago, Delore e las rvey 00 representatives Coyunturas y Trastornos de los Rionen Riley 00 known Go getters everythJorge Montandón 00 ing points to a real pleasvra Dr. Guido Casorla 00 ble night for those who Coward.
It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit Market.
Totat 848. 55 THE MAN INSIDE FIFTH LIST The evening of Tuesday, Are you pefectly satisfied with your position in life? Are Total from Fourth List 3848. 55 the 21st. is reported set for you enjoying life to its fullest and greatest extent truly Northern Railay Company abundantly? If obstacles seem to prevent you from attains 500. 00 Sindicato de la Cia. Bananera the closing programme, em 50. 00 ing the heights, the freedom from worry and strife Santiago Chabberlain Zeledón 50. 00 bodied with a well prepared and the enjoyment of perfect health and happiness, you La Legión de Maria de la Catedral 50. 00 coicert by the Director, Mr. are not mastering your own life. you are not using the The Schools of the city (Additional donations) 30. 55 Abbott and the schopowers that reside within you. Let the Bosicrusians help you Paşrual Ingiana y hermanos 25. 00 lars of the Seventh Day Ad in solving your problems. Send for the beautiful book The Avelino de la Pena Sucs.
25. 00 Mastery of Life. It is Free. It will instruct you as to how Avelino de la Pena Sucs.
ventis School in this city The 25. 00 you may obtain certain natural methods and thereby learn Sindicato de Zapateros de Limón vary now admļission fee of 25. 00 Just fill out the to use the power of The Man Inside.
Sindicato de la Northern Railway 25. 00 fifty centimos will be charg Coupon below and mail it.
Loyal Phoenix Lodge 2 25. 00ad to assist in providing a New Hope Lodge. 2364 920. 00 treat for the children GIFT BOOK COUPON Donations of 1. 00 collected by Mr. Westney 20. 00 Scribe Donations of 00 recepts 214. 217 Serie 4. 00 Rosicrusiam Order (A MORCI.
FRESCARIA MAYO Antonio Salaverri y Brigida Ni 00 San Jose, California, Philip Booth 25 Miles. The Abaca Cen. 00 Please send me a free copy of the Mastery of Life.
Mrs. Alberga 00 ter Fresh and pure Frescos am sincere in wishing to know more about the James Alberga 00 of all kinds prepared to meet Rosicrucians and their teachings: Miss Matilde Henry 00 cold or warm Season. Meals Name iss Ferming Rivera 00. Sand wiches and othee Address Yanuario Rivo Eats cooked with rich fla Total received to date MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS vour. Here the honsewives 744 TO can buy fruits of all sort al WORKSHOP OF QUALITY NEW HARLEM BAR AND Gilbeto Calvo so a large variety of vegetaTrosurer Red Cross Aux. Committee bles from Cartago AND ECONOMY. Everyth RESTAURANT. The Best vember 30th. 1943.
ing in machinery made or arinks prepared by CrawWATSON. HAPPY GO a ford and Grant, Genuine LUCKY. WILL ALWAYS repaired, from a Pin to Crane, See us. We carry an native and foreign liquors SATISFY YOUR TASTE assortment of Beds, Springs stocked Our Cusine service and other useful things at the most up to date.
THE ORIENTAL BARDER all times. Building Nº 89 Crawford and Grant, ProSHOP offers the Public North Fifth Avenue, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Located in front former Thompson, Proprietor.
Motive Power Club in Srd.
Se Compra of Boards and other Lumber in Avenue is the new parlour CABINET AND UNDERTAK of the only Oriental Bar: HIERRO DE ING SHOP. Specializes in mak CEDAR and LAUREL ber Shop in this city. All sa ing and repairing furniture and SEGUNDA MANO nitary arrangements. Bar every other branch of woodLowest Prices in City der with years of practice work. Coffins always stocked in all classes of the Hair See us before going elsewhere con poco uso Prices moderate. 4th Street, Almacén Cutting Art. trial will NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
entrance to Gamez Lumber convince the most fastidious Yard.
San José Proprietor Lunes Die. LUMBER YARD GAMEZ Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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