
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th. 1943 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINAS Two Young Citizens Co pilots on Wedlock Ocean Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER No words of ours can a The bride being associadequately repræsent the ted with almost all the au impressiveness associated xiliaries of the Church, adwith the matrimonial cere ded much to the ceremony.
mony and reception of She was met at the entranMiss Edith Blake, daug ce of the sacred edifice by hter of Mr. and Mrs. the Servers, while she reEustace Blake, and Mr. Ar clined on the arm of PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR her nold Roper, son of Mr. and father, who gave her away Mrs. James Roper, These in marriage. Her train bea two widely regarded young rens, the tots Rubena Mc citizens became co pilots on Sam and Guillermo Miller, the matrimqnial ocean, as followed; next were the Flo was witnessed in the St. wer Girls with exquisite Mark Church at the early baskets the Misses Grehour of six on Sunday the tel Blake and Norma Davis.
5th. instant.
Her sisters, the Misses Ivy and Hilda were, respecti vely, her Chief and Assistant. They were escorted by AMONG THE BAPTISTS Mr. Sydney Gray as Bestman. The Bride was attenTomorrow, Sunday the ded, in addition, by several 12th. the Baptists at Mati lases attractively attired na will celebrate their 1943 bows fastened scoatteringly Harvest Thanksgiving Ser over their gowns and adorvices with the long establis ned with harmonizing pink!
REMEMBER hed divine worship and at veils. The combined Church ternoon entertaining pro and Pheilharmonic Choirs gramme. Friends of the de tributed the ensemble with WE PAY THE BEST PRICES nomination in the district the rendition of appropriate and vicinity are assured a hymns and a rich anthem.
hearty welcome.
The solo, Perfect Lovet was effectively contributed. by Mrs. Doris Gray.
table, presided over by Mr. PEARL HARBOUR. ITS SECOND ANNIVERSARY The Women Federation as Attired in her princess Jos. Thomas. Eloquent sociated with the Baptist de gown of rare organza with and humorous were the eu When in December 1941, out the old World and the the nomination in this city, will two rows of crystal buttons logies contributed by the Japanese struck Pearl United States and the other give an hour of special musi in front and resting on a sa parents of the newly weds Harbour, great lantern mar Americas out of the Western cal and elocutionary items tin back crepe baekground and many of the guests. ches and other forms of Orien Hemisphere. They have since demonstrations of joy realized their terrible mistaon Sunday the 19th. instant the Bride made a pleasing letter of congratulation was tal commencing three presentation. Her fancy whi sent by Mr. Johnson of must have been manifested. ke. At this time, two years at o clock in the afternoon. As te slippers were furnished Estrada. The very delicious The treacheous act was, we after the Pearl Harbour the function is being held with two heart shaped a wedding cakes were made feel confident, demanded by atack, we see them, every for the definite purpose of dornment. and her silk tul by Mrs. Mary McKenzie Hitler in an effort to deprive where endeavouring to main laiding the less Jamaica le with a coronet of orange fortunate the stubborn and unyielding tain an effective defensive.
members of our human fatermination of the blossoms. Her bouquet was recep: British of the support they They have long since quitted mily on Christmas Day, an of tube roses mixed with tion the happy couple, acwere receiving from the Unitheir offensive activities And companied by several of admission fee of fifty centi lilies and tropical yulan.
ted States of America, and onthe Far Eastern battle mos will be exacted, and The nuptial knot was tied the guests, took the troley so aid the realization of the fronts the United for their new home at Bana Natiers Evans, we are sure a very generous by the Rev.
dream for a New Europe do is are registering such outstart response will be given the who proponded, pxaisew nito, where Mr. Roper minated by the Berlin Dicta ding gains that it is felt it manificent effort to afford orthy, comments the employed. The presents we tor and a New Asia controlled wont be long ere the Japa a medium of cheer to the magnificent qualities and re numerous and of a very choice variety.
by Japan. In other wods an nese home territory is attack deserving ones.
religious activities of the Axis Empire in the Wested and the final battle bebride. The chief ushers weand a Shinto Empire in the gun. On the Soviet fronts This is the particular sea re Messrs. Clarence Sankey SOME RECENT DEATHS East; a scheme which called the forces of the Nazi are son of the year when the and Herbert Charles.
for the partition of all Asia, have realizad their inability hearts of all should be filLed with good will and a At the conclusion of the The following persons who including India, between the to secure the victory and are zenuine desire to fulfil the ceremony the ensemble pro were asssociated at one time two new Empires. Hitler endeavouring as best they Union livine injunction it is ceeded to the Hall werel with this Zone, are reported attack on the Soviet can to save their men from more blessed to give than two hours were spent to have died recently in the was probably inf uenced to complete annihilation.
Co receive.
Tround the sumptuous feast San Juan de Dios Hospital, a certain degree by this plan. Wmmuna San Jose. In their scheming the tota 0000000000000000000 SALOMON CHIN 00000000000000000000000000 Bolivar Solis Mata, a 15 litarian daethers ammitted, ho Estrada CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING year old youth, who had liv wever to give thought to the that they LA IBERIA Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee Lenind ed in the Old Line district, important fact Abarrotes y Licores that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit and was the son of Patroci would first have to succeed he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present nio Solis and Trinidad Matain knocking Great Britain Precios Económicos and prospective Clients.
He died on the 27th, ultimo BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST Engracia Navarro Delga WORKMANSHIP do, 42 years of age, a former WANTED resident of this city; She en REASONABLE PRICES tered the institution on the RAILS of 15, 18 or 20 pounds 21st. September last and died We manufacture Caps of all Designs on the 24th ultimo ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT Pedro Viales, 30 years of in good condition DEALINGS age, formerly of 25 Miles, He Excelsior Advise quantity, price and where may be inspected to Tailor was admitted to the hospital CLIFFORD STEELE on the 13th. May of the pre Front of British Pharmacy Apartado 54 Limón, sent year and died on the Limón Seeno. STATERASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHGRO 24th. ultimo.
on aEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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