
BANCO DE COSTA RICA PAGE 10 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th. 1943 Shop West of the City Maket, UNI For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon Barber Shop for a Hair Cut ar Shave. West of the City LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MANANA SI UD FROM LIVERPOOL SABE AHORRAR Liverpool has at last been; We much regret to meni favoured with publie tion that. Adolphus Campfreight platform, a long felt bell, a youngman of this COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL necessity. The villagers a district, having suffered re jubilant for being affor an attack of illness during ded the use of a proper pla the earlier part of the curce for the receival or dis rent year, had to go Sar jo patching of their freight of se for special medical treat every description. They aiment We are now in receipt (Sucursal en Limón)
dopt this medium to tende of the sad information that their most sincere thanks to his illness has developed to REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA the Management of the a very alarming degree. We Northern Railway Compa sincerely hope he will be LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO ny also to the Atlantic able to overcome the mala Voice which so effectively dy and be with us for ma aided them in their appealny more years.
for the accommodation Correspondent YOUNG PEOPLE CONGRESS PERSONAL In keeping with the ef youngsters to the Hali in The Atlantic Voice ex HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA forts of the Salvation Ar order that they may hear tends a hearty welcome to my to instil the principles, some of the things so verydon Luis Aragon, who reCity of Limon of noble living in the minds essential for good charac cently returned from the of the Young, a congress Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
ter building.
neighbouring Republic of will be held throughout the Panama, after successfully day tomorrow, the 12th. dif It has also been announ terminating a Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms work con ferent hours being assigned ced that a farewell gervice tract. We wish him a hapSpecial Dining Room Service to the representatives of will be conducted on Mond in gay tafeta with pink some of the other religious day night, the 13th. on be py reunion with his family WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE denominations who will be half of Captain Lilett Tho and numerous friends.
AND FOREIGN LIQUORS participating. As it is men mas who is in receipt of tioned that no denominatie Wavelly Gifdeus. Several We are also pleased to ERNEST CECIL LEWIS nal or creed distinction will entertaining items are lisnate the presence of Mr.
be associated with the Conted on the programme and Edwin Campbell, who has gress, Major Lynch has ef many guest speakers will returned from a trip abroad.
BERLIN ANNOUNCES NEW AND FORMIDABLE fected special appeal be present we are told. The His renewed association WEAPON that parents and guardians friends of the Salvation Ar with our Community life will. render the fullest co my are assured a joyous will be very gratifying.
From Berlin comes the an mans are constructing large operation, by sending their welcome.
nouncement that the Ger concrete platforms in the north of France on which COMELY WEDDING English Tweeds Seras altey are fixing guns capa The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts ble, it is claimed, of dischar that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar ber Shop. West of the City Market.
The marriage of Mr. Roging proyectibles weighing can still be har at derick Adolphus Heslop Reasonable Prices at twelve ton with a velocity of nean factories constructi ¡ng, tune montent in reprisal for and Mrs. Eva Brown Pal200 kilometers per hour.
a number of weapons, under the Allied raids which have mer, respectively, of the pa Thousands of men are said the greatest secrecy to THE PEOPLE HOUST be caused so much destruction rishes of St. Mary and St.
Limon to be emp. oyed in subterra bronght into use at an appor in Germany Catherine in the Island of Jamaica, was solemnized at Siquirres, in the home of the groom, on Wednesday the first of December instant. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. forde, Pastor of the Baptist DenoSMASHES PRICES STILL LOWER mination.
The Bride was charmin gly attired and bore herself Kerosene, bot 50 Lard, lb. 70 with dignity. Mr. Peter St. Charles Evaporated Milk. large STARCH, Ib. 60 Smith acted as Bestman tin 85 PALMOLIVE SOAP 70 and Mrs. Crowther At NIDO, powdered Milk, tin. 03. 75 WIRE SPONGES 25 len as Chief. The reception, Carbide, lb. 00 SWEET OIL, bottle which followed, though of 25 an intimate character BANQUET SARDINES, tin 65 OATS, 1b 60 mong the family circle and COFFEE, delicious, lb. 00 Sapolio 00 a few friends, was all that FLEISHCHMANN Baking PowCrisco, lb. 25 could be desired. The bride der, lb. 00 ROBINSON BARLEY, tin 25 and groom, who are very po TUNA FISH, tin 50 SHRIMP, tin 50 pular, were the recipients, FLOOR POLISH, tin 50 NUGGET POLISH, tin 45 of many presents. During the hours indulged in CAMAY SOAP 70 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, round the feast table, nuQUAKER Oats, tin 75 tube 00 merous and witty felicitations were showered on guaranteed also corrert weight, courtesy and fresh the newly weds.
We offer you not only lower prices, but merchandise The Atlantic Voice wis hes Mr. and Mrs. Rode LA PROVEEDORA Limón rick Heslop a very happy marriage life.
a PROVEEDORA aa. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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