
SATURDAY, DECEMBER Uth. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 IN MEMORIAM In Fond ond Never Fading Memory Caribbean Packing Co.
of Agustus Bowen.
produets with COSTA RICA SODA CACAO who left us for the Great Beyond Desember 9th, 1942 The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 3: May his Soul rest in Pleace Perpetual.
RAICILLA IPECACUANA EDITH SAMPSON RUBBER 356 COMMENDABLE MOVE We are Agents for At this stage of the with vacancies for countless world existence, when so others. We would have THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
much has to be done and been afforded greater pleaso many difficulties overco sure if the company had me, life cannot be left to been composed of a greater OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE take care of itself, unshiel number of youths, but as all ded and unproteeted. The the great oceans are augucry of battle is everywhere. mented by the little streams We must be up and doing, we believe that if the pre be ready for the fray. In sent number of able bodied this connection it was with youngmen are cared, nouris the greatest gratification hed, supported and regarA COMPLAINT FOR SAN CLEMENTE we beheld, a few after ded, numerical growth ig With the closing of the and other noons ago, the fifty or mo assured.
Commissary, which was cpc him.
the stalwart youngmen un This praiseworthy de rated by the Costa Rica Ba There is a wide yaning WATER FACTORY dergoing a serie of physical monstration represents, we nana Company at San Cle at San Clemente for the exercises in front of the proſ are told, the revival of the mente, and the occupancy Cacao traders of the city perty of the local Branch former Nº Limon troops of the place by a Chinese of Limon to effect more fre Fábrica de Hielo y of the Associa of Cadets, and is again un merchant, the inhabitants of quent visits here and so sa tion. The sigificance capti der the command of Mr. Ar this village are beiny sub ve the producers from the Refrescos vated as and forcibly brou Inold Grant, who recently reiected to the most disgrace wrong. doings of this Chi ght to mind the fundamen turned from a neighbouring ful and unprincipled treat naman. This state of affairs Limón tal principles of the Associa Republic. The disciplinary ment which could he esne under our very widely ration for the development of measures which are bound rienced by any civilized garded demodiatic system FLORIDA ICE AND the intellectual, moral and to be associated with the community. In addition to cannot continue. it requi physical faculties of the training of the Cadets elaim his profiteering activities res immediate rectification. FARM CO youths of colour.
fellowship with a wider in the selling of liquor and We appeal to those in autTt behoves us to admire range, and are highly essen general merchandise, he hority.
LA and extend our highest comtial and of abiding value. indulges in the use of the FLORIDA Sufferer NADERAS pliment toward the move. The Atlantic Voice ex filthiest expressions. His ge ment, which is destined to tends its warmest congratu neral conduct is reprehensiFABRICA DE HLO minister to the cultural and lations to all who assoeia ble. In short, this Oriental, physical development of Ited with the movement.
apparently, feels himself those already listed but the big Chief of San Clel mente. He pays no respect SUCCESSFUL DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMME to those things which repre sent Law and Order. Cogni NOTICE zant of the fact that there No the ightest indication is no other place here, wel of weariness was witnessed The Young People marve Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos re the farmers and cthers during the three hours utilillously interpreted the Neineering Requirements to de Ingeniería ditijase a can purulase their every zed in presenting the Salvagro Spiritual songs Couldn R. ROIG day necessities, he chastisestion Army Demonstration hear nobody pray. Lord them with scorpions; parti Programme which consisted want to be a Christian. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 cularly those who, through of thirty six items, on the Stral away and pray and SAN JOSE force of circunstancez, ha night of Tuesday the 30th. the plantation melody Old Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos ve to trade their. Cacao curtain.
Lazarus Captain Thomas. who headed the singing, was WITH THE METHODISTS: VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE The rain drops fell from marvellously admirable; she It has been reported thatele and Exhibition on Tues their regions at a time when excelled with the Morocco the Harvest Thanksgiving day evening the 14th of the ENTERTAIN TONIGHT the artistes and audienec we shakers. The recitations we Services and Entertainment, present month.
re comfortably seated and re interestingly delivered.
conducted at the Siquirres The outstanding. social good naturedly ceased much Particular accordance was ex Chureh on Sunday of last On Friday night the 17th feature, listed for tonight in advance of the fa of the tended the portrayal of the week, were entirely embrac instant, there will be staged in this city, is the annual eutain. 10 31 doialogues. Man of the ing and in the fulness of in the city Church, the clo festival of our Volunteer Worla. Growing and wel the spirit of the Festival. sing programme of the de Bombero Corps.
All joined, at the start of coming the Seasons Mrs.
The offerings are said to nomination Dayschool The setting will be in the function, in the singnig Henry and Miss Tomas have been of a highly ap which is under the Mana the Hall of the St. Mark of the soul refesking hymn were recpectively hear! in preciable quantity and qua ement of Mrs. Jessie Parish, and we gather an stand up for Jesus. which harmonious solos. The Army lity. The Reverend Wright and her able As appreciable number of our was followed by prayer by Band was a valuable asset Holmes was the officiatingsistant Miss Violet Stennett. prominent citizens will be Captain Libett Thomas. Into the entertaining feature elergyman. small entrance charge among the invited guests. his usual humorous manner of the night. The Major was for the benefit of the Chill We are sanguine the accus the Major effected the open the organist with the ex cep The Girls League of the dren Treat will be requestomed high standard, oring remarks ani also introduction of the solos, which were Estrada Church will celebrated. All are invited. perhaps greater, will be in ed Mr. Jos. Thomas as accomuanied by Miss. irene te their, yearly Sewing Cirevidence.
the preiding chairman, Campbell per Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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