p. 12


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11th. 1943 PAGE 12 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN SO a fact that the raf latest at leasen and training boses for shed up out of the hearts of the peo ending to the stony.
Three times since the middle One of the first messages the of the eighteenth century Berlin In the flames of burning Bersoline and oil have been saved The phenomenal ír. crease in Eighth Army sent to the Middle of has been occupied, but fin there can be read a writing through the ingenious use never British war production is now East Command after it had obon the wall. The prophet Daniel compressed air pumps after they damaged, by invading armies. generally known. It is not tained its footing in Sicily was translated the first words of the bad been struck by torpedoes. Please send us our Basutos.
Today the German capital reels generally known by what variety famous inscription, Mene, Me 52 year old William Lynn Nel amid smoking war destruction of ingenious means this increase The message referred to the air ne, Telel, Upharsin. as meaning, sous, figured out that if an such as it never has known since was achieved. The will to victory God hath numbered thy king. line were run the full length of Basuto members of the Auxi.
the day of its founding in the was the spur. it found mary Pioneer Corps liary African the dom and finisned it. This mo the vessel witly pumps thirteenth century. Airpower ways of expression. Total mobi writing says the same bow and stern, it would do the whose magnificent efforts did so will do a great deal more before lisation of man and woman por thing. It says it in paradoxical trick. His idea was to have air much to help the Eighth Army the first units of the invading wer was, of course, the chief.
Allied armies march through the But rationalisation of industry, based on total war. It has been a ship at pressure sufficient fashion. The Nazi kingdom is forced into damaged sections of on its victorious advance across North Africa. Squatting, waiting.
to capital of the Third Reich.
In redesign of component parts, in their tents on the sand in the short space of less than a and adaptation of existing machi. total war since Hitler took po keep out the sea. It has worked North Africa, the Bazutos who week Berlin changed from wer first, total war against often performing miracles. As nery and plant have also played take the utmost pride in their city that had only tasted bomb. a big part. Quality has not been who were naturally enemies of ker to be fitted with the comall civilized people in Germany, events turned out, the first tanEighth Army shoulder flashes, ing attacks to the most heavily sacrificed to quantity, but somes the Nazis; then total war against pressors for Government demon. Now we go forward to Rome, were overjoyed at the news.
bombed city in the world. Its times appearance has. Utility other nations. The paradox is stration was saved later when citizens have passed from the is the guiding principle in war to Berlin and to London. they that total war defeats itself. three torpedoes scored hits. The said. Next to being in our onun mental attitude in which they industry as in the home. One of vessel Britain could enduré, in 1940 pumps enabled the to hoped against hope they would Britain famous aero engine fac and 1941, a situation apparently steam 1, 200 miles to a port, where with the Dighth than anywhere.
country we rather be in Sicily be spared attacks on a blitz scale tories used to take as much pride more hopeless than that of Ger repairs were made.
to a sort of emotional numbness, in the finish of its products as Now they are in Italy hard on many today. She could sustain The second tanker to have the the road to Rome. Originally it They have been hit with a weight in their technical excellence.
als attacks that seemed to be Nelson equipment installed was was not intended to send them of bombs such as no city ever Now surfaces are left rough had been hit but worse than that where smoothness would the ultimate, though we now torpedoed with 12. 000 tons of serve out of Africa but their own en have proof that they were light benzine and kerosene aboard. So thusiasm and the insistent de is the realization that more is no useful purpose.
The most to come. The strategy and tactics unlikely and anessential looking can be done. She could bear up boat, which surfaced to watch could not be denied.
indeed in comparison with what thick were the fumes that the mands of the Eighth Army of the RAF remair the same as plants have been adapted to war under defeats by sea and land. the ship sink, finally had to subwhen the Air Marshal first pro purposes. factory, which used she could stand firm when she merge. Meanwhile the skipper of, like being soldiers.
Sergeant Mtepe says We all mised that the Allies would blast to make fretwork panels for the was almost defenceless. Power to the tanker had called the We don om. Germany until her means and fronts of pianos, is now making endure and to strike back came pressors into play, with a happy the sea. We think it is best to want to fly and we don like were detonator blocks filling ba a soldier on the ground. All ple: Mr. Churchill is a great The pumps have been used to tacks were made under what for yal Ordnance Factories.
The the Basutos are recruits enlisted man: his greatness in that crisis discharge cargo and also as merly had been called bad workmen, highly skilled, on the same terms as British are was his ability to reflect and emergency fire apparatus by weather conditions does not mean doing very accurate work, in focus the greatness of the com drawing up sea water. Air pres been trained for dilution to re troops. Thousands of them have the RAF will not also launch some cases to one two thousandth mon man and woman in Britain. suré has steered crippled tankers place European troops for work Right attacks when the weather of an inch. In another instance, Hitler and his associates con and supplied crews with a sub elsewhere. Matupa, for ás good. For while the weather a former prison has been cor vertrol what is probably the most stitude for steam in their galley. example, is a relative of over the target remains imported into a three storey factory, formidable the organization ever It is related now that as far tant, it is no longer so impor. Cells have been turned into Paramount Chief of Basutoland.
created to force compliance of back as August, 1942, the tanker He not only maintains discipline tant, from the standpoint of mere stores and works cai. teens and visibility. Ceiling and visibility electrical hoists and loading ways few. As far as we can see, they compressors worked well the many with the will of the Ohio only survived because her but sees to it that his people are on cared for may be zero zero and still at have been installed. Heavy bolts can put down any overt rebel an epic trip to Malta. One ship tacks can be made. Once fires and bars on the long rows of cell lion. They can puuish negative saved would pay for the instalare burning in several different doors are the only reminders of offenses against SAYINGS their regime, lation of airline pumps on the areas not too widely separated, this factory former purpose.
such as failure to work or failure whole British tanker fleet. It a well placed explosive will to make a show of enthusiasm. takes no more than a couple of create enough blast and vacuum You may rest assured, and But there their power stops. days to install.
to spread the fire over the unthe Germans may rest assured.
burned area and make a single They cannot evoke from the mass too, that there is but one single big blaze. Whether the destruces of the German people that SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR patterr. in the whole of the Al OCCUPIED EUROPE tion of Berlin will mean magnificent flame that was kin.
the lied strategy and that it is our dled in Britain three years ago.
LIVESTOCK OIL CAKES collapse of the Nazi regime is antition that every man, wo The last ounce of endurance, of another matter, but it is true man and machine shall exert that Berlin is important courage and of hope that will their whole force on the on win this total war cannot pos.
Due to the shortage of oils, slaught on the German citadel the seat of the Government, a Pole who escaped to England sibly exist in the country which the Imperial College of Science, producer of war goods and the of Europe. Mr. Herbert Mor recently brought with him a copy invented total war.
aided by the Ministry of Agri.
symbol of Prussian and Nazi do rison.
Polisni of a children under Berlin burns. The Nazi air culture, has experimented for The artinanoe. All those things are most striking thing called war has failed. The ground rewspaper. It is submarine three years in the production of about Africa today is the new important to the army physical ability to carry and the civilian Ladyblid, ard is probably the war has failed. Nazis, total war sunflowers for making oil cakes coriception which is slowly grow only children underground lacks the last reserve for victory for livestock. Sunflower oil is ability to sustain the war effort, mng up. People are no longer newspaper in Europe It is the dignity and splendor of the also used for soap and candles. thinking in terms of sovereign single sheet printed on both unconquerable human soul. The experiments have resulted ties and of flags, but the com sides, and lot of its which it has derided and de in the production of three varie mon action and common inter NEITHER EAST NOR to telling stroyed space is devoted les of sunflower suitable for est. General Smuts.
children how to behave to the British conditions and a useful We are plannirg for attack WEST Germans. Here are some of the acreage has been grown this Any stocks of food can accu instructions which are given DUTY mulate must not be used for in Don look at passing Germans.
creasing our rations here. They them Don rush to show the SERGEANT ACTED Rotarians, who believe in goud must be labelled Food for at We took on this task because tack and be jealously guarded will, in friendship, in peace, way. Don assist them to mend want to take you back to their bicycle tires Learn duty and honour called us to it, the for the great tasks that lie because the Germans want you to and we are content to strive on his knee smashed by a cannon Though in terrible pain, with embattled prisoners of Bataan, ahead. Lord Woolton.
where 7, 000 American be stupid. Good learning is as at it until we have finished the shell soldiers from a German fighter, Merely declaring an oper fought side by side with 75, 000 important as good fighting job.
Sergeant Austin John Sergeant town makes no difference what When Mr Churchill spoke at the fight engineer, said nothing. ever. It would be rather like Filipino troops. An American against the Germans. Learn pa.
triotic poems and recite soldier would fall, and the first them Quebec last week he gave the He gritted his teeth and hop raising the white flag while con whenever and wherever you simplest and most fundamental ped from one wounded member tinuir. the fight. It is not what one to rush from the lines to pick him up and rush him to the can. If the Germans ask you reason why Britain took up binding up their injuries.
the enemy declares, but what he to do something take as rear lires would be a Filipino long arms the demands of duty. When the crippled bomber, is doing, which matters. Lord Four years have passed and great holes torn in the wings by Simon.
soldier. Filipino soldier would over it as you can.
fall and the first to pick him up we are still travelling along the lak and one engine dead, could If the Germans send you on path of duty. To forecast was no longer keep height, it and rush him to the rear lines how the wounded flight engineer who would be an American comrade a message be sure to deliver the much further we must travelſ heaved everything movable over nothing Speak to would be vain. This is rather the side.
message wrongly. a picture unparalleled in His job was to get out the the Germans as little as possible, the time when each one of us Every movement was agony, dinghy and rescue the wounded history of the world. In the fox. then pretend not to understand must bend more strenuously to but he never complained.
holes, East met West and West German. In short, learn how the task set before us. This way He did it.
met East.
When the bomber landed with After four hours bobbing to pull the legs of the Germans and this way alone can our a thump in the sea and he was about in the Channel an airbor.
Carlos Romulo, Alders to by misdirecting them, and pre Journey toward lasting peace be thrown from one side of the nellfeboat was dropped to the General Douglas MacArthur tending to be dull.
machine to the other he still said crew.
as a year.
the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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