
ATLANTIC VOICE an was TO an are re. THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK There is a time in every man education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for beiter or worse as his portion; that though the wide world is Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 194 full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him, but through his toil bestowed on that ploi of ground Year IX Limon, December 18th. 1943 NO 402 given him to till.
NAZIS INTENSIFY DECEMBER THE TWENTY FILTH PREMIER CHURCHILL ILI, EFFORTS IN RUSSIA We are almost on the threshold of the twenty The battle for Kiev is still fifth day of the current month the day acknThe British Prinde Minister, Winston Churchill, is pogressing in all its violen owledged, throughout Christendom, as Chrisce. The German Command is reported suffering from tmas Day.
said to have launched thie attack of pneumonia. The Though it is clear this Anniversary will not lower of their armies in a official announcement find any of us fully contented, yet, on retros upreme effort to recover the made by the Vice Premier, Ciement Attlee, ar a session strategic position and re es pection, we will discover much cause for gratiof the House of Commons, cablish their winter line in tude and thankfulness for the ex manifold London.
he Dnieper. The latest 110 tude and thankfulness for the manifold The announcement has creatices, however, indicate tha: ted a profound impression the Russians, after having blessings bestowed on us by The Babe. who been obliged to make a ger at Bethlehem on that first and glorious throughout the British Comtreat, had resumed the offen monwealth of Nations, more Christmas Morn.
sive in the region of Ma in so as the whereabouts of the As we behold, on every hand, the determined northwest of Kiey and cap.
Pemier was, not released, efforts being made for the destruction of our though it is known he is not Tured various positions.
It is also stated that the Christianity and civilization; as we note the in England. He is said to be their widespread tribulation, the vast number of under the care of two noted discussed. The Minister of Soviets had launched specialists in addition to his Foreign Affairs, Sir Anthony winter offensive in the Lenin. souls being hourly swept into eternity, we personal medico, who left Eden, seem the most likely grade and Zhio sectors in must admit that the world is, today, more he curve of the Dniper, England with him for Cairo party, as the opinion prethan ever, in urgent need of that Peace and and Teheran.
vails, we gather, that the Chey were also stared to have Goodwill wihch was the The me of the Angels As this is the second attack Vice Premier, Attlee, is not defeated the enemiy is the distinguished Britisher of the required personality to attack against their strongsong. And while true happiness is no where, has suffered this year, much fil the position, nor posses hold, Kirovograd.
we ca, nevertheless, tune our harps in keeping expeAfter concern is felt regarding the sed of the necessary disorginazi13 the with the moral excellence of the Yuletide, and defenses to the outcome, and the question of rience in international poli. enemy north proclaim the glory God in the highest, re alve of Smo, the Sov. ets a probable successor is being tics.
ported at the suburb of that anex to do all we can for the good of our fellow importart center o eur: creatures, be more constant and sincere in nur To its numerous and much esteemed ations. Other Forces intercessions for Peace and implore the gift of Subscribers, Advertisers, Patrons, Well Wishers said to be successfully opt.
and the General Public Christ spirit, so we may effectively aid in ating between Cherkassy Enih south, the work which began in the Mander THE ATLANTIC VOICE extends its sincere wish for a BROWNE ABRAHAMS JAPANESE MOST JOYOUS CHRISTMAS STILL USE GASES VENTA DE MERCADERIAS IN CHINA DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR ON THE DIFFERENT BATTLE FRONTS Apartado 362 Japanese soldiers taken pri Allied Air forces under warriors under the command soners by the Chinese, admit LIMON the command of General of General Tito, the Nazis according to a Chungking re Mac Arthur recently real are reported to have launch port, that tear and snceze ga IF your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you ized incursions of unprece ed a new offensive with ses are still being used by did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
dented intensity against six divisions. The fighting is the troops of their country various strategic enemy po said to be most violent in on the battle fronte in Censitions in the Pacific tral China.
Allied Forces Accentuate Advances in Italy war west Bosnia.
Faced with the increas Jajanese Sergeant. ta 356 tons of bombs and ng menace of an invasion ken prisoners in the region Continuing their activities forces are said to have grea174. 000 munition charges by Russian forces, the Ru west of Honghow. stated against Ortona, the veterantly improved. From the time were released over the zone manian authorites are eya that his compatriots troops of General Montgome of forcing the passage of the reacher a of Arawe and the adjacent cuating the port of Odessa possessed of other inore toxic about six kilometers southpoint river Sangro, the Canadians islands west of New Bri on the Black Sea. Entire gases but had not had the have taken 2, 000 prisoners.
west of this important positain. Serious damage was factories are being disman opportunity of using them.
Hitler is reported to have tion, while the fifth army, in named also effected on the Japa tied and the machinery and According to this soldier Vittorio Mussolini, violent encounter, have son of the ex Premier of nese objectives on the Is other valuable war material statement, the Japanese re succeeded in capturing a stra lands of Pilero and Kumbun tranferred to other points sort to the use of the tear tegic hight and launched Italy, Chief of the Republican the Reich, and as well as at the port of in the interior of the coun and sneeze gases when they intense attacks on both sides Fascists in charged him with he formaGastama where 28 tons of try.
endeavour to capture stub of Mignano.
ion of a new ita ian army to high explosive projectiles On Sunday last a force bornly defended. positions With the marked intensias may be possible of the were dropped.
of 49 Japanese planes at or to break through a bleck fication of the aerial forces, 400, 000 Italians held prisoners It is believed that an in tacked a North American ade.
the operations of the Allied in Germany.
tense attack against Rabaul, aviation camp in west Chiimportant pass of is imminent, whose conquest na. Fourteen of the machiBremner, the principal route INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES vould destroy the Japanese nes were destroyed and 19 for communications between defensive system to the damaged. On their part, the Box 186 SAN JOSE Germany and Ita y, as also north of Australia, and ex North Americans made for the Exclusive Distributors, in Costa Rica, for the well movement of war pose Truk, their chief strong attack against enemy instalmaterial and troops has been known NUGGET products.
hold in the central Pacific, lations in various localities, so badly damaged by Convey to all their good clients and to the public to simultaneous attacks from between central China and allied aerial attack that it is the east and south.
Indo China, and produced in general best wishes for a believed the Germans will In a further effort to de road material, airplane banot be able to use it during tain the successful opera heavy losses Merry Xmas. and Prosperous New Year among raila somewhat lengthened pe.
tions of the Yugoeslavian ses and other installations.
DEP were ry have a The an an MIN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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