
LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, December 18th. 1943 warm of reAN ILLUMINATING SCENE dren, now adornsehe scene.
NEW HARLEM BAR AND That spot, somenwhere Splatt, along with their During the evening of RESTAURANT SERVICE in this city. to those who parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
last Saturday, an exceedin(Lower Floor. Building)
knew it a few months ago Brotherton.
gly pleasing company, who Extends the mostcordial Greetings and sincere now represents the magThe spot, where previous included the Rev.
Thanks to its wide patrons and Friends for their nificent triumph of capital ly stood a building, delapi Evans, the Rector of St.
and labour, as promulgated dated in every aspect, has Mark s, took words of blesgreat co operation; and, in the mountime, the by our wish is extended for widely esteemed been cleared of its debris sing and cheer to the family young citizens Mr. and Mrs. and illuminated by the very and homestead. Into every Merry Christmas and praiseworthy architectural apartment paced the Rector, Prosperous New Year: SALOMON CHIN and constructive abilities of followed by Mr. Daysyessel Our annual special Yulet de Service and cozy ESTRADA Mr. Charles Roden and his ley, who bore the accommodation are assured.
asskstants. LA IBERIA containing the water which delectable was sprinkled as the dedidwelling, admirably fitted Precios Económicos CRAWFORD AND GRANT Abarrotos y Licres out as the home of Mr. and catory symbol and harmonized with the solemn interMrs. Splatt and their chilcessions. At the close of It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit this ceremony very delicious For Music and Unexcelled Services get Market.
refreshments were served and the air, in turn, charg LEBERT BROWN AN ed with the essence of the HIS ASSOCIATE MUSICIANS congrats and eulogies.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA We sincerely tender our richest Thanks to our widely esteemed patrons throughout the public Frente al Mar. Ciudad de Limón for their magnificent support to our Orchestra, FRESCARIA MAYO and adopt this opportunity to wish them a Muy Bien Situado 25 Miles. The Abaca Center Cuartos frescos y Confortables Fresh and pure MERRY CHRISTMAS Frescos of all OFRECEMOS: Comidas Especiales, etc.
kinds prepared to meet cold or and PROSPEROUS 1944 Season. Meals. Sand LOS LICORES QUE NECESITE wiches and other Eats cooked LEBERT BROWN Entre Nuestro Magnifico Surtido de Licores with rich flavour. Here the hou del País y Extranjeros, se wives can buy fruits of all sort also a large variety of vegetables from Cartago.
IN HARMONY WITH THE YULETIDE ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Our desk is adorned with that ary guest in possession Propietario.
WATSON. HAPPY. GONovelity in the form of an in it can afford to absent. The LUCKY. WILL ALWAYS tation, artistically folded in a litt ann versary falling on Sa.
SATISFY YOUR TASTE butterfly design. The upper ceu. turday, the airy and very spate bears the wordirg. Best cious Hall and the anticipated wishes for. then, in a sent prezding of melodies by the IN UNBLEMISHED REMEMBRANCE THE ORIENTAL BARDER arch, shape, appears the names Wollfamed Rivers. de Orchestra SHOP Crawierd and Gouldbourne pre al e. ha eng measures to The approaching date of Tuesday the 22nd. instant sent their compliment and at endsnes of the invitees. will make the fourth anniversary since the death of Located in front former Mog. ust the pleasure of your com In the same Hall, Messrs. our sincere and dearly loved husband, Son and Father tive Power Chab in 3rd. Avenue pany at a Christmas Night Dan Crawiod and GCouldbourne ll is the new parlour of the only es to be held at the Liberty Hol. be at the entertaining end Oriental Barber Shop in this on December 25th. 1943. Orches of th. Biz Frize Quadrille Dancity. All sa nitary arrangements.
tra Riverside in attendance. The te on the first right of January (A Barber with years of practice in tated btterfly wirgs are gre. which they have named Vic.
almost instantly killed at this post in all classes of the Hair Cutting ced wth the greetings A Voart. Mr. Lebert Brown December 22nd. 1939 Art, trial will convince the Merry Christmas and a Prospe his terry Boys are slated Nothing can make amend for the loss of so dear a most fastidious, 2013 New Year.
da dish out the quadrille and one. The grief and sorrow still remain in our hearts.
so appealing is this Novelty. 16. ambers, Since four years ago thou hath gone in the grave, LIONEL MONDOLL that does not seem possible nothing can rob our darling from our recollection.
Proprietor WIDOW. PARENTS. CHILDREN WORKSHOP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY. Everything in machinery made or offers the Public TIENDA LA BARATA repaired, from a Pin to COMPLETE ASSORTMENT (LIMON)
Crane, See us. We carry an assortment of Beds, Springs of Boards and other Lumber in Se compiace en saludar a su distinguida clientela and other useful things at y desearle unas all times. Building Nº 89 CEDAR and LAUREL North Fifth Avenue.
FELICES PASCUAS Thompson, Proprietor.
Se Compra MOISES KADER, SEÑORA HIJOS HIERRO DE NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The Best arinks prepared by CrawSEGUNDA MANO Select your Book in a well established Book Store which can be ford and Grant, Genuine no other than the native and foreign liquors con poco uso stocked Our Cusine service the most up to date.
Almacén Crawford and Grant, CABINET AND UNDERTAK Tomás Fernández 150 VASAS NORTH OF THE HOTEL COSTA RICA. SAN JOSE ING SHOP. Specializes in mak This ested clients the best assortment of Books on Science, Art and Industry: ing and repairing furniture and San José Kaiss, Novels, the Biographies of the Frrat men was also the insuperable Poeket, every other branch of woodesa. Cetare Coʻlections which serve as an Exclusive Agency, Austral, Primor and work. Coffins always stocked otrar collections by she best Authors, Dictio varius. English ani Amenrican books are also Se os before going elsewhere ro at prices which do not admit competisoru Prices metterate. 4th. Street, entrance Gamex Lumber TIPOGRAFIA LA TRIBUN NORRABADO Boz 2044 TELEPHONE 5858 Yaru. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Tanager.
SAN 205. COSTA RICA Lunes Die MICHAEL SMITH LUMBER YARD GAMEZ a LIBRERIA WATSON Antesso de CONSUE KAJOS DIIMPRENTA PM Contamos con mejor Wayak lokale ங த பகரக க Apartade 1217, Teden 2016 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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