
Saturday, December 18th. 1943 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINAS now einted for Sunday, the 16th. HOLIDA PROSPECTS EXCEEDINGLY GLOOMY Harvest In tendering our Sincere Thanks to our many MERRY CHRISTMAS 1943 Patrons and Friends for your continued support Thanksgiving Service PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1944 THE PEOPLE HOUSE SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET SHOP It has been announced thar. JACK ORANE SUCS. due to ury favourable conditions Not much to say to our highly regarded patrons, the Harvest Thanksgiving Ser.
Wish you all a only, to express our heartiest good wishes, combined vice, which should have been Merry Christmas with Thanks for their patronage during 1943 and conducted by the Guiding Star and a Lodge of the Independent Ordex hope for the same cordial dealings all the years to of Good Samaritars and Daugh. Bright and Prosperous New Year come. Accept our fullest desire that Christmas ters of Samaria, on Sunday the brings you every Happiness and the New Year. instant; it every success and Prosperity: January proximo BECKFORD AND ASSISTANTS.
The service will be held in The rire continu to fall at this Many of the things planned the Limon Lodge in front of the time of writing, and the reports have been nipped in the bud on Salvation Army. Friends are oming in from every angle indi. acoourt of the incessant showers asked to keep this date ir mind eate the approaching holiday as well as the interruption in An Addition to the Brown Chickery Families in order to favour the Samari prospects are exceedirgly gloo our railroad transportation systans with their presene.
It is with sinere pleasure we tally, the gift was delivered two my.
tem while businessmen and mention that an others anxiuosly await a change addition bas days after the second anniterbeer effected to the for the better to attempt some chickery families. On the night Mrs. Claude Browr. Brown sary of the marriage of My, and at least, of the activities unsually associated with this Season.
of Thursaday the 9th. instant THE CARIBBEAN PACKING CO Mother and babe are reported the visiting Stork deposited large percentage of our workmen!
a in good health. We daresay Mt.
extend their heartiest good wishes to their Friends Serm Brown and his mother, who are are also doomed to disappoint precious package, in the the Cacao Farmers and Rubber Producers mint, as durirg the passed seve. Mrs. Miriam Brown. Coineid. jubilant over the good new, of a baby girl, in the care of at the Carmen Commissary, are for a val weeks there has been a decided slump on our water front MERRY CHRISTMAS and no immediate improvement is view. Even our more faMERRY CHRISTMAS 1943 voured ones will experience set.
and BRIGHT NEW YEAR: AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 1944 backs in connection with their Not gilted, but genuinely sincere is our wishes to our family requirements due to the Tack of many of the essential many ardent customers and Friends who have not CHRISTMAS 1943 articles.
failed to patronize Conditions along the line JACK FLAG STOP RESTAURANT wish you ail a happy planted by God in man. Can twons are no bettor; in fact, we gather, they are much worse in We adopt this measure to express our desire that Christinas. Does it not seem we doubt that it must be many instances, by reason of they may be the recipients of all the Joy nad a strange almost an ironic the will of the Lord that the overflowing of rivers, irun Happiness at Christmas and abundant Blessings wish, in the middle of all this work of the devil dations, and the destruction of for 1944.
the distress which is afflict should be destroyed? crops.
SIGISMUND COLLINS. LUCILLE MOORE ing the world? These are Saint Paul, at the elose times when the contrast bet of the splendid cighth chapര മര ര മകരര മര ween the old Christmas tale ter to the Romans, does not and the world, as we see it, ignore tribulation or disseems more than one can tress or persecution or fa Following the lead of the the project, the Minister onese, whose blood was freely Costa State, don Carlos Jimén Or. maniving the furrows of a rew bear.
mine or naked ness or peril United State of America How can we hear the or sword. On the contrary, Rica Executive Authority have tiz, stated the time ad auch world civilization.
requested the National Cess for a peneral Tevision of the It is expected that the appro.
ingels song of peace and he summons all these things to approve a proyect of law for concepts on which the imaniga val will be forthcoming.
goodwill in the din of stri and compels them to give the repeal of all the restrictions tion the immigration laws of Our Sister Republie, Nicarafe? How can we find a place way to the triumph of his now in existence against Chi. the Republic are based and gua is said to be also taking the for the Holy Child, coming question. Who shall sepa nese immigration.
suggested that a start be made stpes neccesary for the elimina in His divine innocence, in a rate us from the love of In his communique covering by paying homage tz the Chi. tion of the same restrictions.
world darkened by a vaster Christ? He is persuaded mass of misery than perhaps that none of these things has ever been known, and shall be able to separate by the sin which has creat us from the love of God it? Nay, how ein we which is in Christ Jesus our slate to Him our own share Lord. That persuasion is this awful war? Yet, if the secret of the inner peae think quietly, the force ce, the security of the soul the contrast is blunted. which He came to give. It all PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR the Christ who came at abides, it overcomes ristmas was manifested that the world at any time it He might destroy the may bring against it. And rks of the devil. Are we because it may be yours seeing a counter mani even at this present time, station of a truly demonic wish blessed rce of evil? The thing is Christmas.
vil not because it is strong or because it threatens us, James Evans.
but because it affronts the Rural Dean of Costa Rica eternal laws of goodness im Panama.
Costa Rica to Remeve Restrictions Against Chinese Immigrants Limón Trading Company you all a Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER 1943 CHRISTMAS. NEW YEAR 1944: THE PEOPLE BAKERY The Soasons come and go, but our profound gratitude to our many customers and Friends is ever fresh in our recollection. We adopt this medium to extend them our sincerest wishes for a REMEMBER Joyous Christmas and a New Year Ripened With Prosperity: PHILIP BOOTH AND FAMILY.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Grad Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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