
PAGE 10 Saturday, December 18th. 15.
AUTORI IN FOND MEMORY LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD SABE AHORRAR On the fifteenth of the month in course my agony and grief was stirred onew by the arrival of the an niversary date when the icy hands of death were lain on my dear beloved wife COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL MARLINE NELSON BANCO DE COSTA RICA But O, beyond this ahdow land Where all is bright and fair, We ll clasp our hands once again, Where we shall part no more.
Edward Matthias Nelson (Sucursal en Limón)
ре With the vent yet opened in our hearts, we remember LISTED FOR NEXT WEEK The Hail of the local Branch the gloomy day of December 11th. 1941, when deatla Having terminated the venth Adventists in this city the Universal Negro Impro robbed us of our beloved Companion and Fosterbe Father year task in the classrom, on the evening of Tuesday vement Association will and as a means of sending the 21st. instant. All are as graced with its first Yuleti de festival en Monday evenoff the scholars with chears, sured a few hours of appro ing the 20th, when the deno a rich programme will, we piate amusement.
minational Rally, sponsored Dead, but not forgotten are told, be staged in the hall by Miss Sarah Cummings. absent in body, his great will be presented the repre soul lives on. We hope to meet again when the mist of the day school of the Se has rolled away.
sentatives are said to be fu o Shop MARION GOLDON AND SONS lly posted with the histories. West of the City Maket, For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber associated with each Cread, the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon and their efforts will be aug Barber Shop for a Hair Cut ar Shave. West of the City (mented by the singing and CAFE HOLNESS reciting items of the scholars of the promoter school Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street We are very hopeful that a directly in front the Football Ground whols nearted support will This New Eating and Refreshing Spot extended the deserving Marta Pacheco Villalobos, widow of the late Atis now at the Public Service torney Albino Villalobos, by this medium, advises all cause persons who may, at this time, have pending judicial or COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD other business matters which were being transacted by AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME the said Albino Villalobos, that the Attorney Guillermo ON YOUR BILLBOARD.
Goebel Yglesias, who practises in this city, is underakBERNA, 17, UP. Según una ing the termination of such transactions and is hereby información del diario La Sulauthorized to effectcollections of such sums of money ze el alto comando alemán aca. War Victims Total Twenty Millions which in judgment of balances, an according to the ba de realizar una reunión secre.
ta en la que estudio toda la si.
documents in his powet, ar pear today, by discovery, for tuación militar y política a la professional services rendered by my husband, and to luz de los recientes acontecimien In an interesting article present world strugg. e, voceive the amounts and extend, in my name, the cotos. El diario expresa que Ro. Mr. George Chandler about ten million souls; the rresponding cancellations.
mmel presentó un amplio Infor.
me sobre las fortificaciones de that the most outstanding re among the Germans bei os litorales francés, belga, hosult of modern warfare MARTA PACHECO DE VILLALOBOS.
is placed at a total of two a landés y danés que inspeccions recientemente y que también se the terrible loss of civlian li one half millions, while consideró la posibilidad de que ves and proporty, as compar toll GUILLERMO GOEBEL YGLESIAS.
among the civilia Turquía entre en la guerra. ñade que se decidió que la pre ed to the military victims. Europe is estimated a Limon December 18th. 1943.
sunta arma secreta sea utilizada He places the military los barly more than ten பட en breve, tanto en Rusia e Italia como contra Inglaterra, ses, on all the fonts, of the But a small fraction o civilian losses is attib the direct acts of the such as aerial raids fights, a large majorit represented by the captured and shot by Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy zis and the greater qu being the victims of ili Condensed Milk, large 35 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, ment, cold. the systeme 45 privation of foodstuffs Lard, lb. 70 Grapes, lb. 00 mass executions, particula Banquet Sardines, tin 65 Crisco, lb. 25 in Russia and Poland.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin 50 Palmolive Soap 70 Sapolio The British losses are 00 ven a total of 400, 0000 in Vinagre, bot 40 Wire Sponges 25 ding the killed, the wonu Quaker Oats, tin 75 Nido Powdered Milk, tin 75 ed the prisoners and Floor Polish, lb. 50 Oats lb. 60 missing.
All Polish, tin 50 Coffee, lb. 00 Moscatel Wine, bot. 50 Brooms 60 Martinelli Vermouth, bot 10. 00 Starch, lb.
English Tweeds Se Baking Powder, 1b. 00 Carbide, lb. 00 Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Prunes, lb. 00 can still be had at Reasonable Prices at Cacao XXX, lb. 85. Cake Sand, ounce 50 JACK ORANE Suc.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Limon LA PROVEEDORA 60 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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