
Saturday, December 18th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE RING OUT THE OLD USHER IN THE NEW Caribbean Packing Co.
Highly appreciating the patronage of our deeply esteemed customers and friends and their assurance for continued support, there is augumented Joy to wish all a CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year: The Leading Furniture Store.
алата NOTICE Christmastide Services, St. Mark Church Sunday, December 19th. Sung Mass; p Sunday We are Agents for a. Holy Communion; School; p. Festal Even9 a. Sung Mass; p. song with procession.
Young People; p. Monday, December, 27th.
vensong and Carol Service. St. John the Evangelist. Tuesday, December 21st. a. Holy Communion; OFFICES: LIMON SAN JOSE. St. Thomas. a. p.
Christmas Carols Holy Communion.
and Nativity Play Angels SW. EX Friday, December 21th. at Bethlehem in Parish. Christmas Eve. 11, 30 Hall. Admission 50 cents. Midnight Mass and Pro Tuesday, December, 28th.
cession. Innocents Day. a. Volunteer Bomberos Anniversary and Investiture Admirable Success Saturday, December, 25th. Holy Communion.
Once again was the eye grati night coffee and tam nies attired broom and keep dancing. Christmas Day. a. Friday, December 31st. fied and the mind concentrated Some highly amusing atrac. until another victim released Lodge Service. a. Holy a. Holy Communion; on the value of the work of the tions were in ev. dera Among him. The Hall rack th laugther thinker as original also the them were two drawings, cach during this merrimert. The deCommunion 11. 30 Watchnight Service.
Sunday, December, 26th.
wonderful manner in which crea free. The first was ass greito corated effect was outstandingly Saturday, January 1st.
tive ideas increase turd multiply the ladies and fortune smiled en admirable with the palm fronds. St. Stephen. a. New Year Day. 6, a on ths occasion of the Volunteer Señorita Aida Vegas. šle gain and buntings.
Holy Communion, a. Holy Communion.
Bomberos Anniversary and In red a large sized doll. That for In th: front view of the plotfrom vestiture, in the Hall of the St. the gentlemen was aandian were majestically flown the flag: LA PROVEEDORA Mark Parish Saturday night, rubber tube and was gained y The Union Jack, The Bombero s, eight days ago.
don Hilario Cruz. The elitertain Costa Rica and the Star a11 Desires to express through this medium its wholeThe Riverside Orchestra kepting temperature was increased by Stripes, things aglow by the hearted Thanks to its esteemed customers and rendering the novelty dance and changing The Riverside Orchestra kept of several classical selections of ladies by th gentlemen, and the feet of the dar. cers on tie friends for their very generous patronage and to prior to the commercement of he who found himself with at a go until the wee hours of wish them the gala affair, Wher the hour lady had to cling on to a well morning.
arrived, Captain Noe Alvarado, Merry Christmas and New Year Laden the moving spirit of the Corps, பயபயம யம very efficiently delivered the With Prosperity: opening remarks. On the conclusion of his brilliant speech LA PROVEEDORA ke solicited the services of Miss Limon.
Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos Mindrva Abdelnour, the Godmother of the Systen, and Mrs.
ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase o AN noun UF MUSIC AND ELOCUTION Sergio Vindas, the wife of nur esteemed Dr. Vindas, to per In keeping with their an ary renditions in the local form the responsible of nual aid to the neediest at Church. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 assistirg with the ir vestiture SAN JOSE Christnias, and in order to It is hardly necessary This the ladies did in a vatty Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicns aument the funds requir for us to effect a special effective manner.
ed to effoct the Dole, the that everyone Laving a The following are the names HITHASHIMU Women Federation, as appeal, for we are sanguine of the honourees Colorel FulSome Recent Deaths sociated Pawith the Baptist knowledge of the marvel gencio Campos; Dr. Oscar Denomination, will checo Dr. Gustavo enter lous effort launched by the Rush; Mr. We are in receipt of the present mobath. He is said corge Munch; Mr. Alfonso Solé; information that the follow to have been the son of tain our publie tomorrow, members of the Federation Engineer Luis Carazo; Cap ing persons, who were con Phillip Julez.
Sunday the 19th. commen is ready to contribute to the tain Alberto Mutis: Dr. Hilario nected with this Zone, died Francisco Lopez Cerdas, cing at three o clock in the Cause. This, therefore, is Cuevillas; Dr. Guido Casoria; afternoon, with an hour of only a reminder.
Mr. Jorge Zeledón (transierred recently in the San Juan 35 years old, who once resspecial music and elocutionto Turrialba. Hospital, San Jose.
ided in Siquirres. He enterThe personeel of the Brigade Jilbert Julez, 37 years of ed the institution on the 5th.
The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cutado with a silver Star, decorated Captain Noa Alvara age, formerly of this city. October last and died on that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixwn Bar with a green band his adorned He died on the 1st. of the the 3rd. instant.
28 ber Shop. West of the City Market. OBROODGOVU y ars of service.
Sergeant Hilario Cruz, StCHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING Seu Dr. Sergio Vindas. croial El csoro Andres, Corporal Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee benind se Araya Firemen Alfre that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit do Cañas, Bolitar nes, Nashe has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present a City of Limon and prospective Clients.
cota, Noe Alvarado Jr. Jose Brones Ancelmo Scatt, Cerios Beautiotully situated in front the Sea.
BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST Corella José Chava. a. Caravio Sáenz, Mario Alvarado de WORKMANSHIP Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms ruel Ulloa, Humberto Olca, Raúl Cambror. ero, Gauloiryor, REASONABLE PRICES Special Dining Room Service Jose Solano, Jose Ballestero, We manufacture Caps of all Designs guel Fonseca, targ in WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE hert, Ramiro Campos, Fernando ALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT AND FOREIGN LIQUORS Fernandez and Ramiro Banez.
On the completion of this DEALINGS faeture of the celebration darExcelsior Tailor ERNEST CECIL LEWIS cing took command and win CLIFFORD STEELE Proprietor.
fit was associated delin: Front of British Pharmacy. Limón freshments and the ter OG ROIG task HOTEL MISPANO AMERICA eEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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