p. 12


Saturday, December 18th. 1949 PAGE 12 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN was onsever a iron ore THE FIRST REAL VICTORY SEAPLANE RECORD PRETORIA IS VAST TARGET BUSH TELEGRAPH Berlin, like all great cities, im.
WORKSHOP so OF THE WAR SAVED PILOT Air Commodore Bennett ports great quantities foods.
a civil air liner captain with Imtuffs and raw materials and exFor year ago last Monday, perial Airways before the war.
When an aircraft crashes The Union of South Africa ports much less bulky quantities three tiny British cruisers ob 1938 he set up a long range has two capitals. Cape town, at of more valuable manufactured a remote corner of tropical As Suited time most significant sea record for seaplanes, piloting Mer the southern extremity of the goods. The goods come in and can be redacht ber expected to remain victory of modern for days but cury, the upper half of the fa sub continent is the mother city go out both by rail and water. after fourtzen hours of attack nous Mayo two in one aircraft, and the seat of Parliament. Sin The total traffic to and from Ber a bit of it!
and evasion, conducted with from Dundee to South Africa, se the outbreak of war all co lin by rail and road amounted in When an machine summate skill by Commodore Henry Harwood, they defeated Mercury across the Atlantic.
In the same year he flew the astal patrol has radiated from pre war days to about thirty mil.
there with Port Elizabeth, lion tons a year. Its railways alo cently made a forced landing the German posketbattleship news travelled swiftly by He inaugurated the Atlantic East London and Durban as im ne make Berlin the most impor. a swampy district of Uganda Admiral Graf Spee off the pertant secondary ports. Cape tant centre in Central Europe.
Ferry Service in November that is to say telegraph Uruguayan coast. For his part Town is justly proud of the Berlin is of vital importance was shouted from village to 1940. He led a flight of and valour in the final disable Hudsons manned by personnel transport has been sunk off the of their Empire. It is by far the fact that not single troop to the Germans. It is the capital lage until it reached the own ment of the powerful enemy from Britain, Australia, South of a bicycle. Within fifteen pirata which already in three frica, Norway, Canada, and the board.
extended South African sea. largest city in the Reich. Indeed, nutes an African cyclist hd short months of war had sunk nited States which successfulthe Germans claim that it is the brought the news to the Distri third largest city in the world. Commissioner, told him that more than 50 thousand tons of y crossed from Newfoundland in Pretoria, a thousand miles to It has. or had in 1989. a po pilot and navigator were un allies merchant shipping in South snowstorm.
northward in the heart of the pulation of 400, 000 people. It is Atlantic waters, Commodore Thousands of aircraft jured and that the former was have Transvaal, is the administrati the second biggest inland har.
Harwood was kuignted and proince been delivered from Ame ve capital and has for many bour in Germany. Its huge het: s way to a village some mi moted to Admiral. and is now ican by the Atlantic Ferry Servears been the centre of military work of railways radiates to all vigator, who had remained wit distant from the swamp. The commander. in. chief of the rice. The Air Ministry have re training. Roberts Heights. also parts of Europe. Lastly, it is Mediterranean Fleet. Gra Spee with her six 11 less than half of per cent.
vealed that the losses have been known as Voortrekker Hoogte an important industrial city, for the aircraft, was quickly picke a few miles away, is the home about 2, 000, 000 of its inhabitants up. The pilot was later discove!
guns delivering 660 1b shells at It was Air Commodore Ben of the Union military college.
are employed in its works and red in a comfortable chair unde each shot, was first sighted by nett who, in an unarmed a tree drinking lime juice proy Until two decades ago, Preto factories.
civil Harwood own ship the cruiser flyingboat, picked up the ria was essentially a tranquil These facts have much more trict Commissioner wanted ded by the local Chief. The late Exeter, which carrying only Polish reader, General Sikorski, evil service town, famous ma significance than they would ha know how the pilot had active guins shooting 275 lb projec at Bordeaux two days after the inly for the incomparable Union ve in Britain. London is nearly at the village so quickly. If tiles had to rely upon her supe fall of France and brought him lis instailed its beautiful parks tain much smaller than Germany, he landed he had been surrod.
Buildings in which officialdom twice the size of Berlin, and Bripilot explained that the mome rior speed to give her the ad safely to this country.
and rose hedges, geological mu and yet the provinces in Eng. dad by some two hundred AS vantage in the engagement which He is the author of two text seum and zoological gardens and have a sturdy independence cans all armed with spears. The she immediately commenced Sur books on astro. navigation, and Fame also reflected on the Ca that the German states have for was a trifle nervous at first bl rounding the enemy with a hea in this fact probably lies the pital from its proximity to the feited. The huge steel plants of the Africans soon convinced hig vy smoke. screen she dashed in reason for his selection as the Premier Diamond Mine and the the Ruhr, the coalmines of the, that they wanted to help and and out firing rapidly and retir first commanding officer of the Witwastersrand Goldfields.
ing immediately out of range of Panthfinders.
Saar, the atrcraft works of Nu he set out with a bodyguard.
the superior nazi fire power. At remburg, the railways of Colog.
Vague allusions were made der walking a short distance teh same time, she wirelessed ne, the shipbuilding yards of in those days Pretoria rich was overtaken by an Africa Hamburg. all these have large cyclist who dismounted, handi the cruisers Ajax and Achilles reserves, but few and important administrative of which were in the vicinity, to port sped her forth with rous people realised what that imhim his bicycle and started come up and aid in giving the ing cheers, but they were to be plied and those who ventured lies in the new pretentious bull run on ahead. When one of the tietus to the pirate. Exposing cruelly deceived. Hardly had she met ith the frowns of influen.
dings of exploitation to advocate their tyres burst, another cyclist herself boldly to the enemy The city is the economic peared and handed over his ra left the harbour Waters when tial older inhabitants who would headquarters of the Reich chine to the pilot who rode on fire, to enable the two smaller she veered towards the Plate. cruisers to approach sufficiently estuary and to the astonishment toria ways disturbed by not have the even tenor of Pre industrial life. The coal mi to the vilage where the Chic into range to use their guns of all onlookers unloaded the nias of the Saar will not, of. warned by a third cyclist her infusion of industrial elements. course, cease to function to the best effect, Exeter con crew on to the Tacoma. Then Although only about six years Berlin is devastated as Hamit was expecting him.
tinued firing without ceasing, Meanwhile another body of and so well did the three Bri shook her from stem to series of mighty explosions old when war broke out. Iscor burg has been devastated; fricans. Members of the Na stern was able at short notice to pro but documents will be tish vessels hit the vital points and a huge smoke. cloud all but duce a hundred different types records will have gone, lost ve Administration Police of the German ship, that the shut her from view as she sank of steel, including high speed the gone to the swamp to guard latter after a day continuous own in flames. Thus did work of organising the dis aircraft. When, a couple of da the tool steel, necessary to meet engagement found herself forced German Navylose one of its armament requirements. The fant factories and plants will later, the pilot and the navig becore tor returned to the spot, the to retire into Montevideo harenormously most powerful units and Great Union armoured cars largely bour for repairs. In the course Britain give the death. blow to complicated found everything ready for produced at Iscor. became Berlin is of even take off, of their own initia of battle however Grap Spee one of the most dangerous pira. credit for the conquest of Aby importance as a centre greater famous in ve, the Africans had cut, clear of had succeded in tes that ever had harried peace: ssinia. To day all the small arms government.
yal and levelled a track 16 Exeter four gun turrets killful merchant shipping in German ing about 100 ratings and damagSouthern waters.
ammunition for the Middle East newspapers take their orders wide and over miles long, a ing the engine. room so that is produced there. The magni from tre Ministry of Propa had even made a small causew through the swamp to the Exeter herself also had to tude of the effort required from ganda. It is in the Unter den craft.
At first, the nazi broadcasters the once somnolent administra Linden, which is a mile long, withdraw from the battle, though attempted to delude the world there is no doubt that it was her into believing that Graf Spee sion in the manner tive capital to rise to the occa that so many of Germany she 18 gurs which caused the grea. had gained the victory over the needs no did, totalitarian policies are work After the war we must ina emphasising. It is ed out by an army of indus sure there is no retrogressi test damage to the Hun.
three British vessels, but when enough to say that she deliverea trial bureaucrats. It is from and we must carry forward Once in port, the Germans of her scuttling came the goods. What can be said of Berlin that the German with their usual arrogance de through, those same stations an Pretoria and its reaction to the med forces are administered. radeship and determination, ke ar the peace the same spirit of cop manded six days leave from the nounced that Hitler himsel had war applies to the Union as a selt Uruguayan authorities in There is, therefore, hardlying in the background this ignominious deed whole. What is more, the chana plase of German life in and sectarian interests. to. effect repairs, but after de because he pretended that the se over from almost pastoral tailed examination of the dama life of a single German sailor iranquillity to pulsating indus dustrial, military, social, gov William Jowitt, which will not ge, the Uruguayan naval experts counted for more than a Vesselrial activity shows every sing ernmental Deep revolt is brewing inske be affected by any attack on Germany, which must in the mad decided that forty eight hours whose construction some few of enduring after the war.
would be ample. The Germans years before had cost his deludBerlin.
be more catastrophic for Hitler Even if Berlin were not the and Nazidom than even the bor of course protested, and a com ed people the equivalent of promise was effected giving them eighty. five millon colones and capital of the Third Reich, it ror of the air by night. Of all 72 hours starting for midnight been the pride of the Nazi fleet.
would still be a highly impor the vast forces gathering for tant industrial farciat. The their doom not the least will lo of 14 December. Meantine the British vessels patrolled outside As a tailpiece capital has scores of factor the fifth column inside Germany, to this sad against the British ship and at lies and plants grouped into which represents the revolt yn the port limits in order to en specimen of German prowess, least have sunk with hnnour.
five distinct areas of the city. the German soul itself. Gel sure that the enemy prize should came the suicide of Captain The three British cruisers ra Smuts.
escape. With battle flags Langsdorf the commander of proved to the world that infe.
flying and her band playing, the Graf Spee. a member of riority in gun calibre and fire SAYINGS Let us never again take sos Graf Spee left port on the the former and more prideful power was not always an exact ty first for our watchword. But morning of 17 December, follow Imperial German Navy, who gauge of either victory or defeat There is no halding place at let us have faith that victory 15 ed by her supply. ship Taco killed himsel: rather than sur and that a great deal depends this point. We have now reached to those who are prepared ma formerly of the Hamburg vive the shameful scuttling of a upon the spirit of the crews and a point in the journey where take risks, and that to achio America Line.
vessel which he one of the few the ability of those in command. there can be no pause. We must the victory of man spirit ov Under the impression that the representatives of Germany Commodore Harwood showed go on. It must be world anarchy the dangers that beset it we nee German ship was sailing out to oldtime maritime spirit knew that the British Navy still has or world order. The Prime courage and faith to dare ar the battle, everybody in the could have rendered new battle her Nelson touch.
dare again. Mr. Att more the.
news order ordered not Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    AnarchismFifth ColumnFranceGermanyHitlerNazism

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